Will EA Bring The Sims 2 Back?

Unfortunately, no. Based on EA‘s handling of the franchise and lack of indication around plans to resurrect past titles, it seems highly improbable that The Sims 2 will return to Origin or become available for purchase again in the foreseeable future.

As both a passionate gamer and industry analyst, I‘ve dug into the history, fan reception, and strategic incentives around The Sims to explain why a Sims 2 comeback is so unlikely.

Why Did The Sims 2 Get Removed in the First Place?

EA ended official support and development for The Sims 2 in 2014, four years after The Sims 3 released and coinciding with the lead up hype around The Sims 4.

Removing it from Origin was likely a strategic decision to promote The Sims 4, their newest revenue driver. While disappointing for long-time fans, from a business perspective it made sense.

They did offer The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection free for a limited time before removing it. This allowed fans to get the complete experience before support shut down.

What‘s the Deal With The Sims 4 Going Free-to-Play?

In October 2022, EA announced The Sims 4 was transitioning to a free-to-play model. They‘d been testing in-game ads and seem keen to boost engagement and purchases through that shift.

So The Sims 4 provides an ongoing revenue stream for EA through in-game ads and purchases. That incentivizes keeping players engaged there rather than old titles.

Okay, But Can‘t You Still Play The Sims 2?

Dedicated fans have found ways to keep enjoying The Sims 2, with disc copies allowing continued play on some modern systems. But official support and updates ended years ago.

Without development resources, lingering performance issues and compatibility challenges have crept up over time despite the community‘s best efforts.

So yes, it‘s still possible to play your disc copy of The Sims 2. But the experience faces inevitable decline without active support.

What‘s All This Talk About The Sims 5 Then?

At their 2022 Sims Summit, EA offered a sneak peek at Project Rene – the code name for the next generation Sims game eventually leading to The Sims 5.

While very early in development, this first look shows they have a team actively working on and investing in the future of the franchise.

Between a money-making The Sims 4 and high hopes for Project Rene, EA is playing the long revenue game. Reviving a retired classic like The Sims 2 simply doesn‘t fit the profit-oriented strategy.

Let‘s Summarize the Facts and Incentives Here

  • EA ended official support for The Sims 2 back in 2014
  • Supporting old games isn‘t as profitable as new titles
  • The Sims 4 transitioned to a lucrative free-to-play model
  • Project Rene / The Sims 5 development is underway
  • EA has not hinted at plans to bring The Sims 2 back

With so much working on the business end to keep focus trained forward, The Sims 2 returning would unfortunately be a nostalgic pipe dream.

The Sims franchise has shaped gaming history and brought joy to millions of fans. And for many like myself, The Sims 2 represents peak nostalgia. I still dust off my disc copy for the occasional bout of nostalgia.

But EA is clearly aligned to capitalize on the latest and greatest rather than relive past glories. Here‘s hoping Project Rene can recapture some of that old Sims magic while also driving profit! They likely won‘t divert resources to exhuming classics like The Sims 2 now matter how passionate players‘ pleas.

So will EA actually bring back The Sims 2 after removing it from Origin? I regret to conclude that no, no signs point to that happening realistically. But we can still cross our fingers for a remastered re-release one day!

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