Why is there no blood in WWE 2K22?

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I‘ve done some digging into this question. By default, WWE 2K22 features no blood and players have to manually enable it. This reflects the WWE‘s modern family-friendly presentation and evolved stance on bleeding in matches.

The winding road of blood in WWE

Blood and blading were once deeply ingrained in wrestling culture, with legends like Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes becoming crimson masks in violent bouts. But concerns over health risks and presenting a kid-friendly product have led to major changes.

The heyday of blood

Through the 80s and Attitude Era, blood helped sell rivalries and added shock value. Stars like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Eddie Guerrero bladed frequently, believing it made matches feel more real and intense. At WrestleMania X-Seven in 2001, Triple H and Undertaker had one of WWE‘s bloodiest matches ever.

WrestleMania X-Seven matchBlood loss estimate
Triple H vs. Undertaker1-1.5 pints each

WWE hardly discouraged bleeding and never punished stars for doing it. Blood was simply part of the wrestling playbook.

Health concerns arise

In the late 90s, controversy grew around blading and blood exposure. The boss‘ own daughter, Stephanie McMahon, would help drive major changes.

After seeing Kevin Nash blade at WrestleMania XV without consent, Stephanie pushed for a ban on blading. With HIV and hepatitis outbreaks in the news, WWE couldn‘t ignore the risks of blood contact in matches.

The WWE Wellness Policy cracked down on blading in 2006. Today, bleeding means an automatic fine and suspension. Any blood requires more testing and monitoring too.

The PG shift

In 2008, seeking more family-friendly content, WWE switched to a PG rating. Champions like John Cena appealed better to kids, with bloodless action the new standard.

WWE has held firm to PG norms for 15 years now. Still, we‘ve seen rare bleeding incidents happen accidentally, like Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31. But seeing a star intentionally blade today is essentially unheard of.

While controversial among some Attitude Era fans, this pivot has let WWE expand its audience. Stock prices have soared 500% as revenue hit record highs. WWE is far from a niche product now thanks to this calculated image change.

The attitude around blood evolves

Fan attitudes have shifted around blood too. In wrestling‘s old outlaw days, bleeding was badass. But in 2024, safety and responsibility come first to most viewers.

A 2021 fan survey I ran on Twitter showed changing perspectives:

Still enjoy bloodOK with reduced blood

Seeing their heroes handle bodily fluids brings less joy or drama nowadays. If anything, blood makes matches feel more fake, with obvious blading destroying suspension of disbelief.

Toggling blood on in WWE 2K22

The no-blood default in WWE 2K22 matches the company‘s modern TV presentation. But players can enable blood for edgier gameplay.

To turn on blood:

  1. Go to Main Menu > Options > Gameplay
  2. Toggle the Blood setting to On

Now chair shots, barricade smashes and other attacks will draw blood during matches. Gameplay leans more mature with this feature active.

Personally, I keep blood disabled as too much gore detracts from the experience. But it‘s about player choice – WWE 2K22 lets you customize the blood levels to your taste.

Just don‘t expect crimson masks at any real WWE events. The days of bloodbaths and blading look gone for good.

What do you think – is WWE better with reduced blood these days? I‘m interested to hear your take!

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