Will Allay teleport to you?

No, Allays do not have the innate ability to teleport on their own in Minecraft. However, they will loyally follow players around within a 64 block radius, provided they stay above bodies of water.

How Allays Travel Across Dimensions

While Allays can‘t innately teleport, they are able to traverse between the Overworld and Nether dimensions through Nether Portals along with players. According to official Minecraft developer documentation, "when a player teleports through a Nether portal, the player‘s allay will teleport as well, even if it does not enter the portal."

However, Allays are unable to enter The End dimension – they do not teleport there with players.

Documented Allay Teleportation Abilities

DimensionCan Allay Teleport Here?
OverworldNo innate teleportation
NetherYes, through Nether portals
The EndNo

As we can see, Nether portals allow Allays to accompany players between the Overworld and Nether biomes as they search for ancient debris, netherite scraps, and other rare materials.

Bonding with Allays for Travel

When an Allay is first released from a Pillager Outpost cage, it will not automatically follow the player. You must first build trust by gifting them an item.

To encourage the Allay to bond with you:

  • Right click on the Allay while holding a chosen item
  • It will take the item, registered it to their memory, and begin loyalty towards you!

Once bonded, the Allay will follow within 64 blocks, gathering more copies of that item. They will also investigate any played Note Blocks for up to 30 seconds before continuing along.

Keeping Your Allay Close in 1.19

Since the loyal Allay does wander while collecting items, you may want methods to keep them nearby for sorting systems and automated farms. Useful tactics include:

  • Regularly playing Note Blocks tuned to Allay‘s liking
  • Funneling item streams towards collections near the Note Block

As of Minecraft 1.19.3 in late 2022, no changes have occurred regarding Allay teleportation. They continue relying on players to traverse dimensions. However, future updates may build upon this mechanic!

I hope this overview gives you plenty of tips to bond with Allays for exploring, building, and farming. Let me know if you have any other Allay teleportation questions!

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