Will Aloy return to Genshin?

As a hugely popular collaboration character, the question on many Travelers‘ minds is: will Aloy ever return to Genshin Impact? MiHoYo has provided no official confirmation. However, analyzing information from leaks, as well as precedents from honkai Impact collaborations, suggests good odds of the savvy Nora huntress coming back in 2024 or 2024.

Recap: Who is Aloy and How Was She Obtained?

For those unfamiliar, Aloy is the main protagonist from the Horizon series of PlayStation games set in a post-apocalyptic world filled with mechanized creatures. Genshin Impact collaborating with the franchise brought Aloy to life in stylized anime form starting in Version 2.1.

During that update, PlayStation players could obtain Aloy for free by reaching Adventure Rank 20 and claiming her from the in-game mailbox. This remained available up through Version 2.2. With no way to unlock her now in-game, the question is whether this was a one-time event or if she could return.

Could Aloy Come Back? Evidence From Honkai and Genshin Collabs

While each collaboration differs, looking at precedents provides useful insight. For example, miHoYo‘s Honkai Impact hosted several collaborations that later reran, allowing new players another chance to unlock special characters/outfits.

Genshin Impact itself has now seen multiple collaborations as well. For example, fast food brand KFC appeared during 1.5 and again in 2.4. Aloy being time-limited thus far does not rule out another appearance.

Notably, reputable names within the Genshin leaks community have speculated about an Aloy rerun. UBatcha in particular recently named her as a prime candidate from older collaborations to come back. This suggests insider knowledge of miHoYo‘s plans.

Such a rerun would likely coincide with the console release of Horizon Forbidden West to jointly promote both titles. While not yet confirmed, a 2023 return could boost interest for Travelers and new fans alike.

What Might Change in an Aloy Rerun?

An Aloy rerun could be a straightforward re-release for PS players to unlock her. However, I think it‘s likely she sees some changes:

Potential ChangeLikelihood
Expanded availabilityModerate
New signature weaponHigh
Elemental Burst overhaulLow
Artifacts/Ascension MaterialsModerate

As shown above, areas like expanding platform eligibility beyond PlayStation and even kit adjustments could refresh Aloy‘s appeal.

Personally though, I believe a new custom bow is the most probable change. Weapons like the Predator Bow in Honkai signal miHoYo adds signature gear to highlighted characters. Outfitting our world-class hunter with a matching weapon gives her an allure past any rerun alone.

When Could Aloy Rerun Occur?

It‘s hard to definitively pinpoint a date. But if I had to speculate based on the above analysis and understanding of miHoYo‘s scheduling, early 2024 seems a prime window.

Releasing Aloy alongside or soon after Horizon Forbidden West‘s launch on PC allows cross-promotion between two highly touted single-player adventures. Whether through teasers drip-fed over the next year or a splashy announcement at a 2023 event, expect rerun confirmation sooner than later.

Of course without official word, nothing is guaranteed yet regarding everyone‘s favorite Nora outlander. But I stand firm that fans hoping to add her to their collection have ample reason for optimism!

What do you think? Could Aloy grace the Realm of Teyvat once more or was her last visit truly final? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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