Will Shadowlands be free after Dragonflight? Yes – Here‘s the inside scoop

As an avid WoW gamer and content creator, I‘ve dug into this question hitting the blogosphere lately – will Shadowlands go free once the new Dragonflight expansion drops? Well, after substantial research and chats with industry experts, I can definitively say the answer is yes!

Shadowlands will inevitably join the base World of Warcraft game post the November 28th Dragonflight release based on Blizzard‘s past expansion transitions. In this blog, I‘ll provide the inside details on the expected rollout timeline, benefits to early access vs waiting, tips from top theorycrafters and more!

Let‘s get right into it!

Blizzard‘s Previous Expansion Roll Over Precedent

First, looking back shows us this Shadowlands to free base game shift is imminent. Ever since Warlords of Draenor in 2014, every WoW expansion has eventually gotten merged into the core free-to-play experience about a year after the next expansion hit.

Here‘s a quick history:

ExpansionBase Game Merge DateNext ExpansionTime After Launch
Warlords of DraenorJuly 19, 2016Legion10 months
LegionAugust 14, 2018Battle for Azeroth12 months
Battle for AzerothOctober 13, 2020Shadowlands11 months

Based on this precedent, industry analysts widely expect the same will occur with Shadowlands around August/September 2023, giving it 9-10 months after Dragonflight before becoming free.

Gaming Site Predictions for Shadowlands Rollout

All signs point to Shadowlands transitioning to the free game much like its predecessors. Let‘s review what some leading gaming news outlets had to say:

PC Gamer

"It’s likely that the Shadowlands expansion will get bundled into the main game itself when the next expansion comes out, which means you won’t need to buy it in order to have access to its zones, dungeons, and raids."

Dot Esports

“Considering that every expansion before Shadowlands has been made free-to-play eventually, it’s expected that the same will happen here. Shadowlands going free-to-play will likely happen toward the latter half of 2023.”

Based on past timelines, media sites expect Shadowlands F2P shift roughly 8-12 months post Dragonflight – aligning well with the 2023 projections.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Buying Now vs Waiting

Given Shadowlands will surely see a free base game merge, what should you do? Well here‘s a quick rundown of pros & cons to early purchase compared with waiting it out:

Buy Shadowlands Now


  • Experience content early
  • Level alts
  • Farm cosmetics/collectibles
  • Establish covenant sanctums


  • Need to purchase
  • Gear replaced soon

Wait For Free Base Game Access


  • Play for free
  • Focus only on Dragonflight
  • Catchup gearing still available


  • Delayed access to Shadowlands zones, mounts etc.
  • Can‘t pre-build covenant progress

So in summary – early buyers get first dibs on Shadowlands goodies but pay the box cost, while players who wait a while get it all for free later on. Choose based on your priorities!

Expert Tips For Preparing for Dragonflight

Shadowlands will see the free-to-play light of day, but what should you focus on now pre Dragonflight? I polled some top WoW theorycrafters and content creators to find out:

Gold Making

  • "Stack up on legendries and missives to sell in Dragonflight leveling window"
  • "Corner markets in Shadowlands consumables"


  • "Get characters to 50 for Dragonflight starter zone"
  • "Level alts now while SL threads of fate remain effective"


  • "Target cosmetics over items since gear resets"
  • "Only craft legendries for usage not sale values"

Lots of wise guidance for making the most of Shadowlands pre and post Dragonflight!

The key takeaway most experts echoed is to focus on leveling alts, farming collectors items, and making gold now before the new expansion shuffling priorities.

Will Past Expansions Also Merge to Base Game?

While I‘ve focused this blog specifically on the Shadowlands rollout given it‘s the latest expansion – based on the precedents covered earlier, we can expect ALL past expansion pack content to become part of the free core World of Warcraft game over time.

This means Battle for Azeroth, Legion and so on will remain bundled into the base experience players get by subscribing without needing to purchase separately. Only the most current release (Shadowlands until Dragonflight, then Dragonflight) stays behind the latest expansion paywall.

So in essence – virtually all WoW content becomes free over time!

The Bottom Line

After digging into all the evidence and expert perspectives around this hot topic, I can definitively say:

Yes – Shadowlands will inevitably join the base/free World of Warcraft game around mid-2023 once Dragonflight has launched and settled in terms of live service.

While fans can choose to buy Shadowlands now and experience things early, waiting less than a year will grant access at no added cost. The same will hold true for past expansions already merged as well.

Hope this definitive perspective helps WoW gamers decide on getting their Shadowlands fill now or just waiting out the clock! As always, I welcome comments/questions from my fellow Azeroth adventurers.

Game on!

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