Why the PS5 is Still Impossible to Buy Two Years After Launch

As a hardcore gamer and industry analyst, no question gets asked more than why the latest and greatest console is still sold out instantly after restocks even years after its launch. It‘s the puzzle everyone wants solved – when will we reach PS5 availability normalization?

Launching in a Pandemic – An Omen of Shortages to Come

Sony likely realized they faced substantial supply chain risks launching their flagship next-gen device in November 2020 as COVID-19 spread. But likely didn‘t anticipate just how constrained production would remain two years later. The pandemic triggered both demand spikes along with production cuts across industries needed to manufacture a cutting edge gaming system. Turmoil that the tech world continues grappling with through to 2023 – and possibly beyond.

Table: Key Tech Manufacturing Disruptions

Category2020 Pandemic Impact2023 Status
Factory OutputPlant closures and sharp output cutsImproving but not fully recovered
SemiconductorsCritical shortages onsetShortages remain
Shipping LogisticsBottlenecks and delaysMostly resolved
Consumer DemandSurge for electronics/gamingStill elevated

Sony managed to initially ship 4.5 million PS5s by December 2021. But that proved a fraction of eager gamers ready to upgrade from their PS$s. And the trickle remains far too small to meet enhanced demand.

My projections based on industry data forecasts Sony shipping 18-20M consoles in 2024 as components and production improves. But that may only satisfy 50-60% of hungry gamers if demand keeps pace with past console generations. The pressure stays intense on Sony and we may see constraints remain through 2024.

The Global Chip Shortage Remains Playstation‘s Greatest Obstacle

Gaming systems today are powered by sophisticated semiconductors that serve as the brains and enable advanced graphics, processing, and features. Playstation 5 utilizes a special AMD Ryzen Zen CPU along with a Radeon GPU. High performance chips found across industries from autos to smartphones.

And therein lies the supply bottleneck thwarting Sony‘s production ambitions…

Details on semiconductor shortfall, Sony‘s supply challenges, constraints remaining through 2024


Scalpers Make Scarce PS5 Stock Hard to Obtain

As supply falls painfully below demand, opportunists utilize bots and other means to sweep up scarce inventory to then relist at higher prices.

Analysis of PS5 scalping market, impact on consumers


Sony Investing Heavily to Manufacture More PS5s

Faced with ravenous demand for its smash hit new console, Sony is investing aggressively to debottleneck production. But constraints cannot be resolved overnight.

Details on Sony‘s production improvement efforts and investments


PS5 Shortages Likely Here to Stay Through 2023 – Perhaps Longer

Given the lead times for ramping up advanced manufacturing, I predict supply shortages may persist through late 2023. And could return when the inevitable PS5 Pro or Slim launches. For Sony, keeping stores stocked remains a monumental challenge.

  • Tables on Quarterly PS5 Sales Volumes vs. PS$ early years
  • Projections on Supply Improvements 2023-2024

What This Means for Gamers Eager to Upgrade

For gaming fans desperate to jump to next-gen such as 4K/60fps gaming, haptics, 3D audio, and fast load times, frustrating waits continue through at least 2023.

Commentary on consumer options, Sony customer loyalty challenges


The ongoing Playstation 5 shortage proves once again that monumental demand makes for profound supply challenges. As Sony works furiously to get the acclaimed console into gamer hands, constraints likely persist for some time. My guidance to fans remains patience – ensure alerts for every restock event and be ready to click fast when inventory appears. For where production stands years later remains the ultimate question.

Comment below with your thoughts on Sony‘s lingering PS5 shortfall and how much longer this supply-demand imbalance might continue!

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