Will Fallout: London be Canon?

The short but definitive answer is no, the upcoming Fallout: London mod will not be considered official canon unless Bethesda makes significant direct contributions to the project, which has not happened so far.

As a lifelong Fallout fan and gaming industry commentator though, I believe Fallout: London could still play an influential role in shaping the franchise‘s future if executed well. Let‘s analyze why:

Fallout: London Status – Talented Fan Project

First, to ground ourselves – Fallout: London remains a ambitious fan-driven total conversion mod for Fallout 4 from outside amateur creators.

In my opinion based on assets leaked thus far, lead writer development history, and track record delivering big mods, I would classify the current quality level as on par with mid-tier professional studios.

That said, Bethesda Game Studios they are not…yet. And full canonization requires direct oversight from BGS.

What does "Canon" actually mean?

For the uninitiated, "canon" refers to content officially approved by IP holders as part of the authoritative universe lore and narratives.

Simply put, for anything to be fully canonized in the Fallout franchise, it requires Bethesda‘s explicit blessing and oversight during creation.

As covered in the table below, fan passion projects like Fallout: London face a near vertical climb to ever achieve canon status:

Canonization RequirementLikelihood Fallout: London Meets?
Direct Bethesda Game Studios creative input❌ Unlikely
Strict vetting by Bethesda lore experts❌ Unlikely
Approval by Todd Howard or successors❌ Unlikely
Multi-year development support from Bethesda❌ Unlikely
Integration with wider marketing campaigns❌ Unlikely

Harsh reality check aside, all is not lost for our stalwart modding community.

Fallout: London can absolutely influence future canon if executed well…

How Fallout: London Could Indirectly Shape Canon Lore

While the mod itself likely won‘t be canon, it can demonstration there is strong demand from fans for:

  • Fallout stories grounded outside the U.S
  • Fresh perspectives like a post-Brexit British wasteland
  • Rich new lore and enemies befitting London‘s unique history

If the mod ultimately garners over 3 million+ highly engaged downloads once released, that would force Bethesda‘s hand to pursue an official London title.

We already see signs of this with their aggressive hiring of Fallout: London talent over the past 18 months. Clearly folks internally there believe the setting warrants exploration.

Should Bethesda ultimately decide to produce an official London expansion, I speculate parts of Fallout: London‘s setting and new factions could be revisited. Albeit with proper canon adjustment passes.

The bottom line in my view:

  1. Fallout: London itself likely never earns full canon status
  2. BUT, if received well it could kickstart Bethesda‘s desire to canonize a post-nuclear London chapter down the road!

So I believe informed fans should cheer on the mod team as they indirectly fight to get our beloved city into canonical lore someday soon!

Bobby Signing Off

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