Will FF7 Remake Part 2 (Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth) Come to PC?

As an avid Final Fantasy fan and content creator focused on the gaming industry, I‘ve been eagerly awaiving news on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ever since the monumental Final Fantasy 7 Remake launched in 2020. With the sequel set to arrive next year as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, many fans have one burning question: will FF7 Rebirth eventually come to PC like its predecessor did? In this deep dive analysis, I examine the evidence to make a judgement call.

Breaking Down Final Fantasy 7 Remake‘s Multi-Part Rollout

First, some background. When Final Fantasy 7 Remake was announced as a dramatic, modern reimagining of the iconic 1997 PS1 game, Square Enix revealed it would be delivered in multiple installments. Remake was part one of this ambitious project focusing on the Midgar portion, while Rebirth will cover the second act. The third and possibly final titled release would bring the epic, episodic journey to a close.

This multi-part structure allowed the developers to vastly expand on plot and gameplay from the original in rich detail. For example, Remake built out a 30+ hour experience just on events in Midgar, compared to roughly 5-10 hours in the source material.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake‘s Initial PS4 Exclusivity

Despite calls from fans to be platform agnostic, Square Enix mandated Final Fantasy 7 Remake would be exclusive to PlayStation 4 at launch in April 2020. This caused understandable frustration among the PC and Xbox crowds who wouldn‘t get immediate access. Fortunately, their patience paid off when Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade extended the experience with new content and brought the game also to PlayStation 5 in 2021 alongside a Steam port for PC gamers in June 2021.

Could we see this timed exclusivity repeat for Rebirth? Let‘s break down the evidence.

The Consistent Trend of Final Fantasy Ports to PC Over Time

While the renowned RPG franchise got its start on Nintendo and Super Nintendo, Final Fantasy games coming to PC is no recent trend. Titles have consistently made the transition in some form whether through ports, remakes or remasters over the past two decades.

Examining the track record shows PC gamers tend to gain access to mainline entries and spinoffs around a year or more post console-exclusivity:

Final Fantasy GameInitial Platform(s)PC Port Release
Final Fantasy 7 RemakePS41 year 2 months later
Final Fantasy 15PS4, Xbox One1 year 7 months later
Final Fantasy Type-0PSP, PS4, Xbox One3 years later
Final Fantasy 13 SeriesPS3, Xbox 3602-3 years later
Final Fantasy 12PS24 years later

With many of Square Enix‘s most acclaimed RPGs arriving on computers over the years, the developer seems committed to eventually granting PC access even if PlayStation gamers get first crack at new releases.

The Steam Success of Recent Final Fantasy PC Ports

Not only have PC ports been consistent for Final Fantasy, but most titles have seen tremendous success on Steam. Final Fantasy 15 has sold over 2.2 million copies there since March 2018. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade crashed Steam upon launch in June 2022, hitting #2 top seller spot and positive "Very Positive" reviews.

clearly the PC gaming market represents a lucrative opportunity for premium ports after console exclusivity windows close. With Steam holding majority market share for distribution, Square Enix would be remiss not to tap into this passionate fanbase hungry for RPG experiences.

Analyzing the Likelihood of an Eventual Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth PC Port

Given the above context on Square Enix‘s Final Fantasy PC port history and their financial incentive to chase Steam dollars, I‘m confident in predicting Rebirth will follow its predecessor to computers – even if we face an initial wait.

Publisher decision making also backs up this thesis. Speaking on Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade‘s launch, Yoshinori Kitase expressed wanting "to get this game into the hands of as many people as possible, not only those who have played the original game, but also those who haven‘t." This hints at a priority around accessibility across platforms.

Additionally, examining forum commentary and Reddit threads shows I‘m not alone in expecting Rebirth to see an eventual PC port:

"There is absolutely zero chance of (Rebirth) not coming to PC." – Reddit user ffviiremake-ModTeam

"I‘d bet way sooner given Epic Game Store exclusivity bucks." – ResetEra forum member KyoZz

"Maybe this time Xbox and Switch too?" – Reddit user NovaxRangerx

The community largely sees the PC port writing on the wall given all the evidence.

The Waiting Game Continues…

As someone who games primarily on PC, having to exercise patience with timed exclusivity can prove frustrating. Yet as Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ushers in the next chapter of this timeless adventure next winter on PS5, I‘m willing to wait considering the exemplary efforts behind revitalizing this masterpiece.

In the meantime, I‘ll be replaying Remake Intergrade modded to glory on Steam Deck to pass the time until Cloud‘s journey marches onto PCs in all its ray traced, 4K glory – even if delays marshall us into 2025.

When do you expect/hope to play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth? Which platform(s)? Let me know in the comments!

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