The Chilling Meaning Behind the Recruiter‘s Smile in the Squid Game Finale

Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers for the ending of Netflix‘s hit show Squid Game

In the dramatic final episode of Squid Game, Gi-hun finally prevails after a series of horrifying challenges, becoming the winner of the deadly tournament. In the closing scene, a shocked Gi-hun crosses paths with the show‘s cold and ruthless recruiter, who enticed Gi-hun and hundreds of others into joining Squid Game with promises of prize money.

While Gi-hun glares with haunting intensity, the recruiter surprisingly flashes a genuine, cheerful smile. This jarring gesture sparked heated debate among Squid Game‘s legion of fans. So why is this ominous recruiter smiling so brightly?

Squid Game Recruiter Smiling

The recruiter gives Gi-hun a cheerful smile, sparking fevered debate among fans

As a passionate Squid Game expert and critic, I believe there are a few telling reasons behind his grin, related to his detached worldview and self-interest. Ultimately, his smile underscores some of the show‘s most prominent themes around inequality, selfishness, and exploitation.

Why Is The Recruiter Happy To See Gi-hun?

Throughout the tournament, the recruiter demonstrates a cold, clinical approach to his job tricking downtrodden people into joining Squid Game. For him, it‘s just business – he likely sees the players as expendable pawns.

So when Gi-hun unexpectedly survives the deadly contest and wins, the recruiter is likely smiling for a few key reasons:

  • He‘s pleasantly surprised to see Gi-hun alive – With only a 1 in 456 chance of survival, he doesn‘t expect to see any prior recruits again.
  • It validates Squid Game as a pathway to wealth – Gi-hun winning after being in poverty confirms that the tournament can incredibly enrich people, supporting the recruiter‘s sales pitch.
  • Gi-hun‘s victory reflects positively on him – As the recruiter who enrolled Gi-hun, Gi-hun‘s win makes him look successful at selecting viable candidates.

Essentially, the recruiter grins because Gi-hun‘s victory benefits him personally – it‘s a great win for his stats and validates his recruitment methods. He seemingly revels in his ability to manipulate vulnerable people into joining Squid Game by emphasizing the massive jackpot, regardless of the associated mortal risk.

For fans, his smile induced outrage at his lack of empathy and naked profit motives. But it also captured the detached, ends-justify-the-means mentality that often enables exploitation.

Explaining The Smile In Context Of The Show

To fully grasp the meaning of the recruiter‘s smile, it‘s crucial to analyze it against core themes and moments in Squid Game exploring class division and how the pursuit of wealth dehumanizes people.

The show runners have directly commented on these focuses:

"Squid Game aims to depict people who are marginalized by society but still desire success and look for hope." – Director Hwang Dong-hyuk

"The games reveal the extreme lengths people go to achieve financial success and escape poverty." – Lead Actor Lee Jung-jae

Throughout the show, we witness how the most vulnerable in society are tricked, manipulated, and killed for the amusement and benefit of the fabulously wealthy, echoing modern issues like widening inequality. Player after player dies in agonizing ways while VIP spectators cheer and check their watches, having bet fortunes on the outcomes like casino games.

The recruiter facilitates this entire system, enticing cash-strapped players into situations where their lives become spectacle.

His smile at Gi-hun therefore demonstrates the same detached profit-first attitude as the spectators. Just as the VIPs clap and laugh after matches, blissfully unaffected by the bloodshed, the recruiter positively beams at Gi-hun having emerged from the nightmare tournament he recruited him into.

Like the VIPs, the carnage and agony required for Gi-hun to win doesn‘t dampen his spirits whatsoever – he‘s merely happy his methods produced a victor, allowing him to recruit more players successfully.

This smile perhaps distills the darkest commentary in Squid Game – that unchecked capitalism and inequality warp moral incentives, allowing the powerful to exploit the marginalized masses for personal gain or enjoyment without remorse.

Fan Theories: Additional Meanings Behind The Sinister Smile

The recruiter‘s smiling motives spark other theories among the show‘s community:

  • He enjoys the thrill of tricking people into joining despite the extreme risk, and wants to recruit Gi-hun again
  • Seeing Gi-hun won‘t deter his recruitment at all – he‘ll still manipulate desperate people with promises of wealth
  • He‘s happy because Gi-hun winning means a potential big bonus for him
  • He smiles knowing the game‘s effects will leave Gi-hun psychologically traumatized forever, despite winning

I believe these all have credibility. The recruiter is a mercenary focused on profits over ethics. One fan noted:

"He smiles with glee at the sight of Gi-hun because he knows he can just recruit more players for the next Squid Game. He doesn‘t care in the least about the trail of bodies the tournament leaves."

This demonstrates fans connecting the dots – the recruiter‘s detachment mirrors that of the wealthy creators and spectators enjoying the games at a distance.

Ultimately, the mystery around the recruiter‘s smile sparks such lively debate because it‘s a climatic, final verdict on the shows damning take on how far people will go for money and success, without concern for who gets exploited and broken in the process.

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