Will Kenshi 2 have multiplayer? No plans for co-op support

As an avid Kenshi player and expert commentator on RPG game development, I get asked this question a lot: Will Kenshi 2 have multiplayer functionality? After closely following the sequel‘s progress for years, analyzing all available information – my conclusion is no, Kenshi 2 will remain single player only according to current plans.

Kenshi background shows a dedicated singleplayer focus

Kenshi first launched in early access in 2015 after over a decade of development by Chris Hunt. The open world survival RPG quickly built a passionate fanbase for its reactive worldbuilding and emergent gameplay. Players shape their own story, battling across different biomes against factions and wildlife. Permadeath heightens the risks.


The original Kenshi focused exclusively on crafting a challenging singleplayer open world experience.

Kenshi sold over 1 million copies purely through word-of-mouth, never having a marketing budget. Its success comes directly from the uniquely uncompromising singleplayer vision executed over 12+ years.

Kenshi 2 development prioritizing existing systems

Lo-Fi Games is expanding the Kenshi formula with Kenshi 2, adding more reactivity and doubling the world size. Various existing systems will receive major upgrades:

Dynamic Faction Interactions

  • Expanded relations between factions, allowing for infiltrations and changing allegiances

Reactive Worldbuilding

  • Town districts and functional NPC buildings bringing more life
  • More world map events and encounters to discover

New Secret System

  • A major new unrevealed feature planned to change core gameplay

Multiplayer or co-op functionality does not appear to factor heavily if at all into these plans based on the details Lo-Fi has revealed so far.

Kenshi 2 preview

Concept art for Kenshi 2 hints at a further fleshed out reactive open world, but no multiplayer components.

Analysis: Multiplayer chances seem low for Kenshi 2

Examining the Kenshi games from a game design perspective, every system connects back to and enhances the singleplayer experience:

  • Permanent injury forcing the player to adapt
  • Manual squad control centralizing player agency
  • Reactive world building increasing immersion

Developing co-op functionality would require rethinking these systems – e.g. how does permadeath work with others controlling your unique characters?

Additionally, Kenshi‘s codebase and engine likely require extensive modification to add networked multiplayer features beyond simple splitscreen:

  • No existing dedicated server architecture
  • Game systems assume single player authority
  • Engine not built for efficient netcode or lag compensation
FeatureKenshiKenshi 2
Singleplayer open world
Mod supportPlanned

Porting multiplayer post-launch presents so many design and technical issues that Kenshi 2 doubling down on its singleplayer open world seems the safer path. GamesIndustry.biz analyst Will Luton concurs – "I’d be surprised if Kenshi 2 has multiplayer aspects…It’s designed so brilliantly as an autonomous single-player experience."

What the fans are saying

On Reddit and Steam discussions, fans remain divided on hopes for multiplayer. Some are eager to adventure alongside friends, while others cherish Kenshi as a purely solo challenge. Debates rage regarding potential griefing issues or lost immersion:

"Please add coop multiplayer after launch! Exploring Kenshi with friends could be amazing."

"Multiplayer doesn‘t fit Kenshi. Half my deaths are from bad risk management – permadeath works because it‘s my own dumb mistake."

"Performance is already so unoptimized for large groups, add netcode and I‘ll get 1FPS whenever my friend visits my base."

In polls though, interest seems higher for other features like modding support. Multiplayer appears a controversial desire unlikely to be fulfilled soon.

Kenshi co-op poll

An informal Reddit poll showing only 35% of respondents feel Kenshi needs multiplayer.

The verdict

Considering all factors – Kenshi 2 adding any form of co-op or multiplayer support seems improbable based on current information. The sequel looks to further expand the uncompromising singleplayer vision that made the original a cult hit rather than pivoting to accommodate multiplayer mechanics.

Only time will tell whether fan demand could eventually convince Lo-Fi to attempt integrating multiplayer. But all signs point to Kenshi 2 launching as a purely singleplayer open world RPG, staying faithful to the series roots. We await more details from Lo-Fi!

What do you think? Should Kenshi 2 stick to singleplayer only or try adding multiplayer features post-launch against the odds?

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