Why is someone not eligible to receive gift Steam?

As an avid Steam gamer and content creator, I‘ve helped many friends troubleshoot issues with sending and receiving digital gifts. There are a handful of common reasons why gifting doesn‘t work even though we really want to virtually deliver fun new games to our communities.

The most common gifting restriction is not being Steam friends for the required 3 day waiting period. Steam implemented this rule years ago to cut down on fraudulent activity from hacked or fake accounts.

According to Steam Support, "You can purchase Steam digital gift cards for any user that you have had on your friends list for at least 3 days." So even if you buy a gift for your real-life friend, the system won‘t allow it until your accounts have been linked for 72 hours. This has prevented thousands of dollars worth of fraud, but also frustrates genuine gift-givers who don‘t read the policies carefully!

Waiting Period Before Gifting Analysis

Based on my research across gaming forums and direct feedback from Valve moderators, here are some tips to work within or lift the 3-day waiting restriction:

  • Plan ahead and add new friends 3 days in advance if you know you‘ll want to gift them a hot new game release coming soon.
  • Have your friend create a Steam "wish list" so you know which games to purchase them once the waiting period passes.
  • According to Steam data analyst company Steam Spy, over 87% of gift transactions happen between accounts that have been connected for over 30 days anyway, so most legitimate friends already meet the requirement.

The next most common gifting error or ineligibility comes from…

Geographic and Payment Restrictions

Just because you successfully purchased a Steam game or gift card does not automatically mean it can be activated and played anywhere in the world. Certain games and downloadable content have geographic restrictions based on software licenses, legal limitations, and publisher decisions.

For example, popular games like Fallout 4 and DayZ cannot be activated or played in Germany due to strict violence laws. Yet someone in Germany can still gift those games to a friend in a different country. According to Steam Support, "When you go to purchase a gift you will be notified during the checkout process if regional restrictions apply."

Steam Gift Regional Restriction Data

Restricted CountriesPercentage of Games Blocked
Saudi Arabia3.1%

In my experience as a Steam gamer since 2009, the geographic gifting issues have eased over time as more publishers make their games globally accessible. But payment restrictions add another layer…

Payment method restrictions can also lead to gift rejection even if there are no country blocks. According to Steam community moderator LazyGameReviews, who I frequently cite as a Steam expert source:

"Even if you have access to gift a game to any country, keep in mind that where you purchased the gift card, how you funded the gift card, and what currency it is denominated in–may not match what your friend can activate based on their registered payment methods."

So if your friend has never set up a foreign currency, like USD for example, that Steam gift card denominated in USD may not process correctly on their end.

Now let‘s move on to the next common gifting eligibility factor: bans and suspensions.

Banned or Suspended Account Limitations

I have over 200 games in my Steam library and invest hundreds of dollars in my account each year. Having that access unexpectedly taken away would be devastating. Unfortunately, violations of Steam‘s Subscriber Agreement can lead to restrictions on redeeming gifts, wallet funds, or connected third-party accounts according to Valve:

"Any attempt to gain access to someone else‘s account is considered account theft. Accounts that have been purchased, sold, or traded will be restricted."

While I have never engaged in this shady underground exchange market, remarkable incidents exposed by journalists at PC Gamer and other outlets show just how prevalent hacking, stealing and re-selling of premium accounts had become.

In late 2021, Steam terminated over 30,000 accounts found to take part in illegal account trading valued at nearly $60 million.

It‘s nearly impossible to gift games to a terminated account. And gifting from a restricted account also has limitations depending on severity. My rule of thumb is avoiding trading or transferring credentials to be on the safe side of Steam‘s gifting and trading policies.

Now that we‘ve covered the major gifting barriers, let‘s summarize everything we learned:

Steam Gift Eligibility Cheat Sheet

IssueMinimum Friendship DurationGeographic LimitationsPayment Method RestrictionsBanned or Suspended Accounts
Policy3 daysVaries by country/gameBased on currency typeNo gifts or trades allowed
Workaround?Wait 3 daysVerify location accessUpdate payment optionsResolve any violations

As you can see, most hurdles to Steam gifting have logical reasons behind them even if they are inconvenient to us lovers of game sharing. I hope breaking down the error scenarios gives you a better sense of prevention and troubleshooting tactics. We all relish the joy of surprise game reveals from friends, so let‘s master the art!

Any other common issues I should cover? Let me know in the comments!

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