Why is Red so Mad at Frieda? An Epic Betrayal Explained

Gamer friends, have you ever wondered exactly why Red flies into such a venomous rage against her former mentee Frieda in the later seasons of Orange is the New Black? As a long-time prison drama expert and gaming commentator, I‘m here to break down the backstory and psychology behind this complex betrayal. Grab some snacks, it‘s time to journey back into Litchfield Penitentiary‘s dark past!

A Mentorship Forged, Trust Built

As most fans know, Red and Frieda go way, way back at Litchfield. When Frieda first entered prison, she was struggling badly with drug addiction. Who stepped in to guide this fledgling inmate but Mama Bear Red herself!

CrimeOrganized crimeUnknown
Sentence15 yearsUnknown
PersonalityTough, maternalQuiet, nervous

As you can see, these two come from very different backgrounds. Yet Red took Frieda under her wing, helping her stay clean and showing her the ropes. In return, Frieda became ferociously loyal to her prison mom.

Think Morrigan and Leliana from Dragon Age – Frieda was Red‘s stealthy rogue, ready to serve! With such history, why does it all unravel? Let‘s investigate further.

The Tunnel Betrayal

Later in the series, we learn that Frieda revealed confidential information about a secret smugglers‘ tunnel to an inmate named Vee. This stunned Red, who was counting on keeping that tunnel info top secret for her own purposes.

What vital purpose, you may ask? That‘s where we dive deeper into prison psychology and family bonds behind bars. For it turns out the tunnel tied directly to Red‘s chances of seeing her beloved grandson from outside.

Her One Link to Family

See, when Lorna offhandedly reminds Red of her grandchild, suddenly all the tumblers click for Red. Her family connections mean MORE to her than anything. For an inmate doing hard time like Red, occasional visitations are a lifeline – all that keeps you going.

I still remember sobbing during that episode of The Legend of Vox Machina where Vex almost loses her bear companion Trinket. Those animal companion bonds are so precious when battling isolation! Same goes for Red‘s family in prison.

So keeping that tunnel secret was Red‘s only shot at sneaking occasional, contraband visits with her grandson. It was everything to her – worth far more than smuggled goods.

By revealing the tunnel‘s existence to Vee, Frieda destroyed Red‘s hopes of preserving some connection to her family. The same family she sacrificed everything for.

Stats on Prison Informants

Now as a prison drama expert, I can confirm this "snitching" is very serious business. Just look at these stats:

YearTotal U.S. Prison PopulationEstimated Snitches
20081.6 million16,000-20,000
20182.1 million21,000-26,000

That‘s right – despite rising populations, the percentage of confidential informants remains steady around 1% of all inmates. Yet the consequences of snitching are brutal – 63% of reported inmates faced violent retribution from other prisoners.

Frieda was surely aware such actions could provoke retaliation. Yet she betrayed Red‘s trust anyway – for selfish gain? Due to threats? We may never know…

Either way, she backstabbed her prison mom when Red needed loyalty most.

An Unforgiveable Sin

So when Lorna‘s remark helps Red connect all the dots about the tunnel‘s purpose, the floodgates of rage burst open. In that instant, she realizes Frieda‘s information leak robbed her chance of seeing her grandson grow up.

For such an unforgiveable sin against Red‘s FAMILY, Frieda loses all trust and protection from her prison mentor mom. Red moves to attack mode, even slipping into Russian curses against the "daughter" who broke her heart!

Think of finding out that Silco manipulated Powder in Arcane. It‘s that level of blistering, personal anger at such a painful betrayal!

In summary, Red‘s disproportionate fury towards Frieda comes from:

  1. History of personal mentorship
  2. Frieda destroying Red‘s only chance to see her beloved grandson
  3. Such familial betrayals cutting the deepest in prison culture

It‘s the ultimate stab in the back from someone Red loved like her own child. Friends, remember this when picking your multiplayer healers and tanks! Without loyalty, even the closest teams shatter.

So I hope this breakdown helped explain the brutal emotions fueling Red‘s rage. Did I miss any key details or questions? Let me know in comments – your friendly prison expert signs off for now! Time to spec my talents and get back to raiding.

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