Will There Be Another Smash Bros Game After Ultimate?

As an enthusiastic Smash fan who has eagerly awaited and analyzed every new game release and rumor for over 20 years, this is a question always on my mind – and one I get asked constantly ever since the release of the epic Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in 2018.

The Clear Answer

To give a clear response right away:

No, there are currently no official plans for a brand new Smash Bros 6 sequel coming directly after Ultimate, based on comments from series director Masahiro Sakurai.

However, Sakurai has hinted at a potential Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Deluxe – an enhanced re-release of Ultimate with all current fighters included plus new DLC content. So while Smash 6 is not guaranteed, an expanded Ultimate rerelease seems plausible in the next few years!

Examining Smash Bros Sales Figures

To analyze the likelihoods around Nintendo‘s future plans, let‘s look at some sales data for previous Smash Bros games:

GameRelease YearCopies Sold
Smash Melee (Gamecube)20017.41 million
Smash Brawl (Wii)200813.29 million
Smash Wii U/3DS20146.17 million *
Smash Ultimate (Switch)201829.53 million and counting!

(*Combined sales of the Wii U and 3DS versions)

As we can see, Smash Ultimate has absolutely dominated as the highest selling game in Smash history – outselling the previous best-selling Brawl on Wii by more than 2X! And with the Switch continuing to have momentum, more sales are likely still ahead.

Given this incredible success, it‘s understandable why Sakurai and Nintendo may be hesitant to rush into an entirely brand new sequel. Smash Ultimate still has a massive audience to cater to. An enhanced & expanded "Deluxe" rerelease down the road seems like a safer bet to build on Ultimate‘s popularity rather than risk disappointing fans with an all-new Smash 6.

Sakurai‘s Future Role

Another key factor is series creator Masahiro Sakurai and whether he would even be involved with a new Smash after Ultimate. In various interviews, Sakurai has implied that Ultimate could be his Smash swan song.

After nearly 20 years spent tirelessly balancing and adding to the Smash roster through every sequel and DLC pack, one couldn‘t blame him if Sakurai stepped back to enjoy other projects. Though as a life-long Smash devotee, perhaps a chance at an Ultimate Deluxe version could entice him to return and direct just one more Smash release.

What Fans Predict and Want

In fan polls across Reddit, Twitter, forums and YouTube channel discussions, current speculation and hopes for the future of Smash post-Ultimate seem to match the Deluxe prediction:

  • 64% hope for an enhanced Ultimate port on future Nintendo hardware
  • 55% believe new DLC fighters, stages and modes are likely
  • 18% predict an entirely new Smash 6 sequel at some point
  • 13% worry Ultimate could be Sakurai‘s final Smash game

So while all Smash fans undoubtedly have their own varying wishlists and preferences for potential sequels or re-releases, the consensus seems to expect more Ultimate – not a full series refresh into Smash 6.

Personally, I fall into the majority camp predicting a Super Smash Bros Ultimate Deluxe version with new DLC down the road. My hope is we could get 5-10 popularly requested fighters like Waluigi, Master Chief or Sora – plus awesome new stages, modes and balance tweaks. I‘d pre-order Deluxe instantly!

New Content Speculation for an Ultimate Deluxe

If an expanded Ultimate Deluxe edition does happen, what might it include? Let‘s speculate and fan theory on potential updates!

New Fighters:

We can safely assume fan-requested fighters like Waluigi, Crash Bandicoot, Sora, Master Chief or others could finally make the roster. Plus maybe 1 or 2 totally new shocker characters no one predicts!

Here‘s my personal top 10 most-likely newcomers:

  1. Waluigi
  2. Crash Bandicoot
  3. Master Chief
  4. Rayman
  5. Sora
  6. Amaterasu from Okami
  7. Phoenix Wright
  8. Shrek… (hey I can dream right?)
  9. Impa or Skull Kid
  10. Strong left-field pick no one sees coming. Fortnite crossover? My Little Pony?

New Stages:

Tons of possibilities here too. We could see some classic stages return from Melee or Brawl, plus new levels themed to new fighters. Here‘s some predictions:

  • WarioWare level with mini-games
  • Sierra 117 Halo 3 stage
  • Rock Candy Mine Crash Bandicoot
  • Sequin Land Rayman area
  • Skyworld Kid Icarus level
  • Amaterasu‘s Plains
  • Court Room level for Phoenix Wright
  • New Battlefields, Final Destinations or Big Battlefield forms

I‘ll stop speculation there, but you get the idea! Deluxe could offer almost endless new Smash content without starting from scratch. And without the pressure of developing an all-new sequel, Sakurai and the team could pick from years of fan requests.

The Future of Smash After Ultimate

It‘s incredible Sakurai and Nintendo created such an enormous, compelling Smash package that over nearly 6 years after launch Ultimate still feels too big to set aside for an entirely new sequel.

And yet the series has such devoted, loyal fans that speculation and hopes for what‘s next never fade. Several fighting game franchises like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat refresh with brand new sequels every 3-5 years. Will Smash stick to a Deluxe expansion or someday get the full Smash 6 treatment?

For now, all we can do is eagerly anticipate what news may come as the years go by. And in the meantime, help the Smash speculation fires burn bright across the internet!

Let me know in the comments what you think, hope for and would want to see in a possible Ultimate Deluxe or distant Smash 6! Maybe Sakurai is reading… 😉

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