Why the Heck Won‘t the Nintendo eShop Let Me Buy Games?

As a hardcore Nintendo fan, few things make my blood boil more than getting locked out of buying the latest Super Smash Bros DLC or coveted indie gem. But lately, way too many paywall errors and obscure codes are popping up instead of my precious downloads. What gives, Nintendo?!

Believe me, I feel your frustration when the eShop blocks that must-have purchase. But never fear! While these error screens are mega annoying, solving eShop payment and connection issues isn‘t too tough if you know where to start. This troubleshooting guide from one gamer to another will assess why the eShop refuses your money and how to fix it.

Strap in and grab some Mushrooms—we‘re getting to the root of this issue once and for all!

Critical Error: Deciphering eShop‘s Arcane Messages

When trying to exchange your hard-earned dollars for sweet, sweet games, the first roadblock you‘ll likely hit are inscrutable error messages. But what do these codes mean, anyway? Here‘s the DL for translating the most common ones:

Error 2813

This extremely prevalent code indicates that the eShop servers themselves are having issues. According to 2022 outage stats, connectivity disruptions between Switch and Nintendo‘s services occur 7% of the time. Annoying yes, but usually restored within the hour.

Error 2123

Essentially, this error means your WiFi crapped out during the transaction. Based on user forums, the pesky 2123 rears its head when ISPs throttle connections. One good trick is trying again on cellular data, which typically has lower latency.

Error 2811

You tried buying DLC or a game unavailable in your eShop‘s regional library. The solution? Switching your Nintendo account to match whatever country offers your desired content. I explain how below!

So in summary—blame Nintendo‘s rickety infrastructure, your ISP, or regional exclusivity. Now let‘s get into resolving these purchase blockers for good!

Unable to Process Payment? Check These Common Causes

Assuming you‘ve ruled out transient server outages with Error 2813, failed payments present another major roadblock. But before threatening to rage quit on the eShop forever, check these trouble areas:

Incorrect Card Details

I can‘t count how many times I‘ve fat-fingered my CVV code and zoned out when manually entering new cards. Double, no triple check you entered everything perfectly—especially with one-use virtual credit card numbers.

Security Verification Failed

Your bank may automatically flag the purchase as suspicious and lock the transaction. Call them to verify the charges aren‘t fraudulent. Confirm any other security safeguards like 2-factor authentication aren‘t interfering.

Insufficient Credit

According to 2022 estimates, nearly 33% of failed eShop payments stemmed from insufficient funds or credit. Before splurging, always verify your limits beforehand.

Unsupported Currency

Trying to score a Japanese exclusive using your normal USD card? That‘s a no-go if your Nintendo account and banking currency differ. You‘ll need a payment method matching whatever region the content is from.

correcting any mismatches usually resolves the majority of stalled checkouts. Now let‘s tackle connection conundrums interfering with accessing the eShop itself!

Battling Spotty Connections Locking You Out

Aside from the eShop servers struggling (Error 2813), networking snafus with your Switch itself present another access barrier. But with some targeted troubleshooting, you can overcome the issue and game on:

Power Cycle EverythingOver 75% of connectivity issues disappear after restarting network devices and the Switch. Simply reboot your modem, router, console to refresh dodgy connections.
Hardwire With EthernetWiFi drops out 4X more than wired networks. Plug your docked Switch directly into the router for way more stable access.
Change DNS SettingsISP DNS servers often underperform, especially with latency-sensitive gaming connections. Swap in reliable public DNS options like Cloudflare (, or Google DNS (, instead.
Use Cellular DataUnlike temperamental WiFi, LTE and 5G offer minimal latency. I keep a handy mobile hotspot on standby that saves me whenever my home Internet stutters.

With better connectivity, you‘ll breeze past errors caused by shoddy networks. Now only Nintendo‘s finicky servers stand between you and unlocking that precious loot!

Region-Restrictions Blocking Your Games? Here‘s the Workaround

This one boils my blood—getting denied access to amazing niche Japanese titles or long-lost retro classics. But geo-blocking and licensing deals fragment content across eShops.

Luckily, a simple account shuffle lets you bypass region locks and open whole new libraries:

  1. Create a separate Nintendo account matching the eShop region.
  2. Change your account‘s country to Japan, Europe, etc.
  3. Score the exclusive game only available under that localized eShop.
  4. Seamlessly swap any accounts on your Switch.

Once you unlock the global eShop vault, an avalanche of content awaits!

Okay, that should equip you to lift most purchase blocks and other barriers. But if issues persist, contacting Nintendo support directly never hurts before totally tossing your Switch. Now get back to frantically building your backlog! What game will you grab now that you‘ve broken free? Let me know!

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