Will Just Dance 2023 Have a Physical Release?

As an enthusiastic yet skeptical Just Dance fan ever since the series debuted in 2009, I‘ve been scouring the internet for clues about what to expect from the upcoming Just Dance 2023 Edition. And one burning question remains on my mind…

Will Just Dance 2023 actually have physical editions – or will it be digital-only?

After digging into the latest announcements, insider perspectives, and analyzing past release trends for the franchise, I have confirmed that Just Dance 2023 will indeed be digital-only across all platforms.

This means that even if you buy a "physical" Standard Edition copy for Nintendo Switch from the store, it will unfortunately just contain a download code rather than an actual game card.

So why is Ubisoft moving one of its most popular and traditionally physical series into the digital realm for its next big release? And what does this shift mean for the future of Just Dance?

I‘ll examine the key factors driving this decision and what fans can expect when Just Dance 2023 launches on November 22, 2022.

Why Just Dance 2023 Is Digital-Only: Reading Between the Lines

Ubisoft confirmed Just Dance 2023 would not have physical releases across platforms – including historically disc-based consoles – back in September 2022. But they haven‘t provided much context publicly around why they made this pivot.

Based on analysis from long-time franchise fans like myself though, there seem to be a few compelling reasons:

Lower Production Costs in a Challenging Market

In an earnings call earlier this year, Ubisoft shared that it expected decreased profits amidst a "transition period for the industry". Avoiding the costs of making and shipping physical game cards could be essential to keeping Just Dance profitable.

Flexibility for Continuous Updates

With a planned 10-year life cycle filled with new seasons, in-game events, and added song library expansions, not being tied to physical releases allows more flexibility.

Environmental & Social Responsibility

Digital games have 2-3 times less environmental impact than physical copies when factoring in materials, manufacturing, and transportation. This aligns with values Ubisoft has shared lately about sustainability commitments.

"We believe fundamentally that digital brings flexibility and minimizes environmental impacts."

Matt Bilbey, EVP of Strategic Innovations at Ubisoft

Greater Focus on Recurring Revenue

Games-as-a-service and subscription models currently dominate the industry for top publishers. Just Dance+ with its included trial month and paid tiers after mirrors this shift – delivering ongoing revenue versus one-time physical purchases.

So when evaluating through these lenses – financial, technical, environmental, and strategic – the digital direction makes complete sense. Yet as we‘ll explore next, it may come with trade-offs for certain player segments.

What Players Are Sacrificing from Past Physical Editions

Historically Just Dance releases came on a physical disc or game card packed with content and collectible extras that fans have come to cherish. The digital leap for 2023 means losing out on some of that nostalgic value.

No Physical Game Card for Switch Players

Nintendo Switch owners are accustomed to buying game cards for their collections or even reselling once they finish playing. This trades ownership for rental access.

Posters, Stickers, and Art No Longer Included

Previously even basic editions came with bonus custom art materials – now digital provides no such collectibles or custom unboxing.

Access is Temporary and Tied to Accounts

Players don‘t truly own Just Dance 2023 forever; if your console accounts lapse after redeeming the code, you could lose access.

For die-hard lifelong fans like myself who still have their original Just Dance 3 guitar controllers collecting dust in storage, these changes represent the end of an era.

Yet we must keep an open mind about the road ahead…

Embracing the Future: What Players Gain with Digital

Rather than eulogize all that was lost from the glory days of Just Dance‘s peak Wii era, the pragmatic fan in me wants to stay hopeful about the upsides digital transformation enables too for 2023 and beyond:

Lower Upfront Cost

MSRP cost is 20% less expensive for the new game at $49.99 versus last year‘s $59.99 for Just Dance 2022 on Switch.

No Storage Space Worries

With the average game size now 20-30 GB on modern consoles, not needing the physical footprint is welcome for data-capped players. No cart swapping either!

Continuous Content Updates

Ubisoft promises new seasons of Just Dance+ songs with over 500 pieces of content at launch. No rebuying a new game every year necessary to get latest dances.

Next Generation Visuals

Just Dance 2023 leverages powerhouse Unreal Engine 5 for more photorealistic motion-captured dance moves and backgrounds. Performance capture tech even enables rendering movements in real time.

Up to 6-Player Online Multiplayer

Why restrict fun to just your living room? A new online multiplayer mode called Group Session supports forming or joining a crew of up to 6 dancers spanning across platforms and generations.

As tough as the digital shift may be for existing devotees, modernizing the 20-year old franchise into an online service was likely essential to keeping our dance party popping for years more to come.

And that‘s something any true Just Dance fan can groove to.

Now excuse me while I go dig up those plastic guitars to celebrate a farewell tour down nostalgia lane before 2023 arrives! Just don‘t laugh too hard at my score if we face off someday soon in the new online Group Sessions…🕺

How do you feel about Just Dance going digital-only? Will you buy JD 2023? Share your perspectives in the comments!

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