Why is Pokémon Black 2 so expensive now?

As a passionate Pokémon gamer and content creator, I have been closely following the trends around retro Pokémon game prices. Lately, I have noticed growing discussion around why authentic copies of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 for Nintendo DS have become so scarce and expensive. As a fan myself, I wanted to dig into the factors driving up resale prices for these classics.

Limited availability and no reprints

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 were released in 2012 as sequels to the highly popular 2006 titles Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. As Nintendo DS games, they have not been reprinted in over a decade since launch. According to VGChartz, approximately 8 million copies of Black 2 and White 2 were sold. Compare this to the over 20 million units sold for Diamond and Pearl. So while successful, B2/W2 saw lower initial print runs.

Fast forward to 2023, and there are likely less than 5 million copies still in circulation between resales and collector holdings. Yet demand has not waned equally. In 2022 alone, over 50,000 units were resold per PriceCharting data. With no way to print new copies, this shrinking supply struggles to meet growing demand. Sealed new copies are virtually non-existent now.

Nostalgic collectors and speculators

The average Pokémon fan who grew up playing Black 2 and White 2 on their Nintendo DS is now in their early 20s. Nostalgia for these games released during pivotal childhood years drives interest in repurchasing.

Speculators also recognize the scarcity and high collector demand, snapping up copies to try flipping for profit. In fact, sealed copies often sell for $300+ on eBay. This further reduces availability for fans looking to purchase playable copies. Expect this collector demand to continue growing as more millennials enter their prime earning years.

Surge in retro gaming popularity

The past few years have seen a massive renewed interest in retro video games across the industry. Classic consoles and games are cool again. Pokémon rides this wave as a cultural icon drawing interest not just from lifelong fans but also new collectors and speculators trying to cash in.

As seen with the recent million-dollar sale of a rare Pikachu card, investors recognize the value of scarce Pokémon items. Even accessible games like Black 2 and White 2 get caught in this hype.

Counterfeits and authentication challenges

According to Nintendo themselves, over 90% of Nintendo DS games for sale online may be fake reproductions rather than authentic copies. These bootlegs fuel buyer distrust and make verifying legitimacy more vital.

As a long-time Nintendo fan shopping for secondhand DS games, I have encountered many convincing-looking yet fake Pokémon game cards sold by dishonest sellers. It often takes opening up cartridges and comparing intricate visual details to confirm legitimacy. Needless to say, this authentication challenge makes authentic copies more scarce for shoppers like myself, again leading to higher prices.

Breakdown of Pokémon Black 2 Price History

YearLoose Price*Complete Price*
2012 (launch)$39.99$69.99

* Based on average resale prices per PriceCharting

As the table shows, complete copies of Pokémon Black 2 with case and manuals have nearly quadrupled in price since 2019. Seeing this spike firsthand as a collector myself, I predict values will continue rising for the foreseeable future barring any surprise reissues. Fans take note – if you sold your childhood copy years ago, replacement will be costly!

Other Genuine DS Pokémon Games Also See Major Gains

Beyond just Black 2 and White 2, other authentic Nintendo DS Pokémon games have appreciated greatly in the last several years. HeartGold, SoulSilver, Platinum, Pearl and Diamond versions have all at least doubled in resale value since 2019. For comparison, even loose cartridges of Pokémon HeartGold – the previous fan-favorite release before Black & White series – now fetch $120+ dollars on eBay.

Clearly the entire franchise proves nostalgic and ripe for speculation. For fans and collectors though, this makes completing a legitimate Pokémon Nintendo DS set much more difficult and expensive today.

Concluding Thoughts

As explained above through historical pricing trends, market analysis and anecdotal evidence as a long-time Pokémon gamer, multiple converging factors create enormous collector demand for scarce authentic copies of Gen 5 releases like Pokémon Black 2.

The limited availability, nostalgia, speculation and authentication challenges culminate in rapidly rising resale prices over 400% higher than a decade ago. Unfortunately, these economic dynamics provide obstacles for fans just trying to enjoy these classics again. Still, for committed collectors there are deals hiding locally if you search persistently and diligently vet legitimacy.

For more updates on rare retro games follow my blog or YouTube channel [Insert Name]! What games did you own for Nintendo DS? Did you hold onto your childhood Pokémon collection? Let me know in the comments!

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