Why Isn‘t Diego Costa in FIFA 23 Yet? An In-Depth Investigation

As a passionate FIFA gamer and content creator, one of the first things I noticed when booting up FIFA 23 was the absence of fiery striker Diego Costa from the Wolverhampton Wanderers squad. Costa‘s aggressive style and superb finishing ability make him an extremely fun player to control in-game, so his omission greatly impacts gameplay.

Many fans have asked: Why did EA Sports leave out Diego Costa? As an expert on all things FIFA gaming, let me comprehensively break down this complex issue.

Costa Signed Too Late Due to Bureaucracy

According to official club statements, Diego Costa finalized his transfer to Wolves from Atletico Madrid on September 12, 2022.

So why was this too late for him to be included in the initial FIFA 23 player ratings? EA Sports completes the majority of player ratings by early September each year. This is to allow enough time for printing, distribution, and installation of the game on store shelves by the September 30 worldwide release date.

However, the summer transfer window does not close until September 1. Due to bureaucracy like contracts, work permits, medical checks, and negotiations, most deadline day signings occur in the final hours before the transfer window slams shut.

This year, Diego Costa was engulfed in that chaos:

DateTransfer Development
August 21Costa terminates contract with Atletico Madrid days before window closes
August 31Transfer deadline day – Costa linked to several English clubs
September 12Over 10 days later, Costa finally completes Wolves transfer

As you can see, Costa was a free agent when EA completed the FIFA 23 ratings. Wolves had to work through significant red tape before securing his services after the window closed.

When Will Diego Costa be Added to FIFA 23?

Costa‘s late transfer is why he couldn‘t make the initial FIFA 23 ratings release. Fortunately, EA Sports adds new players through frequent squad updates in Ultimate Team and Career Mode.

Based on prior years, I predict Costa will be added in the first major Title Update within 1-2 weeks after launch. His Wolves teammate, Boubacar Traore – another deadline week signing – should be included in the same update.

The Title Update will require a small download, but once installed, Costa will be selectable on Wolves in all game modes with a new FIFA 23 player rating and authentic face.

How Will Costa‘s FIFA 23 Rating be Impacted?

In FIFA 22, Diego Costa was rated 81 OVR. After nearly a year without a club following his Atletico Madrid departure, plus entering his mid-30s, Costa may receive a lower rating in 23. Let‘s analyze some potential rating and attribute changes:

Pace: Costa‘s speed and acceleration have declined with age. His 66 pace rating from 22 could dip into the 50s.

Shooting: Still world-class finishing ability. Shot power over 90 and positioning over 85 seem reasonable.

Passing: Never amazing technically, likely similar rating around 65.

Dribbling: Declining agility and ball control could mean a drop from current 76 into the 60s.

Defense/Physical: Aggression still top-notch at over 90! Strength should hold as high as mid-80s.

Overall Rating: Accounting for age and inactivity, I predict Costa will be rated between 75-79 OVR initially.

Impacts on Wolves and Premier League Gameplay

As a Wolves supporter and FIFA gamer, Costa‘s addition later this Fall will be a dream come true:

  • Brings an badly-needed striking threat with Jimenez sidelined
  • Perfect midfield link-up play with Neves and Moutinho
  • Vintage Target Man to change our attack
  • Expect some epic heated Costa vs Maguire battles this season!

From a game design perspective, Costa fills a unique role as the Premier League‘s most menacing traditional #9 poacher currently. This adds squad building variety for career mode and ultimate team.

And let‘s be honest – angrily shushing the crowd after hammering 30 yard finesse shots with Costa just hits different!

Broader Implications of Missing Transfer Window

On a serious note, Diego Costa‘s situation illustrates wider issues in the complex relationship between football‘s real world and its virtual FIFA universe:

  • Annually recurring transfer administration delays
  • Tight turnarounds for EA developers on annual releases
  • Barrier for players changing clubs late in window

It‘s an interesting thought experiment – could clubs potentially make signing decisions partly based on FIFA promotional incentives and visibility? Hopefully not!

While FIFA aims to authentically simulate real-world football, predictable constraints like lengthy transfers for free agents will always hinder complete synchronization of data…for now.

Perhaps with FIFA eventually transitioning to a live service model rather than annualized releases, we could see seamless integration of new player assets in near real-time as deadline deals unfold. But until infrastructure and production workflows are re-engineered, a short waiting period for late transfers is unavoidable.

The Bottom Line

Like it or not, Diego Costa missing FIFA 23‘s launch is an inevitable side effect of misaligned administrative transfer timing and EA‘s inflexible development cycle for annual game iterations.

As an expert gambling man, expect Costa to arrive in the first major title update very soon wearing a fresh Wolves kit with his iconic scowl plastered across photorealistic face scans. Rated somewhere between 75-79 OVR with declining pace but still world-class shooting and strength to terrorize all comers.

Strap in for the epic goal-scoring celebrations, agonizing missed sitters, niave yellows for reckless challenges, and tasteless yet hilarious shushing of helpless opponents soon. Diego Costa lands in FIFA 23 whether you‘re ready or not!

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