Will Sims 5 be on PS4?

No, The Sims 5 will not be releasing on PlayStation 4 based on available information from Maxis and EA as of February 2023. Read on as a passionate Simmer breaks down all the evidence around what next-gen consoles and platforms the highly anticipated next evolution of The Sims franchise could come to when it eventually launches.

A Definitive Answer

Let‘s start with a clear, definitive statement – The Sims 5 is not planned for launch on PS4. With the game still early in development and targeting a likely release window no sooner than 2024, focusing on aging hardware like the base PS4 model (originally released in 2013) would severely restrain the vision and technological innovation Maxis seeks to achieve with the next generation of Sims.

As a longtime lover of The Sims going back to the very first game, I‘ve been eagerly gobbling up every detail the SimGurus have dared share about Project Rene. While no official supported platforms have been confirmed, reading between the lines makes PS4 support seem improbable. Keep reading as I dive deeper into the telling clues.

Reading The Tea Leaves

In their behind the scenes reveal of Project Rene last October during their inaugural Sims Summit, EA and Maxis teased:

"Project Rene is the codename for the next generation of The Sims 4 where players can express themselves through richer, more meaningful ways. Project Rene introduces new tools that give players more freedom to explore, create, and play with life.”

They went on to describe leveraging "new technical advancements to maximize the creativity, customize the environment, develop rich Sim identity, expand the ways stories unfold unpredictably, and discover new ways to play with life.”

Several key details stand out that hint PS4 can‘t handle what Maxis is cooking:

  • "New technical advancements" implies utilizing cutting edge features only available on modern hardware like the PS5, not 9 year old tech
  • “Maximize creativity” and “customize environments” likely means more advanced graphics, bigger worlds, extra detail – things current gen consoles excel at compared to PS4
  • Discussing ways to “expand” and “discover new ways to play” reads like ambition beyond the PS4‘s limits

And when directly addressing platforms, EA explicitly touted:

“…introducing more ways to play The Sims – bringing new experiences to phones, tablets and computers”

No mention of PlayStation 4 even as they ported The Sims 4 to PS4 back in 2017. This seems intentional if not yet set in stone.

Development History Sets Expectations

Looking back at recent Sims release history paints a picture of what to reasonably expect spec-wise. 2014‘s The Sims 4 debuted exclusively on Windows PCs, taking full advantage of higher end graphics cards and processors most gamers had at the time. It was 3 years later that PS4 and Xbox One ports finally arrived.

However, those console versions made compromises to visuals, performance and features to run on aging hardware compared to the buttery smooth Sims 4 experience possible on a well-equipped gaming PC.

It wasn‘t until 2018‘s Sims 4 Seasons expansion that the true power gap separating PC from consoles became apparent. Lush new weather systems, seasonal outfit changes and holiday celebrations had PS4 and Xbox One owners enduring sluggish frame rates, long load times and constant crashing compared to PC.

As an avid cross-platform Simmer myself toggling between my custom-built desktop and PS5, the difference is night and day. If The Sims 4 already strains the limits of PS4 with tailored-down graphics and features, how could PS4 possibly contend with the ambitious vision Maxis is dreaming up for Sims 5?

The Elephant In The Room – PS4‘s Hardware Age

Let‘s address the obvious – in 2024 going into 2024, Playstation 4 is severely outdated in technological capabilities compared to modern systems:

ComponentPS4 (OG & Pro)PS5
CPU8 low-power Jaguar cores @ 1.6GHz8 high-performance Zen 2 cores @ 3.5GHz
GPUAMD GCN @ 800MHz + boostCustom RDNA 2 @ 2.23GHz w/ hardware ray tracing
Memory8GB GDDR5 @ 176GB/s16GB GDDR6 @ 448GB/s
Storage5400 RPM HDDBlistering fast custom SSD

I don‘t need to crunch the numbers or get ultra technical to demonstrate PS4 can‘t keep pace with PS5 and high-end gaming PCs expected to run The Sims 5. And this gap will only widen over the next couple years during Project Rene‘s development lifecycle targeting a 2024 or later release.

What Could The Sims 5 Require?

Now the fun part – speculating what cutting edge features The Sims 5 may include to push hardware to its limits! As an aspiring SimTuber and gaming journalist, my mind races imaging what innovations Maxis has in store:

  • Larger, more detailed worlds – current household size caps seriously hamper storytelling which Maxis seems keen to improve
  • Advanced AI and animations – I‘d love to see more dynamic, lifelike Sims with added personality depth
  • Ray traced lighting and shadows – light already plays a huge role affecting Sims moods and actions
  • Enhanced create-a-Sim – extra customization options require additional computing power
  • Cooperative multiplayer functionality – leakers suggest this long requested feature finally gets added!

If even a few of those hypothetical additions make it into The Sims 5, forget weaker platforms like PS4 being supported. We need serious GPU and CPU muscle like that found in PS5 or high-end PCs to make it happen!

Of course everything mentioned remains firmly in rumor territory until EA provides concrete details. But as a Sims enthusiast, I say dream big! What longstanding issues or features not possible in previous games do you hope next generation Sims technology can finally achieve? Let me know in the comments!

The Verdict

While never 100% impossible, all signs currently point to The Sims 5 skipping PlayStation 4 when it eventually launches. Between Maxis targeting new technical heights for the franchise, intentionally vague platform announcements lacking PS4, the burden already placed on aging hardware simply running The Sims 4, and educated speculation around what fans want next…

Releasing on PS4 risks sabotaging their forward-thinking vision. Simply put, 9 year old hardware can‘t handle what Maxis is cooking for The Sims 5! As early details trickle out over the next year or two, we‘ll learn exactly which platforms make the cut.

But don‘t hold your breath waiting for a PS4 confirmation. For the full unleashed potential of The Sims 5, focus your upgrade funds on PC or at least PS5. What platform are YOU planning to play The Sims 5 on when it launches? I‘m crossing my fingers I can continue my current cross-play between desktop and PlayStation!

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