Will my 2K myplayer transfer to next gen?

The short answer is yes, you can transfer your MyPLAYER progress to next gen consoles as long as you stay within the same console family – either PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5, or Xbox One to Xbox Series X|S. This includes all attributes, badges, VC earnings, and other career progress.

However, there is no cross-platform transfer between PlayStation and Xbox ecosystems. You also can‘t transfer certain other game mode progressions across generations.

So let‘s dive deeper into exactly what transfers over and how to do it.

Transferring MyPLAYER Progress

The good news is that the majority of your MyPLAYER progression does carry over to next gen consoles, as long as you stick within the PlayStation or Xbox console family.

Here is what transfers over:

  • MyPLAYER attributes ratings
  • Badges earned
  • Virtual Currency (VC) wallet
  • Other career progress like quests

This means that the time you invest in grinding your player‘s OVR, maxing out badge upgrades, and accumulating VC wallet funds does not go to waste when you upgrade to the next console generation.

MyPLAYER Transfer Instructions

To actually transfer your data, you need to upload your save files to the console provider‘s cloud storage system – either PlayStation Network or Xbox Live cloud saves – on your current gen console first.

Here are the steps to transfer an NBA 2K23 PS4 save to PS5 (same works for Xbox):

  1. Upload PS4 2K23 save files to PlayStation Network Cloud Saves
  2. Download save files onto your PS5 console storage
  3. Boot up 2K23 on PS5 and load saves to transfer progress

You will pick up right where you left off with all MyPLAYER attributes, badges, VC, and career progress intact!

What Doesn‘t Transfer Between Generations

While your MyPLAYER progression moves over consoles, there are some limitations around what actually transfers across the generational leap:

  • No cross-platform transfer: Can only transfer data between PlayStation 4 & 5, or Xbox One & Series X|S – not across platforms.
  • Non-MyCAREER modes don‘t transfer: Other game modes like MyGM, MyLEAGUE, MyTEAM do not have cross-gen progression.

This means that Xbox players cannot transfer any progress to PlayStation, or vice versa. Additionally, most other franchise-style modes reset when upgrading console generations.

Why No Cross-Platform Transfer?

Many fans have wondered why 2K does not support transferring MyPLAYER progress from Xbox to PlayStation consoles, or allow cross-platform play.

There are likely a few reasons this cross-platform connectivity has not been implemented:

  • Technical challenges in syncing different platform networks/accounts.
  • Business decisions to keep online ecosystems separate.
  • Exclusive partnership rights limitations.

Enabling seamless integration between closed networks like Xbox Live and PlayStation Network introduces development barriers. And from a business perspective, keeping competitive platforms walled-off reduces risks of data leakage and player migration.

Cross-platform support ultimately comes down to tricky political and technical considerations between corporate giants like Microsoft and Sony. As fans though, we can continue requesting this sought-after feature!

Game Mode Transferability

To summarize which game modes have cross-generation progression carryover and which reset your progress, refer to this comparison table:

Game ModeTransfers to Next Gen?
Play Now, Multiplayer ModesNo

As shown above, the main exceptions where your progress does not carry over involve persistent franchise modes like MyGM or MyLEAGUE – so factor that into your planning.

The Verdict: Transfer MyPLAYER If Staying Within Console Family

To wrap up, refer to these key guidelines around 2K23 MyPLAYER progress transfers:

  • MyPLAYER Transfers Generations: Yes, within same console family (PlayStation or Xbox)
  • Transfers Across Platforms?: No, only transfers within PlayStation or Xbox
  • Other Modes Transfers?: Some do, most do not

I hope this detailed breakdown clarifies exactly how transferring your MyPLAYER over to next gen works in NBA 2K! Let me know if any other questions come up.

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