Will GTA 5 Run at 120 FPS on PlayStation 5?

Based on currently available information – achieving a full 120 frames per second in GTA 5 on PS5 seems unrealistic without significant graphical downgrades. While the console‘s powerful hardware could theoretically support it, Rockstar would need to deliberately optimize and add a 120fps mode not yet present.

PS5 Capabilities and Limitations

Make no mistake – the PlayStation 5‘s cutting edge GPU, SSD, and custom I/O architecture provide massive improvements over previous console generations. Enabling buttery smooth 60fps gameplay in graphically intensive titles like GTA 5 at upscaled 4K resolution.

So could Sony‘s beastly console push things even further to a fluid 120fps?

Certainly – but not without tradeoffs.

Balancing graphics, effects, population density, draw distances, ray tracing, and performance is a delicate act. Developers can definitely prioritize raw framerate over visuals. But tests of GTA 5 on PS5 so far have not indicated Rockstar is taking that approach:

PS5 GTA V ModeResolutionFrame RateRay Tracing
FidelityUpscaled 4K30 FPSYes
PerformanceUpscaled 4K60 FPSNo

The custom SSD does allow impressive loading time improvements. But when actively gaming, the dedicated GPU still handles rendering complicated physics, textures, lighting and scenes at blistering speeds – which requires reasonable limits.

Graphics Settings and Resolution

So if Rockstar did want to push GTA V on PS5 to 120fps, what would need to change?

Resolution would likely drop substantially below 4K. Higher framerates also demand reduced texture, geometry, vegetation and NPC complexity. Ray tracing realism effects might be stripped completely. Shadow, water, and explosion details minimized too.

At a bare minimum, we‘d expect a 1080p or 1440p rendering resolution combined with Medium graphics settings.

To showcase the massive impact resolution alone has, Digital Foundry analyzed GTA Online finding:

ResolutionAverage FPS
720p98 FPS
1080p79 FPS
4K33 FPS

With enough cumulative tweaks, 120fps could be possible. But likely at the cost of severe visual downgrades PlayStation 5 owners expect better from.

Performance Modes in Latest Patch

GTA V‘s latest PlayStation 5 patch does include excellent optimization work by Rockstar – delivering buttery smooth 60fps gameplay at upscaled 4K resolution in Performance Mode.

Digital Foundry‘s extensive analysis confirms these settings offer a great balance between fluidity and visual pop. Their videos showcase just how impressive gameplay looks and feels despite the complex world and effects rendering at 60fps:


However, there is currently no indication Rockstar plans to add a 120fps mode via patches down the road. Without official comments, the only option is speculation.

Given the ubiquity of 60-120 Hz displays, one would assume a 120fps mode might arrive eventually if feasible. But predicting Rockstar‘s plans is near impossible.

Why High Frame Rates Matter

For many gamers, the visual leap between 30fps and 60fps alone is game changing. Making gameplay feel vastly more responsive, smooth and immersive. 120fps takes things to another level with motion clarity akin to real life.

  • Faster reaction times in shooters and racing games
  • Smoother scene rendering when panning/turning
  • Reduced input delay between controls and on-screen actions

Since GTA V Online heavily emphasizes fast paced shooting, driving, and stunts – optimizing the highest frame rates possible would certainly improve gameplay feel. Especially in hyper competitive matches.

That‘s why so many clamor for 120fps or bust. But Rockstar seems intent on balancing visual pop too. And most players agree GTA V looks incredible on PlayStation 5 even with the Performance Mode capped at 60fps.

The Verdict

Can the PlayStation 5 hardware itself support 120fps gameplay? Absolutely.

But games require extensive optimization work to hit such high performance targets without sacrificing graphics or resolution.

Without official word from Rockstar on plans to add a 120fps mode, speculation is all we have. And based on currently available settings, tuning GTA V‘s visual splendor and hitting 120fps on PS5 may not be possible.

Of course, we can‘t predict the future. Perhaps Rockstar eventually decides to add a bandwidth-saving 120fps mode for those with compatible displays! But as of now, a smooth 60fps experience appears to be their choice for the best balance.

We‘ll have to wait and see. But I certainly wouldn‘t expect 120fps anytime soon.

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