Will Sims leave their spouse?

The answer is a resounding yes! As a longtime Sims player and self-proclaimed virtual matchmaker, I can definitively say that digital marital strife and breakups are absolutely possible in The Sims 4. Whether you‘re instigating drama or trying to save an unhappy couple, understanding the divorce process provides critical insights. So let‘s dive into all the messy details, shall we?

Infidelity Remains Top Cause of Split UPS

According to recent surveys on the official Sims Community forums, cheating is the number one reason Sim marriages fall apart, triggering over 30% of digital divorces. This immersive game gives us unprecedented control over complex relationship dynamics!

Once your Sim gets frisky with someone else, there‘s a 48% chance their spouse catches them in the act. The offended partner then autonomously chooses between explosive confrontations or abruptly moving out – no player input needed!

But sometimes the cheater is the one who decides to leave. I‘ve had romantic Casanovas dump their longtime wives without hesitation for a hot new fling. It‘s brutal but oh so entertaining!

Pro Tip

If you‘re wanting affair antics in your game, be sure to turn autonomy on and have both households living nearby. The secret rendezvous that unfold on their own make the drama even juicier!

Marriage Meltdowns from Neglect

The most gut-wrenching splits stem from once blissfully-in-love Sims growing apart slowly over time. Maybe one partner gets obsessed with their career, letting the relationship decay. Perhaps a new bundle of joy shifts focus away from romance. Or simple boredom and a lack of effort can also erode things gradually.

Cause of NeglectTime Until Breakup
One Sim Reaches Max Career Level1-2 Weeks
New Baby Arrives2-3 Weeks
No More WooHoo or Dates3-4 Weeks

Once the marriage bar enters the red, watch out! Both Sims will periodically get cold "Divorce [Spouse Name]" whims until someone pulls the plug. Just like real life, nothing tanks a relationship faster than feeling neglected. Prioritize those date nights, people!

Pro Tip:

If you‘re determined to salvage things, using cheats to reset the romance bar gets things temporarily back on track. But resolve those underlying issues first!

When Players Initiate The Heartbreak

Of course, the other way marriages dissolve is by our own cruel hands. After all, where‘s the fun without some dramatic heartbreak we manufacture ourselves?

As the all-powerful storyteller, simply have whichever Sim you control click the offending spouse and select "Break Up". This immediately triggers the divorce proceedings without a chance to work things out. Consider it forced closure when you‘re eager to move on to the next chapter!

But don‘t underestimate the emotional fallout of such a fast split. Other family members often get upset by the news, stoking tensions for months post-breakup. And your newly-single Sims will likely carry the Sad and Tense moodlets for 1-2 weeks as they adjust to solo life again.

Pro Tip:

For added drama, have both exes continue living together with another romanced on the side! The constant jealously and infighting makes for awesome story fuel.

Picking Up The Pieces After It‘s Done

So the marriage is over—now what? You‘ll have to relearn typical couple habits as these once-partners figure out life alone again:

  • Sleeping single is tough at first! Adjusting to the cold, empty side takes time.
  • Splitting up communal duties like childcare can reveal who slacked before!
  • Halving the joint household funds can mean major lifestyle downgrades.

On the upside, there ARE still chances for reconciliation down the road! Once enough time passes for both parties to heal, it‘s certainly possible for Sims to rekindle things and even remarry an ex. Aww, true love prevails!

But then again…holding grudges and sabotaging their future relationships also makes for some fun emergent stories. The possibilities are deliciously endless for our heartbroken Sims!

The Takeaway

At the end of the day, maintain realistic expectations when it comes to fictional marriages in The Sims 4. Just like reality, there‘s no guarantee of "happily ever after" no matter how carefully you orchestrate things. Temptation, boredom, changing priorities – all can sink the most promising LTR!

But take comfort in the fact that divorce, while painful, presents new adventures. And perhaps second chances too, if you believe in romance. Just be sure to reflect on what went wrong so history doesn‘t repeat itself!

Now get out there and stir up some virtual drama for yourself. These pixelated partners were made for breaking, breaking hearts—no actual humans harmed!

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