Deadpool Triumphantly Returns to Steam in a Glorious Comeback

Hell yes – the Deadpool game is back on Steam in 2024!! After years in exile, Activision has somehow worked their magic to bring Wade Wilson‘s zany adventure game back to the PC gaming platform we know and love.

I‘ll admit, I was heartbroken when Deadpool was ripped away from us back in 2014 due to licensing issues. Playing the fourth wall-breaking, chimichanga-loving antihero was just too damn fun. But now, our baby is back where he belongs.

The Long Road to Return

Deadpool and other Marvel games published by Activision vanished from all digital storefronts on January 1, 2014, when Activision‘s licensing deal expired. I remember the dark day vividly – refreshing the Steam store in disbelief that Wade had disappeared.

PlatformDate Removed
SteamJan 1, 2014
PSNJan 1, 2014

At the time, there was little hope of seeing the iconic red suit again outside of used physical copies. But in 2024, Deadpool has emerged from the ashes like a glorious phoenix to once again wreak havoc on our PC screens. Hallelujah!

Deadpool Steam Header Image

So how did this comeback happen? Well, insider sources tell me that Activision must have renewed or replaced their Marvel licensing agreement. Maybe all the hype surrounding the long-awaited Deadpool 3 movie, now slated for November 2024, convinced them to bring back gaming‘s most unstable antihero.

Could More Marvel Games Return?

We‘ve already seen Marvel‘s Spider-Man Remastered swing onto Steam this year as well. So it definitely seems like Activision and Marvel are coordinated to return fan favorite superhero games to the platform. Does this mean titles like X-Men Origins: Wolverine or past Spider-Man games could also rise from the grave? As a life-long Marvel gamer, I desperately hope so.

I‘ll be keeping a close eye on Steam to see if any other lost super-powered gems find their way back into our libraries. For now, I‘m thrilled to be able to don the red suit and katanas as Deadpool once more after so many years without his chaos. It‘s time to break those poor fourth walls into tiny little pieces again!

So welcome back, Mr. Wilson. You have no idea how much we missed you and your messed up face! Now if you‘ll excuse me, I have some gaming to do – chimichangas are on me tonight!

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