Why wont Ubisoft Connect let me play offline?

As a fellow gaming enthusiast, I know the frustration of wanting to play your favorite titles while internet access is spotty or unavailable. Unfortunately Ubisoft Connect employs always-online DRM (digital rights management) protections meaning an internet connection is mandatory for authentication and periodic re-checks even in offline mode. DRM aims to prevent piracy but can negatively impact legitimate customers – so why does Ubisoft demand this persistent authentication and what can we do about it?

Ubisoft‘s Strict DRM Approach

Recent reports show that 100% of Ubisoft‘s major 2022 AAA releases for PC incorporated the Denuvo Anti-tamper DRM protection. Titles like Far Cry 6 still rely on this controversial DRM layer a full year after launch. Ubisoft also mandates that all games be downloaded, installed, updated and launched only through the Ubisoft Connect desktop app.

While certainly not the only publisher using DRM, Ubisoft has taken an aggressive stance – trading some convenience and reliability for increased security. As gamers however, we are left dealing with the downsides when we just want to enjoy the games we paid for.

The DRM Dilemma

On one hand, DRM aims to prevent piracy and loss of sales which allows publishers to support development of the games we love. But an always-online requirement risks angering legitimate customers who buy games legally when they are unable to play due to internet issues or server outages.

And while Denuvo claims to protect initial sales where piracy impacts are greatest, recent Assassin‘s Creed releases saw cracked Denuvo versions emerge within mere hours or days. So is sacrificing ownership and reliability the right tradeoff? I think we deserve better as paying gamers.

Playing Ubisoft Games Offline – What to Expect

Here is what you can expect around offline functionality for Ubisoft games thanks to their DRM approach:

Initial activation✅ Required❌ Unavailable
Re-authentication checks✅ Periodic❌ Eventual
Game updates✅ Yes❌ No
Cloud saves✅ Enabled❌ Disabled
MTX & DLC Access✅ Yes❌ No*

*Previously available DLC can be used but new DLC requires re-authentication

As this table illustrates, while offline play is technically supported, the functionality is limited at best. A persistent connection is encouraged by design.

Common Ubisoft Connect Errors When Playing Offline

When trying to play offline, some common errors include:

Missing content error – Previously unlocked DLC or rewards missing until re-authenticated

Code 7002.2 – Can‘t reach Ubisoft Connect server to verify ownership

Code 10019.0 – Requires recurring online checks even in offline mode

These messages clearly indicate the limits enforced around offline play in practice.

What Can Ubisoft Do Better?

As an avid gamer, I believe we deserve software that respects our ownership rights once purchased. Perhaps Ubisoft could look to peers like CD Projekt Red who took a strong pro-consumer stance around DRM in The Witcher series. I understand the desire to protect sales, but forced online requirements cross the line in my eyes as a paying customer.

For single player games with tacked-on multiplayer especially, limited offline functionality should be a given. We need to push the industry to provide that flexibility to account for real-world connectivity constraints. Until then, gamers should factor Ubisoft‘s approach into purchasing decisions around supporting titles best optimized for stable connections versus on-the-go play.

I hope breaking down Ubisoft‘s strict DRM system helps fellow players set proper expectations around offline gameplay functionality moving forward. We play and enjoy games as a respite – forced online connectivity should never get in the way of that escape. What has your experience been with playing Ubisoft games offline? Let me know in the comments!

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