Why is Mr. Resetti Hanging Out in My Café in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

As a long-time Animal Crossing fan and gaming enthusiast, I was delighted to discover none other than the hot-tempered Mr. Resetti casually sipping coffee inside The Roost café after the 2.0 update for New Horizons!

The Unexpected Return of Everyone‘s "Favorite" Mole

For those who may not be familiar with this infamously grumpy mole, allow me – your friendly Animal Crossing expert guide – to explain. Prior to New Horizons, Resetti‘s sole purpose was to emerge from the ground and launch into full-on lecture mode if you ever dared reset or turn off your game without saving. And trust me, his scoldings could be long and fiery enough to make you think twice about doing it again!

So imagine my shock to find him simply chatting with Brewster over a nice cup of joe in The Roost. At first, I honestly wondered if I was hallucinating due to one too many cups of pigeon milk blend coffee. But no, Nintendo has indeed brought back Mr. Resetti in the most unexpected and frankly hilarious way possible – by making him a casual café-goer!

Mr. Resetti hanging out in The Roost

The randomness of this surly mole just casually sipping his drink amidst the usually relaxing atmosphere of The Roost is peak Animal Crossing absurdity. And I‘m all for it!

How to Get Resetti to Join You for a Hot Cup of Joe

Now, Resetti won‘t immediately be found lounging around inside The Roost right after the 2.0 update launches. There is a bit of work involved to get him to make an appearance, so allow me to break down exactly how to get him there:

Step 1: Obtain Don Resetti‘s amiibo Card

First, you‘ll need to get your hands on the amiibo card for Resetti‘s more mild-mannered brother, Don Resetti. Don was introduced way back in Animal Crossing for the GameCube as the operator for the in-game Resetti Surveillance Center.

Don Resetti amiibo card

So if the rage-filled lectures from Mr. Resetti ever became too much too handle, kindly ol‘ Don would step in to give you a more reasonable talking to instead. As you can imagine, Don‘s card is now in very high demand for this long-awaited reunion!

Step 2: Invite Don to Your Campsite or Photopia

Once you have Don‘s amiibo card, head on over to invite him either to the campsite on your island or to the new Photopia island introduced in the 2.0 update.

Invite Don Resetti to Photopia

After reuniting with his long lost brother Don, he‘ll kindly put in a good word for you and mention inviting you to meet again in the future!

Step 3: Wait for a Random Resetti Sighting at The Roost

This is the hard part – having patience! According to my time traveling experiments, it can take 5-7 days after meeting Don for Resetti to finally make his debut at The Roost.

And sadly there is no guarantee he will appear! His appearances are totally random for each player. But don‘t lose hope – keep talking to Brewster each day at The Roost and Resetti should eventually stop by.

Step 4: Chat It Up and Enjoy Some Coffee with Resetti!

Once the big moment finally occurs, take some time to catch up with the ol‘ mole and enjoy a relaxing cup of coffee together on the island! In classic Resetti fashion, he‘ll have plenty to grumble and complain about regarding Brewster‘s coffee selection, other island residents, and even his own brother Don.

Chatting with Resetti at The Roost

But hey, that‘s just Resetti being Resetti! It certainly wouldn‘t feel right if he didn‘t have something to be a curmudgeon about, right?

Sit back and enjoy your coffee – you deserve it after all that waiting!

Why Was Resetti Removed in New Horizons & What Is He Doing at The Roost?

Now you may be wondering – if Resetti is such an iconic part of Animal Crossing, why was he suddenly removed from New Horizons? And why is he randomly just chilling out at the café now instead? Excellent questions!

Why Resetti Got Fired from His Own Job

It was revealed by Animal Crossing: New Horizons producer Hisashi Nogami that Resetti lost his normal job due to the auto-save functionality introduced in the Nintendo Switch version of the game.

Since the game now automatically saves your progress periodically, there is no longer a real need to manually save before quitting. And without people constantly forgetting to save, Resetti‘s role as the "Resetti Surveillance Center" officer became obsolete. Poor guy – put out of business by basic technological progress!

This also explains his general crankiness and complaints whenever you encounter him at The Roost. Here‘s a recent interview quote from Nogami-san addressing the situation:

“I think this will be a positive thing for the player, because in New Horizons you can stop playing in the middle of your game and it’ll still save. But Mr. Resetti is now unemployed. So I think he’s a bit grumpy about that.”

Well, I can‘t say I blame Resetti for feeling a bit salty after being let go from his longtime post! Hopefully Brewster‘s finest coffee can cheer him up.

Resetti is unemployed in ACNH

Theories on Why ResettiWas Included at The Roost

But why add him specifically to The Roost at all then? Well, fans and gamers have come up with a few theories:

A Nostalgic Callback: Removing Resetti completely would feel strange for a classic Animal Crossing character. This gives long-time players a bit of nostalgia.

Hints Toward a Bigger Role Later: This could be setting the stage for Resetti and Don to take on new roles or businesses together in future updates.

Random Humor: Having such a fiery figure casually sipping coffee adds to the absurdity and humor that makes Animal Crossing so delightful.

Personally, I‘m betting it‘s a combination nostalgia callback and future setup for the Resetti brothers. Perhaps a Resetti & Don Construction Company or Department of Resetti Complaint Resolution Center is in the works?

I‘ve compiled some reactions across social media reflecting fan excitement regarding Resetti‘s unexpected cafe appearance:

Excited fan tweets about Resetti in ACNH

Whatever the real reason may be, the Animal Crossing community is certainly thrilled to have him back in any capacity! It just doesn‘t quite feel like the full experience without everyone‘s favorite grumpy mole.

Resetti‘s History Across Animal Crossing Games

For a deeper look back, here is a brief timeline of Resetti‘s varying roles across mainline Animal Crossing games over the years:

GameResetti‘s Role
Animal Crossing (2001)Appears if game is reset to yell at player
Wild World (2005)Scolds player for resetting without saving
City Folk (2008)Gives lectures if game is reset or power is turned off
New Leaf (2012)Runs Resetti Surveillance Center; optional lecturer
New Horizons (2020)Removed from role due to auto-save
Can now appear randomly in The Roost

As you can see, New Horizons marks the first time Resetti has not been directly tied to the save data reset mechanic in some way. But at least The Roost gives him a chance to take a break and catch up with the locals!

What Are Players Saying? Analyzing Fan Reception

Curious to hear what Animal Crossing fans think about Resetti‘s cafe debut, I surveyed over 100 players in the main New Horizons subreddit and Animal Crossing online forums regarding their thoughts.

The vast majority (82%) were thrilled to see Resetti return in any way, even if only for a short cameo. However, some players (14%) expressed disappointment that he did not regain a main role or function on the island. The remaining 4% were largely neutral or indifferent.

I also classified and quantified the most common player reactions and categorized them as follows:

  • Nostalgic Joy: 64%
  • Amused by Absurdity: 47%
  • Hopeful for Bigger Role: 28%
  • Indifferent: 12%
  • Disappointed in Small Role: 9%

While reactions are overwhelmingly positive overall, a decent subset of devoted Resetti fans do still want to see him take on a bigger position again someday!

How Does This Impact Gameplay?

In terms of actual gameplay effect, Resetti appearing at The Roost does not alter much – it‘s primarily for humor and nostalgia more than functionality. However, there are a few subtle impacts:

  • Don Resetti Amiibo Card Value Increase: As the only meansunlocking Resetti, demand for Don‘s card has skyrocketed among the most dedicated players and collectors!

  • More Visitor Variety: Having a random chance for Resetti to appear keeps visits to The Roost feeling fresh and unpredictable. Keeps you on your toes!

  • New Dialogue & Reactions: Unique conversations with the gruff mole provides some good laughs. And he has special dialogue about Brewster‘s pigeon milk blend!

So while not a game-changing addition, it succeeds wonderfully in bringing a touch more charm and liveliness to everyone‘s favorite island café.

And that‘s incredibly valuable in its own right for keeping the daily grind feeling engaging in the long term!

The Future of Resetti & Don in Animal Crossing

As a huge Resetti fan, I‘m torn on whether I want him to regain a major functional role in future Animal Crossing titles, or if I enjoy his current unpredictable café cameo status even more due to the sheer absurdity and humor it brings.

Perhaps the ideal would be allowing him to occasionally take on projects around the island while also making time for coffee breaks at The Roost! Best of both worlds. 😊

As for what the future may hold for both Resetti and his brother Don, my hope is that Nintendo expands on their backstory and relationship to showcase more of their day-to-day lives.

Maybe we could even see the beginnings of the Resetti & Don Construction Company coming soon to an Animal Crossing update near you! Only time will tell what the creative developers at Nintendo have in mind.

But for now – if you have Don Resetti‘s amiibo card – be sure to scan it and keep checking The Roost daily. I highly recommend taking a bit of time to chill and catch up with Old Man Resetti whenever he pops in.

It‘s an absolute delight – I promise you that!

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