Why was MJ Cut from The Amazing Spider-Man 2? An In-Depth Investigation

As a passionate gamer and Spider-Man fan, I was both shocked and disappointed when Mary Jane Watson‘s role was entirely cut from 2014‘s The Amazing Spider-Man 2. MJ is such an iconic love interest in Spidey canon, so why did the filmmakers decide to remove her completely?

MJ‘s History in Spider-Man Films & Comics

First, some background on MJ herself. Mary Jane Watson, often shortened to MJ, originally debuted in Marvel comics in 1965 as one of Peter Parker‘s most enduring romantic foils.

Alongside Gwen Stacy, she was cemented early on as a cornerstone of Spider-Man‘s personal life and challenges balancing superheroics with relationships.

1965Amazing Spider-Man ComicsMJ is introduced as a recurring character
1977The Amazing Spider-Man TV ShowMJ appears as a main character played by Christine Belford
2002Spider-Man (Film)Kirsten Dunst portrays MJ in a lead role
2012The Amazing Spider-ManEmma Stone plays Gwen Stacy instead of MJ

So Mary Jane Watson has remained popular in Spidey media for decades. That‘s why it was surprising when director Marc Webb made the unprecedented choice to cut her entirely from the Amazing Spider-Man sequel.

MJ‘s Planned Significance in Upcoming Sequels

In fact, Shailene Woodley had already been cast as MJ in Amazing Spider-Man 2 before her scenes were scrapped. She‘d also shot footage for the role that didn‘t make the final theatrical cut.

Woodley was only meant to have a small cameo in ASM2, setting her up for a huge role in the now-cancelled ASM3.

Shailene Woodley MJ BTS

She would likely have been the main love interest following Gwen Stacy‘s tragic death.

In interviews with producers, the original ASM3 plot involved Peter using his blood to resurrect Gwen after she perished. This "Dark Gwen" would‘ve complicated any romance with MJ.

Analyzing the Impact of MJ on The Amazing Spider-Man Plot

Looking at what we know about Woodley‘s planned role, it‘s understandable why Webb may have cut MJ‘s introduction.

The Amazing Spider-Man films were criticized by some fans for rehashing Spidey origins too soon after the Tobey Maguire era. Introducing yet another core character like MJ could have made ASM2 feel overstuffed.

Especially considering how much it already served as a launchpad for future sequels and spin-offs with mentions of Norman Osborn, Sinister Six setups and more.

Marc Webb explained the decision in interviews:

"There was something sort of inelegant about having Mary Jane, Gwen, and Peter interacting in that way."

He wanted Peter and Gwen‘s relationship to be the anchor without loads of competing romantic entanglements around MJ.

Gwen and Peter Kiss TASM2

Ramifications of Cutting MJ for Upcoming Spider-Man Movies

However, the choice to remove MJ from Amazing Spider-Man 2 had huge ramifications on theDIRECTION of Spider-Man cinematic storylines moving forward.

In the original plans, she likely would have been a focal point of the sequel trilogy after assuming Gwen‘s role as Peter‘s primary love interest in ASM3. Especially considering the whole Dark Gwen plot that was later revealed.

But with the film underperforming commercially…

MovieBox OfficeBudgetProfit/Loss
The Amazing Spider-Man$757 million$230 million+$527 million
The Amazing Spider-Man 2$709 million$293 million+$416 million

…and then the 2014 Sony hack leaking confidential studio data, all future Amazing Spider-Man sequels were cancelled indefinitely.

This left Shailene Woodley‘s MJ future aborted with no sign she‘d ever enter Spidey live action canon anymore. The slate was wiped totally clean!

Sony instead made a landmark deal for new solo Spider-Man films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, rebooting Peter Parker with Tom Holland. This killed any chance for Andrew Garfield‘s version meeting MJ.

And the MCU ‘Michelle Jones‘ (MJ) character, played wonderfully by Zendaya, is a very different interpretation merging traits of Mary Jane Watson with an original backstory.

So in the end, removing MJ from ASM2 essentially deprived her of a rightfully large future in Spider-Man cinematics for years…all because of perceived pacing issues.

Brutal negative implications for Ms. Watson!

Conclusion & Discussion – Why Cut MJ at All?

Would including Shailene Woodley‘s MJ really have been so damaging for The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

I think leaner narrative focus was Marc Webb‘s intent. But her prominence in Spidey lore suggests room could‘ve been carved out for at least a solid supporting role.

Dropping MJ before she ever got a fair shake remains a contentious, franchise-altering decision by Sony. We can only wonder what amazing Mary Jane Watson moments will now sit untouched on the cutting room floor indefinitely after the Amazing Spider-Man 3 cancellation.

What do YOU think? Should MJ have featured in TASM2 or not? Let me know in the comments!

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