Why Won‘t Bloodborne Ever Come to PC?

Ask any PC gamer what PlayStation exclusive they want ported to PC, and Bloodborne will inevitably be near the top of the wishlist. This hugely popular action RPG from FromSoftware remains confined to PlayStation after over 7 years. Despite constant requests from fans, Bloodborne still has not made the jump to PC. Given Sony‘s interests, don‘t expect that to change anytime soon.

Bloodborne Drives Ongoing PlayStation Sales

As a first-party exclusive published by Sony, Bloodborne plays a key role in selling PlayStation consoles. Exclusives incentivize gamers to buy specific platforms. Bloodborne has sold over 2 million units since launch, and has a high attach rate among PS4 owners [1]. Sony depends on these system-sellers to push PlayStation hardware.

PlayStation‘s priority is now transitioning fans to PS5. Porting a last-gen exclusive like Bloodborne to PC doesn‘t serve that strategy. Sony wants to motivate gamers to upgrade by offering new exclusives like Horizon Forbidden West. Diverting resources away from next-gen development would undermine this focus.

Other prominent PlayStation exclusives like God of War stuck to one platform for years before expanding to PC:

ExclusivePS LaunchPC LaunchTime Exclusive
God of War201820224 years
Horizon Zero Dawn201720203 years
Days Gone201920212 years

Sony clearly times PC ports to avoid undercutting PlayStation sales. Bloodborne will likely follow a similar trajectory, with at least a 5 year exclusivity window.

Technical Challenges of Porting to PC

Bloodborne was engineered specifically for the PS4 architecture and hardware. Extricating it presents a sizable technical obstacle requiring lots of customized effort.

According to Digital Foundry, a simple port would not suffice. Asset and effects work would be needed to upgrade fidelity. Optimization for 60 FPS on PC is challenging given Bloodborne‘s base 30 FPS on PS4 [2].

Creating an efficient PC version of Bloodborne could practically constitute developing a new game. The amount of work involved likely gives Sony pause.

Some believe a full remake of Bloodborne for PS5 is more probable than a simple port. This would enable adding new content and utilizing PS5 capabilities. However, a remake represents an even larger investment, potentially 3-4 times the cost of a PC port [3].

Sony may not want to divert its top developers away from new IP to focus on a last-gen title. Resources might be better spent on fresh exclusives that fully harness PS5 power.

Massive Fan Demand, But Limited Influence

Petitions urging Sony to greenlight a Bloodborne PC port have amassed huge support. The biggest petition currently has over 93,000 signatures [4]. Reddit and social media are brimming with fans asking for Bloodborne on PC.

However, as loud as the fan demand is, it has a limited ability to influence business decisions. Sony is very calculated about protecting PlayStation exclusives. Enthusiastic fans won‘t necessarily override that strategy.

Of course, customer opinion isn‘t completely ignored either. Sustained fan pressure indicates strong sales potential, which can impact cost-benefit analysis. But ultimately Sony will base the decision on their own priorities and release timetables.

Reading the Rumor Tea Leaves

Credible industry insiders have fueled rumors that Sony attempted to commission a PC port of Bloodborne, but development hit roadblocks. Jason Schreier reported that the external studio working on it struggled, leading Sony to cancel the project [5].

If true, this suggests Sony is at least open to the idea. Combined with the undeniable fan interest, one shouldn‘t rule out Bloodborne on PC happening eventually. But the failed effort also shows the business proposition isn‘t straightforward.

Reading between the lines, I‘d speculate we could see a Bloodborne remake in 2024 or later, followed by a PC version 1-2 years after that. But any specific timeline is shaky without official confirmation.

The winds are slowly shifting towards console makers bringing more exclusives to PC. PlayStation especially recognizes the opportunity to generate additional revenue from its IP. Bloodborne will make it to PC…it‘s just a matter of when Sony deems the time is right.

The Waiting Game Continues…For Now

While the stars may align one day for FromSoftware‘s masterpiece to grace PC, clearly Sony isn‘t in any rush. Bloodborne still offers value as a PlayStation exclusive despite its age. Porting this PS4 title is also resource-intensive for unknown payoff.

As eager as PC gamers are to play Bloodborne, Sony won‘t be pressured into making a hasty or imprudent business move. Fans will need to keep dreaming of the day they can hunt beasts in Yharnam on PC. But they shouldn‘t hold their breath. Sony calls the shots here. If the cries for Bloodborne on PC eventually grow loud enough, maybe Sony will finally answer. But not before they leverage Bloodborne to fully entice gamers into the next generation.


[1] https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2017/01/05/bloodborne-sales-top-2-million-copies-shipped/

[2] https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2020-bloodborne-60fps-hack-tested-the-complete-story

[3] https://gamerant.com/rumor-bloodborne-remake-more-likely-than-pc-port/

[4] https://www.change.org/p/sony-release-bloodborne-for-pc

[5] https://www.ign.com/articles/bloodborne-60fps-ps5-pc-port-jason-schreier

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