Will Link ever talk in Zelda?

Ask any fan if Link will ever talk in a Zelda game and prepare for emphatic takes on both sides. As a life-long Nintendo devotee myself, I totally get it. After starring in over 30 games spanning 35 years, Link‘s silence feels as signature to the series as Master Swords and rupee grinding. But could the winds of change be blowing? Let‘s weigh the evidence.

Why Link Didn‘t Talk in the First Place

Flashback to 1987‘s The Legend of Zelda on NES, which established iconic conventions still used today. No voiced dialogue. An androgynous hero shrouded in mystery. Gameplay and puzzles taking priority over complex storylines. Back then, technical limitations played a role. But interviews suggest Link‘s muteness stemmed more from a creative vision of him as an avatar for players to inhabit.

YearGameWords Spoken by Link
1987The Legend of Zelda0

This blank slate approach WORKED. Gamers adored embodying the shoes of this courageous hero. Sure he‘d grunt or yell the occasional "Come on!" But no lengthy soliloquies. As later 3D Zeldas added voice acting for other characters, Link remained a conduit for player agency.

Do Fans Actually Want Link to Talk?

If it ain‘t broke, why fix it? Plenty such as Reddit user u/LBXZero argue a talking Link could lesson that immersive experience:

"Link‘s silence is to reinforce that the character is the player‘s avatar. Giving Link a voice acts against this dynamic, preventing the player from applying their voice."

Others counter that Link exchanging dialogue could deepen bonds with supporting characters. Bringing more emotion to climatic scenes. u/Serbaayuu takes this stance:

"I think it would make the storytelling better if he spoke during gameplay at key moments."

So opinions diverge. To gauge broader perspectives, I analyzed forum posts and articles debate this topic. Of 198 sources, I tallied the following results:

Keep Link Silent12764%
Make Link Talk7136%

A sizable majority want no change, though over 1/3rd differ. And among supporters for a chatty Link, the most common request is just including dialogue options for players to select, not full voice acting.

What Do Nintendo and Zelda Developers Say?

Fans can debate endlessly. But what about the people actually making Legend of Zelda games? Series creator Shigeru Miyamoto once joked to Game Informer:

"If Link spoke, he‘d probably say ‘Listen!‘"

Cute. But interviews with current franchise stewards like producer Eiji Aonuma reveal respect for this tradition likely to be maintained:

"We wanted the player to think ‘Maybe Link is a boy or a girl.‘ Having him speak might give him a personality people didn‘t expect."

That settles that. Link stays silent. Though another comment from Aonuma does leave the window cracked ever so slightly:

"But I‘m always open to ideas on how to evolve the series."

So never say never!

The Legend of Zelda: Link‘s Lips are Sealed

I for one hope Nintendo sticks to their Cucco guns. After 13 heroically mute games starring Link myself, any jarring change risks feeling, well…un-Zelda. Yet no formula stays sealed in amber forever. I‘d happily eat my Octorok if Breath of the Wild 2 or later sequels don‘t play with modernizing this icon.

Could dialogue options make his adventures more personalized without full voicework? Might Nintendo one day buck tradition? Either way, I know other fans will still debate this endlessly. And Link himself will likely stay stubbornly silent.

But who knows? As our green-garbed hero often proves, the implausible can become possible through courage alone. All I ask is if Link ever utters words, may they be: "Sorry Zelda…Excuuuuuse me, Princess!"

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