Why is Overwatch 2‘s FPS Capped?

Overwatch 2 has a default frame rate cap of 60 FPS on all platforms. This cap is likely in place to help ensure fair and consistent performance across the wide range of PC and console hardware that players use.

The Purpose of Frame Rate Caps

Frame rate caps have become a common practice in modern game development. Some of the main reasons developers implement them include:

  • Hardware Limitations – Matching frame rate to the display refresh rate (60 Hz or 120 Hz) prevents wasting render cycles on frames that can‘t be displayed. This reduces GPU load.
  • Optimization – A consistent frame rate simplifies performance profiling, testing and optimization across all supported hardware. Uncapped rates lead to wider variability.
  • Competitive Balance – Standardized FPS prevents differences in hardware from conferring gameplay advantages. Players compete on skill rather than expensive equipment.
  • Playtesting – Capping at 30 FPS or 60 FPS allows developers and QA teams to evaluate gameplay using typical hardware rather than high-end rigs.

Game engines like the one used for Overwatch 2 are complex software systems with many interdependent components. Maintaining a reliable, adaptive frame rate cap simplifies development significantly.

Player Choice and Customization

However, players understandably wish to maximize performance, especially for competitive gaming. The Overwatch 2 team allows users to customize or disable the frame rate limit if they desire. Players must weigh higher FPS against the risks of instability from exceeding their hardware capabilities. There are often optimizations to be made short of fully removing caps.

Frame rate caps in modern games like Overwatch 2 reflect the difficult balancing act between development practicalities, approachability for a wide audience, and enthusiasts wishing to tune every last parameter. The situation may not be ideal for either group, but understanding these needs can help find constructive compromises. My hope is to provide technical context both developers and gamers can thoughtfully consider and have meaningful dialogue around.

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