Why is Sekiro Such a Compact and Lean Game?

At between 12-15GB depending on platform, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice stands out as a surprisingly svelte package in the era of bloated AAA spectacles. But why is Sekiro so much more storage-friendly than its peers? As a passionate game developer and critic, I‘ve analyzed what sets FromSoftware‘s design philosophy apart when it comes to efficient use of disk space.

Focused Level Design Significantly Reduces File Size

Rather than build out a massive open world full of empty terrain like many modern action RPGs, Sekiro focuses on intricately designed compact levels layered with secrets and verticality. This creates a density of content rather than large open empty spaces wasting disk real estate.

Levels are designed almost like puzzles, with clever shortcuts and loops that reuse areas without feeling repetitive. This efficient spatial design saves considerable file size while retaining depth.

Lack of Multiplayer Functionality Avoiding Bloat

Online multiplayer requires substantial infrastructure like servers, netcode, databases to store player data. By focusing purely on a polished single player experience, Sekiro avoids all this bloat that usually accompanies multiplayer.

Multiplayer games also need much more content and assets to account for different character types, gear, skins etc. Sekiro steers clear of all these storage demands.

Veteran Developer Skills Enable Visual Impressiveness Within Small Footprint

Over their long history of crafting these types of punishing action RPGs, FromSoftware have become masters at efficient use of game assets and textures. This allows them to create visually breathtaking game worlds without falling into the trap of bloated file sizes.

Clever reuse of enemy models and architecture saves considerable dev time and disk space. Lower resolution texture assets for console versions also save space while retaining atmospheric visual impact.

A Focus on Pure Gameplay Rather Than Spectacle

Many ultra high budget AAA blockbusters bloat install sizes with elaborate pre-rendered cutscenes, scripted set pieces and bloated ceremonial soundtracks.

Sekiro elegantly avoids these common excesses, focusing development efforts into the tactile feel of combat, the mystery of exploration and encouraging mastery rather than passive spectacle.

To provide some context around the impressively compact nature of Sekiro‘s installation footprint, here‘s a comparison to some other high profile games:

GameInstall Size
Dark Souls Remake43GB
Elden Ring50GB
COD Modern Warfare250GB

As we can see, FromSoftware has leveraged their veteran expertise to produce some of the most richly detailed yet performance friendly game worlds in the industry within a fraction of their AAA peers.

Rather than get drawn into the arms race of bigger worlds, more elaborate assets and spectacle focused experiences, FromSoftware doggedly stick to their vision – intricate level design focused around tense melee combat scenarios and mysteries to uncover.

This efficiency allows them to target a wider audience, as many still have bandwidth caps or slower internet speeds unable to cope with 100GB+ downloads quickly.

So while others in the industry continually pump more and more visual flair and cinematic fluff into their games, FromSoftware continues to set an example in elegant, efficient game development – cut to the heart of what matters most, gameplay and discovery. This winning philosophy is a big part of what enables Sekiro to exist as such a compact experience compared to the increasingly obese install sizes of modern blockbusters.

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