Why is SCP-682 Scared of SCP-173? A Gamer‘s Perspective

As an avid gamer and SCP fan, this is a question I‘ve pondered a lot. Based on logs and containment procedures, there are some solid theories as to why SCP-682 shows fear when exposed to SCP-173.

SCP-173‘s Capabilities

First, let‘s outline key capabilities of SCP-173 that likely trigger fear in 682:

  • Speed: 173 moves extremely fast, even without line of sight from observers
  • Violence: 173 kills by snapping necks and strangling victims
  • Physicality: 173 is made of concrete, making it very difficult to destroy

As the logs show, these capabilities allowed 173 to severely damage 682 during their confrontation. For a creature focused on self-preservation like 682, this kind of threat naturally provokes fear.

View Excerpt of 173 and 682 Log

"SCP-173 introduced into the containment area of SCP-682. Speed of SCP-173 increased by 300% upon entering the area. 682 sustains major damage to the body before regaining mobility. SCP-173 detains 682 for 7 minutes and 13 seconds before complete structural failure of the cranium due to repeated sustained blunt force from SCP-682."

Matchup Analysis

So how do these two creatures match up? Based on what I know as a dedicated fan, here is my matchup analysis:

SpeedSlowVery Fast
StrengthVery HighHigh
Damage ResistExtremeHigh
Killing PowerExtremeHigh

As you can see, 682 has the advantage in strength, resilience, and killing power. But 173 far outpaces it in speed. This mobility allows 173 to continue its ruthless attacks without giving 682 much chance to mount a defense.

This analysis shows why 682 struggles with 173 – it poses a legitimate threat despite 682‘s formidable capabilities. The combination of violence, speed, and physical resilience can overwhelm 682‘s impressive power.

Why Fear Occurs

Finally, we know from logs that 682 fears things it doesn‘t understand along with things that can hurt it. My theory is that 682 fears 173 because:

  • 173 is capable of severely damaging it
  • Its movements and behaviors seem erratic/unnatural

This checks both boxes for what scares 682: lack of understanding and ability to harm it. While just a theory, it aligns well with 682‘s observed attitudes in other logs as well.

Final Thoughts

I hope this gives some thoughtful perspective on why 682 may fear 173 while showcasing my passion for the SCP world! Let me know your thoughts or if you have any other questions. Fan theories welcome!

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