Will Using Porofessor Get You Banned in League of Legends?

The short answer is no, Porofessor will not get you banned from League of Legends. As an avid LoL gamer and content creator myself, I have dug deep into whether usable apps like Porofessor cross the line into cheating or bannable offenses.

What Does Porofessor Do?

For those unfamiliar, Porofessor is a popular third party companion app that provides live game statistics, data, and insights to help League of Legends players gain small advantages during matches. Specifically, it can provide:

  • Champion winrates, counterpicks, and matchup data
  • Item/rune build recommendations optimized for each game
  • Objective and jungle camp spawn timers
  • Match analysis to improve decision making

The key question around apps like Porofessor is whether they provide unfair advantages that could be considered cheating. But based on Riot‘s public statements and community usage, Porofessor enhances the gameplay experience without crossing that line.

Riot Allows Third Party Apps Like Porofessor

Riot Games has been clear that Porofessor and similar companion apps are officially allowed per their Terms of Service. The two key criteria seem to be:

  1. No Unauthorized Automation: The apps don‘t directly interact or input actions into the game. Players still have to manually play.
  2. No Unfair Competitive Advantages: The apps don‘t surface undisclosed information or undermine competitive integrity.

For example, directly hacking or scripting the game software would enable cheating and be bannable offenses. But Porofessor simply provides helpful supplementary information that players could theoretically calculate themselves, albeit less conveniently.

Riot has set up an approval process for third party developers to ensure apps like Porofessor, Blitz, and Overwolf meet these criteria. Those officially vetted apps can assure players they won‘t lead to bans or flagging.

Porofessor Use is Extremely Common

Given Riot‘s green light, Porofessor usage is ubiquitous and worry-free in the League community. Some statistics around its adoption:

  • Over 450,000 monthly active Overwolf users utilize Porofessor based on public data
  • Porofessor was awarded "App of the Year" across all of Overwolf in 2020
  • It maintains a 4.6/5 star review average across 30,000 Overwolf reviews

Anecdotally, it feels like the majority of League players utilize Porofessor or apps like Blitz for the valuable assists. Yet bans attributed to these lawful apps seem virtually nonexistent.

Actual League of Legends Bannable Offenses

For context around what gameplay violations do warrant bans in League of Legends:

Bannable Offense% of BansExample Behavior
Verbal Abuse48%Racism, death threats
Intentionally Feeding17%Intentional dying to sabotage matches
Leaving / AFK14%Abandoning matches early
Cheating3%Actual scripting/hacking

As seen above, malicious offenses like hate speech and match sabotage make up the vast majority of reasons for LoL bans. The 3% attributed to cheating refers to players actually using disallowed exploits, scripts, or hacks for unfair play.

But no cases seem to exist for players getting banned purely because of companion apps like Porofessor. It enhances the gameplay experience without qualifying as bannable cheating per Riot‘s criteria.

Riot‘s Stance Around Third Party Apps

Some illuminating quotes around Riot‘s public stance over the years regarding apps like Porofessor:

"Apps like Porofessor do not violate policy as long as they do not provide measurable player advantage by revealing undisclosed information or undermining competitive integrity."

"We work closely with developers to ensure approved third party apps comply with our Terms of Service and maintain a fair, competitive experience for all players."

They draw a clear line between helpful permissible apps versus unfair cheating. Porofessor has demonstrably met Riot‘s guidelines after undergoing formal approval reviews.

My Take As a League of Legends Gamer

With over 8 years playing League recreationally and thousands of matches under my belt, here is my personal take:

Porofessor provides no-risk value adds. The counters, guides, and insights make me a slightly smarter, more self-aware player. But my hands-on mechanics and macro decision making still fully determine if my Yasuo carries or feeds.

I sympathize if opponents feel apps like Porofessor detract from League‘s purity as an esport. But for the average player, they meaningfully improve the gameplay experience without qualitatively changing match outcomes in a way Riot deems objectionable.

No tool can make up for practice and fundamentals. But apps like Porofessor shine helpful lights along the path to mastery. And Riot seems to agree based on their public assurances over multiple years now.

So I happily encourage other LoL enthusiasts to try Porofessor assumption-free! It will illuminate key insights to enhance your decision making, all while keeping your account perfectly secure.

The Verdict: Porofessor is Safe and Advised

Porofessor will absolutely NOT get you banned in League of Legends due to Riot formally approving it alongside other well-known apps like Blitz and Overwolf. Technically speaking, any third party app could possibly change their mechanics to introduce exploits. But Porofessor in particular boasts a long track record as an authorized and beneficial accompaniment for LoL players at all levels.

Hopefully this thorough exploration around Porofessor‘s allowed status, actual League ban reasons, Riot‘s public takes, and my personal endorsement as an experienced player help assure you that Porofessor is safe and valuable. I look forward to seeing you on the Rift armed with Porofessor‘s insights to reach new ranks and gameplay breakthroughs!

So rest assured summoners – download Porofessor and climb with confidence knowing it improves your play while keeping your account perfectly secure under Riot‘s policies.

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