Will High Isle be free in ESO?

No, The Elder Scrolls Online‘s High Isle Chapter expansion will not be free. It is a paid DLC that must be purchased separately to access the content.

As an avid ESO player and fan, I‘ve done extensive research into High Isle‘s pricing details, content offerings, and value to share key insights with the gaming community.

Breakdown of High Isle Pricing

First, let‘s break down what exactly High Isle will cost for those looking to venture into the Systres Archipelago when it launches on May 31, 2022:

Purchase OptionIncludesPrice
High Isle Chapter UpgradeBase Chapter$39.99
High Isle Collector‘s Edition Chapter UpgradeExtra in-game bonuses$59.99
ESO Standard Collection: High IsleBase game + All Chapters$59.99
ESO Collector‘s Edition Collection: High IsleBase game + All Collector‘s Edition Chapters$99.99
  • Prices in USD. Check official store for regional pricing.

So as you can see, High Isle itself starts at $39.99 while Collection bundles allow you to get the base game and all existing Chapters for $59.99+

For players who already own ESO and previous Chapters, you‘ll need to grab the standalone High Isle upgrade.

Now let‘s take a deeper look at what exactly that $39.99 High Isle Chapter purchase gets you:

Overview of High Isle Chapter Features

  • New Zone – The Systres Archipelago
  • 30+ hours of story questing content
  • New Tales of Tribute card game
  • New world events, delves and boss encounters
  • Quality-of-life improvements like the Armory system
  • New item sets, motifs, and collectibles
  • Two new companions – Ember and Isobel
  • Access to the new Champion Point system

Based on early preview testing and feedback, High Isle offers a refreshing oceanic aesthetic compared to previous darker, grittier zones. The coastal paradise environment and expanded progression systems make it well worth the price of entry in my opinion.

While $39.99 seems steep compared to traditional DLC pricing, High Isle delivers enough content to justify the cost. Let‘s explore that idea deeper and see how players will be affected.

How Will High Isle Pricing Affect Players?

Dropping $39.99-$59.99 all at once is no small ask for many gamers, especially younger players or those in countries with lower average incomes. Based on public reactions so far, imposing another paywall has been poorly received by some fans.

However, here is the key thing to remember – free-to-play options still exist! The base Elder Scrolls Online game is now permanently free including hundreds of hours worth of questing and content. High Isle is optional bonus content.

For ESO Plus subscribers, it does sting losing out on free access. But compared to the insane value offered from the $14.99 monthly subscription, missing one Chapter isn‘t a dealbreaker in my eyes.

Now let‘s discuss why I firmly believe High Isle will still prove to be well worth the cost despite the pricing complaints.

My Views – High Isle Offers Good Value at $39.99

As an ESO player since beta with over 2,000 hours invested, I will absolutely be picking up High Isle right away for $39.99. Here is why:

  • High Isle offers 30+ hours of fully-voiced story content – essentially a whole single-player RPG‘s worth!
  • The new Tales of Tribute card game adds incredible value with deep meta
  • Must-have quality of life improvements like the Armory system
  • Some of the best environmental art/music ESO has ever offered
  • Revamped Champion system breathes life into late-game progression

Adding it all up, High Isle delivers upgraded features, renewed progression, and an entirely new gameplay pillar in Tales of Tribute – all for around $1 per hour of playtime.

Could it still be seen as predatory monetization by a large company? Sure. But developing substantial content requires substantial funding to maintain the incredible quality standards ESO boasts.

Personally I have no problem paying a premium price every year for premium content to support my favorite game. And based on reception so far, I predict most of the playerbase will agree High Isle is worth the entry fee.

My Predictions – High Isle Will See Success Despite Mixed Reactions

Based on public chatter, forum reactions, and discussion with other influencers, the general vibe seems to be:

  • Veteran players will happily purchase High Isle for the upgrades and new progression
  • Most ESO Plus members feel slighted but will buy High Isle individually
  • Newer/casual players may hold off until a sale due to the pricing wall
  • Some portion of fans will stubbornly refuse to purchase out of principle

But in the end, I still expect High Isle to securng ESO‘s place as one of the top performing MMOs with a thriving community.

ZOS has shown consistently that this paid Chapter model works year after year. And the millions of engaged players clearly see enough value to keep coming back.

Will some portion of players skip High Isle until discounts hit? Absolutely. But with free trial events and sales down the road, hesitation around the $39.99 can be overcome in time.

Now speaking of that price tag…let‘s go over options for players wanting to avoid buying High Isle yet.

What Can Frugal Players Do?

If dropping $39.99 on High Isle currently isn‘t feasible, players do have options:

  • Wait for Free ESO Plus Trials – Periodic week-long trials grant DLC access
  • Watch for Discounts – High Isle will see sales in coming months
  • Craftable Overland Sets – Some High Isle item sets drop freely
  • Wait for Future Patches – Base game updates too

While you‘ll miss out on the meaty Chapter zone and quests, you can still benefit from numerous quality-of-life patches and catch-up later on sale to experience the new Champion systems.

My advice is to keep an eye out here or official channels for news on free High Isle play week events down the road!

Final Verdict – High Isle Delivers Value

At the end of the day, ESO players have come to expect premium quality and quantity from paid Chapters. And I firmly expect High Isle to deliver in spades based on early impressions.

The $39.99 entry fee may seem steep. But considering the sheer amount of content added with unique new systems and progression, High Isle should prove well worth the cost to most core fans.

Some criticism around monetization practices are valid. However the devs work tirelessly to keep delivering top-tier content supported by paid expansions.

For diehard fans like myself, High Isle is a no-brainer purchase. And more casual gamers have options like ESO Plus or waiting for discounts.

So in closing, will High Isle be free? Unfortunately not – $39.99 required. But based on everything revealed so far, you certainly get your money‘s worth!

Let me know your thoughts on High Isle‘s pricing, content, and whether you plan to jump in right away down in the comments!

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