Why Thamur Was Killed: An In-Depth Investigation

The towering stonemason giant Thamur met his tragic end in Midgard at the hands of the Aesir God Thor during the Aesir-Vanir War. But what exactly led to this climactic confrontation, and how did the mighty giant fall? As a passionate God of War lore expert, I have extensively analyzed the details around Thamur‘s demise to uncover the fascinating backstory. Read on for my comprehensive breakdown of why this legendary figure was killed!

The Tragic Tale of Thamur and Hrimthur

To understand why Thamur was killed, we must first examine the his relationship with his son Hrimthur. By all accounts, Thamur cared deeply for Hrimthur, teaching his offspring the craft of stonemasonry he so excelled at. But one fateful day, a quarrel erupted between impatient father and willful son. What words were exchanged remains lost to time, but in heated anger, the towering Thamur lashed out and struck Hrimthur fiercely enough to make the young giant flee Jötunheim.

Filled first with rage then growing remorse, Thamur set out into Midgard on a desperate search to find his missing boy. And so the stage was set for his tragic encounter with Thor during the war between the Aesir and Vanir gods.

Why Was Thamur In Midgard? Breaking Down The Timeline

Why had Thamur ventured into the middle realm of Midgard in the first place? As a Jötunn giant, he would have known the dangers Midgard posed for his kind since Odin and his Aesir had claimed it as their kingdom. Yet Thamur entered Midgard nonetheless, driven by his remorse and desperate to locate his son Hrimthur.

Based on all available evidence and lore chronology, Thamur‘s journey occurred concurrently with the Aesir-Vanir War:

Thamur quarreled with Hrimthur~1500 years before Kratos‘ arrival in Midgard
Aesir-Vanir War beganSame timeframe
Thamur ventured into MidgardDuring ongoing Aesir-Vanir War

With tensions at their height between gods and giants alike, Midgard had become exponentially more perilous. Yet Thamur braved the risks, unwilling to let his only son remain lost. This fateful decision would soon cost the legendary giant his life.

The Attack – Reconstructing Thamur‘s Final Battle

Piecing together clues from landscape scars, ruined architecture, and marijuana-induced visions, I have reconstructed the monumental last stand of Thamur against the God of Thunder:

Having tracked Hrimthur‘s trail deep into Midgard, Thamur suddenly found himself ambushed by Thor near the highest peak in the realm. Brandishing Mjölnir, electricity crackling, Thor attacked without hesitation. What could have motivated Thor to so aggressively target Thamur? Read on for my analysis of potential underlying motives…

Summoning the surging magic in his mountain-sized body, Thamur fought back fiercely. Titan and god traded earth-shaking blows atop the towering peak as Thamur attempted to reason with Thor. But blinded by bloodlust, Thor refused to parley.

At last, spying an opening, Thor hurled Mjölnir with all his might against Thamur’s ankle. The impact knocked the giant off-balance, sending the legendary stonemason toppling backward. Fighting to regain his footing, Thamur reached out desperately – and found only the long handle of his enormous chisel.

Impaled by his own mighty tool, the mortally wounded Thamur froze the entire landscape with his dying breath – including an unfortunate nearby village worshipping the Vanir god Njörd. The icy cataclysm killed all of the villagers instantly…but what of Thor and his motives?

Why Did Thor Attack Thamur – Conspiracy Theories & Speculation

While the exact dialogue between Thamur and Thor remains unknown, several key questions emerge around Thor‘s extreme aggression:

  1. Was Thor unprovoked? As protector of Midgard, he may have attacked Thamur on sight simply for being a giant – but would this alone warrant such ruthless persistence unto death?

  2. What role did the War play? In the chaos of a divine conflict, Thor may have been more unrestrained in his violence without thought for consequences.

  3. Did Odin order/manipulate Thor? Knowing this was during Odin‘s intense hatred of giant-kind and paranoia over prophecies, it is conceivable he commanded Thor to attack or even implying the giant had sinister purpose.

  4. My personal theory is that Thor initially engaged defensively, but grew enraged when unable to subdue/get answers from Thamur. Always quick to anger and Raise Mjölnir, reason may have escaped Thor in the heat of battle – to tragic ends for all.

Whatever the exact details, one thing is clear – Thor‘s attack directly led to Thamur‘s horrific death in this appropriately-named Shattered Peak. But what happened afterward? Where was Hrimthur in all this? Read on to learn how the tragic tale concludes…

The Aftermath – Hrimthur‘s Return & Thamur‘s Legacy

Following his father‘s violent death, Hrimthur eventually returned to Jötunheim from wherever his travels had taken him. The sources I‘ve uncovered indicate Hrimthur likely felt deep remorse and shame, blaming himself for the argument that drove Thamur to Midgard seeking him. To honor is fallen father‘s memory, Hrimthur dedicated himself to restoring Jötunheim‘s defenses – the great wall Thamur‘s own stones had helped build in ages past.

Yet whatever peace or redemption Hrimthur found was destined to prove short-lived. Mere decades later came the slaughter of Ymir, ransacking of Jötunheim, rise of Midgard, and onset of Fimbulwinter – plunging the realms into chaos and war. Hrimthur‘s fate afterward lies buried in obscurity, though he may yet have a role to play if the fabled Ragnarok prophecy comes to pass….

As for Thamur, his frozen corpse became a towering landmark in Midgard‘s Shattered Peak, his death leaving a permanent scar on the landscape and history alike. While the giants dwindled and Aesir influence spread, mortal memory of Thamur may have faded over generations. But discovery of his remains along with this telling such this ancient tale ensures his legend will live on!

In summary, analysis of the available evidence suggests Thamur ventured into the dangerous realm of Midgard purely to locate his missing son Hrimthur after their tragic quarrel. Tragically caught in the crossfire of the raging Aesir-Vanir War, events aligned where an enraged Thor attacked and killed Thamur during his search. Hrimthur would later return in remorse and the rest is history still in the making. Hopefully this deep dive has provided clarity on why this legendary giant met his end! Please sound off in the comments with your own theories or questions and stay tuned for more mythic lore investigations!

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