The Real Risk of Bans with PGSharp in 2024

As a self-declared Pokemon Go addict since 2016, I get asked one question a lot when folks discover I spoof: "Will PGSharp get you banned?"

The short answer is yes, using any spoofing app carries some risk of account sanctions. But PGSharp is widely considered the safest option available for Android in 2024.

With basic precautions, your chances of actually getting permanently banned sit below 3% according to community reports. Much more felony-friendly than modified apps!

Now I don‘t know about you, but I think a 97% chance to catch region-locked Pokémon is worth installing another app on my phone! 😉️

Below I‘ll break down everything you need to know about avoiding strikes and bans as a PGSharp user:

PGSharp Ban Rates Versus Other Spoofers

Let‘s kick this off by comparing reported ban rates across popular spoofing options as of January 2023:

Spoofing MethodBan Rate
iSpoofer (iOS only)8.1%
Injected/Modified Clients14.2%

As you can see, PGSharp easily comes out on top here with under 3% of users facing permanent bans. It‘s the only saver option that doesn‘t require you to root or jailbreak your device either.

The modified client apps that directly tap into PoGo‘s code have gotten extremely risky in 2024. I strongly advise avoiding those now as Niantic‘s detection has grown razor sharp.

Meanwhile iSpoofer takes more liberties with teleporting due to iOS restrictions. That leads to a much higher percentage of unhappy trainers!

Niantic‘s 3 Strike System Explained

So what exactly happens when Niantic suspects you of cheating or spoofing in Pokémon Go? Let‘s break down their current strike system:

Strike 1 – Warning

If Niantic‘s algorithms suspect you of spoofing, you‘ll receive an in-game warningmessage. At this stage your access isn‘t restricted, but clearly they‘re onto your tricks!

This strike lasts approximately 30 days before expiring.

Strike 2 – Account Lock

If additional signals indicate continued spoofing during your warning period, Niantic will escalate to a temporary account lock. This restricts access for about 30 days.

You can still appeal the sanction if you believe it was made in error. But no spoofing obviously during your appeal!

Strike 3 – Permanent Ban

After two documented strikes against your account, any subsequent signals of cheating trigger Niantic‘s harshest sanction – the dreaded permaban.

Your account access is permanently disabled across Pokémon Go and other Niantic games like Ingress or Catan World Explorers.

You can technically appeal permanent bans as well through Niantic‘s support site. But let‘s be real – the chances they overturn the decision sit firmly in Pidgey spawning rates.

Essentially treat any permanent ban as game over – you‘ve been red flagged as an irredeemable cheater in Niantic‘s databases!

Why Do PGSharp Users Get Banned?

Alright, now that we‘ve got Niantic‘s slap on the wrist system explained, what spoofing behaviors actually trigger strikes when using apps like PGSharp?

Frequently Teleporting Long Distances

Randomly hopping between continents 10x a day is like launching an ICBM directly into Niantic HQ labeled "I SPOOF GEOLOCATIONS".

Don‘t make sudden moves internationally. Keep your swaps believable within a region.

Ignoring Cooldown Timers

Each teleportation in PGSharp initiates a cool down timer before you can catch regional Pokémon or spin stops. Impatiently ignoring these temporary soft bans is an easy way to get flagged.

Sharing Accounts

Breaking Niantic‘s single-account rules by selling or sharing your logins. PGSharp makes this tempting with rare catches, but don‘t jeopardize your main!

Using Your Main Instead of an Alt

Study PGSharp ban behavior and test boundaries with an alternate account first. Protect your OG character name and legacy ‘mon!

How to Avoid Bans as a PGSharp User

While PGSharp offers excellent built-in protections against strikes like enhanced mocking, respecting cooldowns, and IV checks for red warnings, here are some extra precautions I take to protect my accounts:

  • Never teleport over 6,000 kilometers in one jump
  • Use a reliable VPN like NordVPN to mask your actual location
  • Limit bursts to one per 12 hours, 2 max for big events
  • Create low-level alt accounts for mass evolving or shiny checking
  • Avoid Mewtwo strikes by manually encountering legendaries

Essentially – don‘t be greedy! PGSharp hands you god mode over PoGo‘s augmented map, but wield that power judiciously.

Respect the established spoofing statutes and your odds of staying strike-free remain sky high.

How PGSharp Compares to Other Paid Spoofing Services

Right about now you might be wondering – why even risk strikes with PGSharp when I could just buy GPS spoofing directly from a teleport service?

Great question young grasshopper! Let‘s compare shall we:

PGSharp$5/month– Built for PoGo
– Actively maintained
– Huge community support
– Minor monthly fee
– Potential strikes
Gameflip$15-$30/mo– Ready accounts with rare Pokémon– Very expensive
– High ban risk
– Limited control
Spooferlabs$10-$25/hr– On-demand spoofing
– Experienced pilots
– Extremely expensive over time
– Accounts often terminated
– No alt leveling

As you can see, turnkey spoofing services get really costly over time. And ready accounts rather than pilot helpers face much higher ban risks from past spoofing history.

That‘s why I firmly believe PGSharp offers the best blend of cost, safety, and control for us Android folks right now!

iOS Spoofing Alternatives

Since this is an Android-focused PGSharp guide, let‘s briefly touch on the best alternatives for iPhone and iPad owners seeking sweet forbidden fruit:

  • iPoGo – Best Cydia-based iOS spoofer, but requires jailbreaking. Actively maintained.
  • iSpoofer – More beginner-friendly but needs regular re-installs to avoid revokes.
  • Signulous – $20/year signing service lets you install iPoGo safely with alt accounts. Worth it!

I won‘t claim to be an expert on iOS spoofing having only dabbled with my old iPad Air 2. But the options above seem to be the community favorites this year!

Getting Free PokeCoins Without Gyms

Alright, let‘s wrap up this monster guide by addressing a related question I often get asked:

"Can PGSharp help me earn free PokeCoins without gym battles?"

While I wish I could say yes, PoGo still ties daily coin earnings directly to holding gyms. PGSharp doesn‘t include generators or anything sketchy like that!

However – features like enhanced throw accuracy, IV checks for defender selections, and teleports to place ‘mon do help streamline gym conquering.

You can quickly substantiate multiple gyms across your city for 50-100 coins per day. Just make sure to treat the 8 hour defense limit as law to avoid soft bans!

And with PGSharp‘s radar insights, you‘ll rarely lack for supplies restocking Poké Balls or max revives when needed.

The Bottom Line

While no spoofing method stands immune to Niantic‘s ban hammer forever, PGSharp offers the most robust blend of safety and features for dominating Pokémon Go as an Android user in 2024.

Just be smart – respect cooldowns, don‘t get greedy teleporting worldwide constantly, and consider using alt accounts to preserve your legacy roster in case of worst case strikes.

Now get out there and catch ‘em all travelers! Just maybe stick to your region when other Trainers are watching eh? 😉️

Let me know if you have any other PGSharp questions in the comments!

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