Why is the MP40 so freakin‘ popular?

Gamers just can‘t seem to get enough of the MP40. Since storming onto our screens in classic FPS titles like Call of Duty and Medal of Honor, this iconic German submachine gun has become a staple that keeps coming back. But what is it that makes the MP40 so overwhelmingly awesome?

Let‘s break down why this WW2 bullet hose remains one of the most popular video game guns ever designed.

A "blap blap" legend born from history

First, to understand the MP40‘s appeal, we need to go back in time. The real-life MP40 was developed in Nazi Germany during World War 2 as a successor to the MP38. It gained its nickname as the "Schmeisser" after famed arms designer Hugo Schmeisser, even though he didn‘t actually create it.

Over a million MP40s were manufactured and widely issued to German troops,especially paratroopers, squad leaders, and vehicle crews. Valued for its moderate fire rate and reliable open-bolt blowback operation, it laid down accurate suppressive fire at up to 500 RPM in a compact package:

MP40 Stats andSpecs

Weight8.73 lb. loaded
Length32.68 in.
Cartridge9×19mm Parabellum pistol cartridge
Rate of fire500–600 rounds/min
Muzzle velocity1,280 ft/s
Effective firing range100–200 yd
Feed system32-round detachable box magazine

Packed with that hard-hitting 9mm ammo, the MP40 was perfect for close quarters work while remaining controllable on full-auto. No wonder the German forces loved the "blap blap" of Hitler‘s buzzsaw!

Why we love it in games too

The MP40‘s tactical prowess made it an ideal candidate to transition into video games. Its sheer flexibility suits different combat ranges and styles, allowing developers to balance it evenly against other weapons. Stats-wise, it often occupies a "goldilocks" zone between slower-firing LMGs/SMGs and weaker pistol-caliber alternatives on paper:

MP40 Game Stats

GameDamageFire RateMobility
COD 1 & 2MediumMediumMedium-high
Medal of HonorMediumFastMedium
COD World at WarMediumVery fastMedium

And the in-game feeling and audio design is always spot-on! Crisp mechanical sounds with deep "thunk thunks" make plinking heads incredibly satisfying. Modern warfare engine tech only accentuates each spent casing and clack ofthat bolt smacking back. Audibly and tactically, the MP40 scratches so many itches at once.

Not to mention…you gotta respect the drip too. Kitted out soldiers dual-wielding smokey chrome MP40s in maps like COD2‘s Carentan or MOH‘s Normandy? Chef‘s kiss μολὼν λαβέ, my guy! No gamer worth their salt can resist getting in on some sweet WW2 LARP action.

Contending for GOAT ballistic ballet

Now you might argue, "But Cammy, the Thompson and PPSh-41 are also uber popular! How can the MP40 claim dominance?"

Valid query, my trigger-happy friend! Each has their pros in games for sure:

  • M1928 Thompson – Sexy tommy gun is iconic too. Higher damage rifle ammo and unique sound tempts all wannabe bootleggers.

  • PPSh-41 – Mad dakka for days! Eyes go wide when Stalin-approved roulette starts spitting 71 hot lil‘ friends with some sweet drum mags…

Buuuut pound-for-pound the MP40 seeming does it all while capturing lighting in a 9mm-shaped bottle. Across titles it tends to have better range than the former without being quite as inaccurate, while outpacing the latter‘s bulky frame in maneuverability. And unlike either, it reloads smoothly mid-fight!

In my experience the MP40 strikes the absolute best balance as an all-rounder bullet hose, earning its ongoing prestige through sheer flexibility. Sure the alternatives might exceed it situationally, but no other full-auto just FEELS so gorram right!

Pop culture icon with lasting appeal

As if dominating the meta wasn‘t enough, there‘s no denying the MP40 permeates WW2 pop culture as much as any firearm. We have films like Indiana Jones and video games themselves to thank for propelling it into icon status.

Seriously, good luck finding a random stranger who doesn‘t recognize it…even your grandma could probably ID an MP40!

Between the museum-worthy engravings and Hollywood‘s eternal hard-on for all things Nazi lootin‘, this SMG positively DRIPS with adventurous mystique. It‘s no wonder why developers keep returning to put it in our hands. That implicit promise of high-octane espionage and derring-do makes "acquiring" your own MP40 so deliciously transgressive!

And funnily enough…while other guns get played out after enjoying the spotlight, the MP40 retains its popularity through decades of gaming evolution. Like a comfy pair of jackboots you just want to slip back into time and again!

There‘s just something about its quirky stamped metal frame housing such lethality that endlessly captivates gamerdom. Everyone loves a dark horse that punches above its weight with reckless abandon. We can‘t get enough of this gun, and I doubt we ever truly will even as platforms advance further.

So break out the lootin‘ caps and firing gloves. With chilling cries of "Achtung spitfeuer!", another generation falls in love with this lead thunderstorm all over again. Here‘s to many more virtual years with our dear old "lapp lapp" stamping through the meta yet!

Salud Ϟ

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