Don‘t Get Your Hopes Up: MK9 Remaster Chances Are Currently Slim

As an avid Mortal Kombat fan and industry observer, I get asked often about the prospects of NetherRealm Studios remastering the iconic 2011 Mortal Kombat 9 release. While MK9 remains beloved for its focused story mode and return to 2D-style combat, the reality is Warner Bros. has shown little interest in remaking the last-gen title amidst its support for newer franchise entries. Though not an impossibility down the road, those hoping to play an expanded, visually-enhanced MK9 in 2024 or 2024 should temper their expectations.

Why Fans Want an MK9 Remaster

For many hardcore MK devotees, MK9 represented a long-awaited return form after Midway Games‘ bankruptcy. By rebooting the storyline and overhauling the gameplay, NetherRealm‘s first series entry captivated fans anew while serving as a symbolic restart.

Beyond nostalgia, what makes devotees clamor for a remaster?

  • Tight Plot: MK9‘s cinematic story mode set a precedent for fighting games. Compared to the sprawling, crowded narratives of later entries, fans found this focused narrative more compelling.
  • 2D Gameplay: 2011 represented MK‘s transition back to 2D battling from the sometimes-awkward 3D era. The refined mechanics hit a great balance between simplicity and depth.

With a visual overhaul and online multiplayer, an MK9 remaster could introduce this venerated entry to a new generation.

The Substantial Challenges Around Remastering MK9

As appealing as that sounds on paper, the reality of developing an MK9 remaster poses problems. We can analyze the barriers by looking at resources, rights, and WB‘s incentive.

Development Resources

  • Remastering any game requires extensive developer effort and months of work. As a comparison, the MK11 team exceeded 150 developers over 4 years.
  • With Mortal Kombat 12 now WB‘s focus into 2023, dedicating those level of resources to an MK9 refresh could detract from the new title‘s production.

Uncertain Rights

  • MK9‘s original release relied on licensing certain characters like Kratos and Freddy Kruegar for PS3/Xbox 360. Renewing those rights could introduce complex new negotiations.
  • For example, the temporary removal of MK9 from Steam likely related to licensing talks around Kratos usage.

Business Incentives

  • Across 9 mainline entries plus spin-offs, MK as a franchise has cleared over 49 million total unit sales.
  • The newest MK11 specifically has sold over 8 million copies as of mid-2022. With players still engaged, WB gains more by marshaling developers toward the future rather than the past.
MK Series Sales FiguresCopies Sold
Mortal Kombat 1112,000,000
Mortal Kombat X11,000,000
Mortal Kombat 93,380,000

_Sales data via VG Sales Wiki_

Simply put, the incentives around remastering a 10+ year old MK title seem lower than keeping the money-making franchise train moving forward at speed.

What Could Change the Equation?

None of this completely slams the door on an eventual MK9 remaster. If a few key factors shift, the prospect starts looking more realistic:

  • Fan Demand Reaches Fever Pitch: If social media outcry and gaming forum buzz keeps amplifying, WB may see lucrative niche potential.
  • Development Lull: If the MK team faces an unexpected content gap pre-MK12, a remaster could fill idle hands.
  • New Leadership: If WB Interactive‘s management structure changes, revived interest in refreshing the back catalog could emerge.

For now, however, I wouldn‘t recommend holding your breath for an MK9 remaster based on insider industry perspectives. As a fellow fan, I‘d still love to see it – but won‘t be expecting it either.

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