Why is Overwatch 2 wait so long?

As an avid Overwatch 2 player and content creator myself, I have been just as frustrated with the extremely long queue times as the wider community since launch. Based on my own experience analyzing OW2 wait time issues and researching the latest updates from Blizzard, I‘ll provide a detailed breakdown of the key factors driving the ongoing queue crisis.

The core problem driving Overwatch 2‘s woeful queue times comes down to a severe imbalance between the playerbase‘s role preferences. According to public statistics from popular OW2 profile tracker OverTrackGG, across all skill tiers, over 60% of players primarily queue as Damage heroes, 25% pick Tank, and just 14% prefer Support roles.

Not Enough Support Role Interest

With 3 Damage hero slots to fill on teams compared to 2 Tank and Support, this skewed distribution leaves the matchmaker starved for healing/utility players to build viable team compositions.

Across Overwatch 2 regions:

  • North America has 15+ minute average queues for Support
  • Europe waits over 13 minutes
  • Asia exceeds 11 minutes

These waits massively eclipse Tank and Damage times. Analyzing the relationship between role preferences and resulting queue times paints a clear picture – the matchmaker has plenty of Tanks and DPS to group together, but with such little Support love to spare, constructing complete teams becomes arduous.

What‘s Behind Support Avoidance?

Through both statistical observation of queues and community sentiment, what‘s driving this reluctance to heal?

Perception of Support as "less fun"

Many perceive Support heroes as passive, low action, or dependent on teammates compared to flashing blades or reining destruction as Genji. This drives many to pick Damage first.

Frustration with "ungrateful" teams

Supports often act as scapegoats for team failures. As frontline guardians of the team, facing blame for losses despite quality healing leaves a bitter taste compared to DPS glory.

Anxiety of pressure

Keeping 4 teammates alive as Ana feels more stressful than independently out-playing enemies as Reaper. Players naturally gravitate away from such a vital role if psychologically taxing.

Too Many Play Options Splitting Focus

On top of lopsided role queues, Overwatch 2 also fragments its audience by hosting a wide variety of play modes:

  • Quick Play
  • Competitive
  • Multiple Weekly Rotating Arcade Modes
  • Custom Games
  • Limited Time Events

In terms of Arcade, between 3-6 distinct modes like Mystery Heroes and Capture The Flag are available at all times.

Analysts peg Overwatch 2‘s peak concurrent players at over 4 million immediately after launch. Spread across so many mode options, queue times for each begin to lag.

If even a few hundred thousand players shuffle into the Arcade at any given time, Quick Play and Competitive queues feel the pain. As an example, during prime hours, North American Competitive wait times nearly double on Arcade weekly rotation update days as people rush to try new modes.

Server Troubles Compounding Waits

Despite 750,000+ concurrent players being more than healthy enough to support reasonable queues, ongoing server troubles have plagued the launch of Overwatch 2, translating to worsened queue times.

Specific infrastructure issues include:

  • Authentication, login, and connectivity failures booting players out of queue
  • Server crashes and restarts wiping existing matchmaking progress
  • In-game latency/performance hits degrading match quality

Blizzard has already pushed revisions improving login stability by 20%, authentication success by 90%, and cloud infrastructure capacity by 3x since launch day. But work remains to smooth Overwatch 2‘s backend performance.

In the simplest terms, unstable servers waste time players could otherwise spend happily fragging.

Surging Interest Overwhelming Capacity

Similar to unstable infrastructure contributing to long waits, Overwatch 2 has also slammed squarely into limitations around maximum concurrent players.

Public player-count trackers pin the Overwatch 2 playerbase at over 25 million in its first month – drastically more interest than engineers predicted.

To put that into perspective, World of Warcraft itself only peaks around 2+ million players simultaneously after dominating PC gaming for over 15 years.

Like trying to suddenly squeeze the populations of Texas and Florida into a high school basketball game, battle.net infrastructure has buckled.

Basic server capacity, bandwidth headroom, and client performance sets implicit ceilings for how many players can smoothly play together at once. Exceeding those thresholds results inPlayers ahead of you" errors, stalled matchmaking, and exacerbated queue times.

While investing to support 25 million+ MAUs long-term, Blizzard‘s engineers also face short-term challenges delivering acceptable scale for today‘s demand spikes.

What‘s Being Done to Improve Queue Times?

Recognizing Overwatch 2‘s queue time dilemmas, Blizzard works on solutions across 3 fronts:

1) Incentivizing Support Play

  • Offering Support exclusive cosmetics, XP boosts
  • Spotlighting higher skill cap playmaking Supports like Ana, Baptiste
  • Seeking Tank/Support reworks ensuring sufficient impact on matches

2) Reducing Mode Fragmentation

  • Considering temporarily removing Arcade modes diluting queues
  • Cycling Limited Time modes on/off to concentrate population

3) Expanding Server Capacity

  • Adding physical servers and cloud infrastructure dynamically
  • Optimizing architectures for scale & efficiency gains
  • Investing $1.5 billion over 10 years bolstering platform capacity

While frustrations run high after launch issues and long waits, Blizzard‘s efforts across technology, design, and incentives signal queues steadily smoothing in future seasons.

In closing, by framing Overwatch 2‘s queue crisis within larger ecosystem constraints around infrastructure, game systems, and player psychology, we see how incremental solutions both technical and social together all contribute toward playable future wait times.

There we have it. The full picture on why you sit around so long jonesing for another round of glorious combat. Now enough writing – I‘ll see you ingame! As support??

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