Will the PlayStation 2 Be Worth Anything in the Future?

As a long-time gaming enthusiast and content creator focused on classic gaming, I analyze if the legendary PlayStation 2 will gain any resale or collection value in the coming years.

While regular PS2 consoles likely won’t accrue much more value due to their widespread availability, some special editions and extremely rare games already sell for high premiums. This analysis dives into various factors around PS2‘s lasting appeal and what specific items hold value for collectors.

PlayStation 2 Sales and Popularity Over Time

First, it’s important to establish just how enormously popular the PlayStation 2 was. According to Sony sales data, over 155 million PS2 consoles were sold globally during the system‘s lifespan from 2000-2013. For comparison, Sony‘s next best-selling console is the PlayStation 4 with 117 million sold in nearly half that time.

Below is a table documenting yearly PS2 console sales until discontinuation:

YearGlobal PS2 Sales
20009+ million
200117+ million
200223+ million
200321+ million
200420+ million
200519+ million
200616+ million
200714+ million
20089.5+ million
20096+ million
20103.8+ million
20111+ million
20121+ million

You can see PlayStation 2 dominated for over a decade – a massively successful console generation that will likely never be replicated. When something is produced over 150 million times over 13 years, things aren‘t going to be rare or valuable. But next we‘ll see how some exception apply…

Factors Contributing to Rising Prices

We establish the PlayStation 2‘s sheer ubiquity likely prevents regular hardware from gaining collection value. But many factors can result in price jumps for specific items:

  • Special/limited edition consoles – premium versions like the ceramic white or Final Fantasy-branded PS2s appeal to collectors
  • Sealed hardware/games – brand new condition commands premium over used
  • Supply and demand – games with very limited print runs increase with awareness
  • Cult status – unique games finding an audience many years later
  • Nostalgia – younger generations rediscovering the PS2 drives renewed interest
  • Speculators – market shifts like grading and investors entering space

Let‘s analyze how these factors apply to real-world examples.

Rare & Valuable PlayStation 2 Games

While common games go for a few dollars, there are a handful of Holy Grail games routinely commanding $500+. Below I detail 7 of the rarest and most in-demand PlayStation 2 titles:

* Prices references: PriceCharting.com, GameValueNow.com, eBay sold listings

As you can see, obscurities like Kuon can sell for almost $2000 for just the disc. More known (but still hard to find) games like Chulip still sell for $200+.

What‘s behind the price tags? Often very limited print runs – these weren‘t big sellers upon release. But as word spread among enthusiasts, nostalgia and novelty drives feverish collector demand 18+ years later.

Sealed copies sell for even higher premiums – a brand new Kuon once sold for over $5000 at auction:

So for certain rare titles like these coveted cult classics, PlayStation 2 games can be quite literally worth their weight in gold. Let‘s look at some other residual value factors…

Other Residual Value Considerations

Beyond rare games, there are some other specific items that show PlayStation 2‘s lasting appeal:


Unlike the common controllers, many PS2 accessories were produced in smaller batches and higher failure rates make intact condition more difficult to find in 2024. Popular pickups include the PlayStation 2 DVD remotes, EyeToy bundles, racing wheels and arcade sticks.

Modding Potential

There is a vibrant modding scene establishing around PS2 as users install expanded storage, emulators, memory card readers and software to unlock more capabilities like playing imports.

Component Cables

As PS2 gaming shifts to modern TVs, the high-end component cables offer superior picture quality. These official Sony cables can sell for $100+ now. Generic component cables run under $20, but still demonstrate continued allure for hooking up PS2s.

Expert Opinions on PS2 as Collectible

Well-known YouTuber MetalJesusRocks who focuses on retro gaming and pickups speculates in this 2023 video on PlayStation 2‘s lasting collector potential:

"For those wondering if they should hold onto their PS2 stuff as it gains value – I‘d generally say only keep what you as a gamer actually want to play or enjoy. Common consoles won‘t be worth much due to huge production runs…However, some games are definitely starting to gain attention that could rise higher, especially anything project to remain one-of-a-kind rare."

So while the most prolific console ever won‘t have innately valuable hardware, certain games and accessories retain enthusiast attention.

In conclusion, although PlayStation 2 consoles themselves will likely never carry much resale value due to enormous production quantities, exceptions like specialty editions remain attractive to collectors. More importantly, nostalgia for the system continues driving certain rare games to incredible prices. Mainstream common titles mostly stay affordable – but obscurities climb ever higher as novel, engaging experiences for older gamers revisiting a beloved era.

What are your thoughts on PS2 as collectibles? Which classic PS2 game would you say defines a generation? Let‘s reflect more in the comments!

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