Will two Shinies breed a shiny?

The short answer is yes, but with standard 1 in 4096 base shiny odds. Simply having two shiny parents does not guarantee or boost your chances of breeding a shiny Pokémon, outside of the Gen 2 games.

As an avid Pokémon breeder and gaming enthusiast, I‘ve produced over 500 shiny Pokémon through Eggs. So I want to provide a detailed guide to understanding shiny breeding mechanics and how you can optimize your own shiny odds.

Shiny Breeding Odds and Mechanics

Every Pokémon bred has a 1 in 4096 chance of being shiny by default. This rolls for every Egg, independent of the parents‘ status. So having two shinies mate does not influence this base rate.

However, there are ways to drastically improve your probabilities by stacking certain effects:

Standard Rate1 in 4096
+ Shiny Charm1 in 1365
+ Masuda Method1 in 512

As you can see, by having the Shiny Charm and utilizing the Masuda Method, your shiny rate reaches over 8 times higher than standard odds!

The only exception is Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal, where breeding two shinies gave a 1 in 64 chance. But this was changed in later generations.

Shiny Charm Effect

The Shiny Charm is a key item obtained after completing the Pokédex. It passively boosts shiny odds to 1 in 1365 for eggs and encounters.

I highly recommend acquiring this charm as soon as possible, as it effectively doubles your possibilities with no extra effort needed!

Masuda Method Effect

Named after Game Freak director Junichi Masuda, this method involves breeding two Pokémon from games in different languages (e.g. Japanese Ditto with English Pokémon).

By mixing language origin, it rolls the shiny dice twice – first check fails, then second check with standard 1 in 4096 odds. Effectively cutting odds by over half!

Having the Shiny Charm on top pushes this even further to 1 in 512. So utilize foreign Dittos!

Optimizing Your Shiny Breeding Setup

With the right setup, you can hatch shinies incredibly efficiently:

1. Acquire Both Charms

Get the Shiny Charm and Oval Charm items to boost shiny rates and produce more Eggs.

2. Setup Efficient Parents

Use a 6 IV foreign Ditto holding a Destiny Knot, plus another compatible high IV Pokémon of the species you want. Everstone for Nature control.

3. Hatch Eggs Faster

Have a Pokémon with Magma Armor or Flame Body abilities in party to cut hatch cycles.

4. Streamline Egg Collection

Use Tauros Charge or Prance to quickly collect boxes of eggs effortlessly.

Follow this framework and you‘ll be churning out shinies faster than you can believe! I was able to hatch 4 in a single day with this optimized method.

Should You Specifically Breed Two Shinies?

While breeding shinies doesn‘t directly improve odds itself, I actually recommend having at least one shiny parent when possible.

Why? When you finally hatch that shiny, it will be born with your hard-earned shiny parent‘s ultra rare sparkles! This saves you time raising it up.

Beyond that, it also lets that parent pass down IVs, Poké Ball type, Nature, etc. So you gain a stronger shiny right off the bat.

For example, I bred my perfect IV foreign Ditto with a self-caught shiny Dubwool. This allowed me to quickly hatch a flawless shiny Wooloo that matched the style I wanted!

Shiny Value (SV) Egg Matching

I also want to briefly mention another incredibly powerful method – SV matching. Using tools to view your Trainer Shiny Value (TSV) and the Egg‘s Shiny Value (ESV), you can intentionally match them up to guarantee a hatched shiny.

While complex, this essentially provides a 100% shiny chance for that egg. Definitely worth researching if you want to take shiny breeding to the extreme!

Final Tips For Shiny Breeding

After 500+ hatched shinies and years of research here are my top tips:

  • Stack odds with Shiny + Masuda – Combine both effects!
  • Have patience – It can take over 1000 eggs even with max odds
  • Take breaks – Avoid burnout from endless hatching
  • Set a stop limit – Determine a max number of eggs before switching species
  • Enjoy the journey! – Celebrate mini milestones like perfect IVs or post each unique hatch number

With the knowledge provided in this guide, you now have the blueprint to start pumping out your own shiny Pokémon more efficiently than ever before!

You may just hatch that super rare square sparkling shining star 1 in 65,536 ultra mega chicken nugget rainbow sylveon of your dreams one day!

Let me know if you have any other questions – I could talk about breeding shinies forever!

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