No, V Will Not Return as Protagonist in the Cyberpunk Sequel

After driving hundreds of hours through Night City‘s neon-bathed streets, it‘s bittersweet, but the chrome-clad mercenary V‘s ride is likely coming to an end. Based on statements from developers CD Projekt Red and clues found in updates for Cyberpunk 2077‘s upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC expansion, the cybernetically-enhanced hero almost certainly won‘t be back as the playable lead character in the recently announced sequel.

V‘s Story Concludes in Phantom Liberty

Launching in 2024, Phantom Liberty starring Idris Elba aims to wrap up V‘s narrative arc once and for all. Set after Cyberpunk 2077‘s main story, the paid expansion continues V‘s quest for survival armed with new weapons, an ability tree revamp, and fresh enemy faction.

Phantom Liberty Key Art

Phantom Liberty‘s ominous tagline suggests finality for V.

CD Projekt Red confirms Phantom Liberty represents V‘s "final, most daring fight" against the system that took everything. This language signals the character‘s swan song, with Idris Elba‘s support character Jefferson Peralez playing a pivotal role in Night City‘s future as V reckons with impending mortality.

Further evidence comes from the expansion‘s mysterious key art depicting V masked and bound by wires plugged directly into their cyberware.

Does this represent V uploading their consciousness similar to Johnny Silverhand? Or is it symbolic of V interfacing more deeply with Night City‘s machinations? Either way, it points to a significant shift or conclusion for the gunslinging merc.

Why V Must Go For the Sequel

With V‘s fate seemingly decided in Phantom Liberty, the door opens for CD Projekt Red to craft a brand new Cyberpunk protagonist. This may disappoint some fans initially, but stepping back, it‘s a wise creative decision that gives the developer freedom to take the franchise in exciting new directions unrestricted by V‘s story baggage.

V‘s Story Possibilities Are Limited

A new lead affords the writing team endless options compared to picking up where Phantom Liberty leaves off. They no longer need to account for how previous choices impact V‘s fixed state of having just six months left to live.

Fresh characters within Night City‘s sprawling universe means more versatile storytelling, able to weave unpredictable narratives rather than working around V‘s restrictions as a dying engram harvesting mercenary.

Avoiding Creative Confinement

V quickly won over players through well-written dialog, moral dilemmas, and the anchoring performance of Cherami Leigh as Female V. But there‘s a risk of confining creativity by clinging too tightly to that same persona and voice.

Much like how Commander Shepard persisted as Mass Effect‘s protagonist across three games, retaining V over multiple Cyberpunk installments – while understandable from a fan connection standpoint – may box in longer term story evolution and gameplay innovation.

Choice Statistics

58% of players chose Female V over Male V, presenting a creative conundrum.

A new playable character frees up CD Projekt Red to take more ambitious strides advancing Night City‘s detailed dystopian future without altering V‘s established identity.

Johnny Silverhand‘s Fate

While Johnny Silverhand‘s portrayal by Keanu Reeves gives the rockstar-terrorist antihero mainstream appeal, having the character continue to dominate Cyberpunk‘s future may undermine establishing a distinct new lead.

There are already hints Silverhand has passed the torch based on Phantom Liberty‘s marketing spotlight on Idris Elba‘s Peralez over Johnny despite the expansion featuring his return. It would allow fresh personalities to thrive moving the series forward if Silverhand took more of a backseat role or didn‘t appear at all.

Who Might Replace V?

If V does ride off into Night City‘s smog-filled sunset after Phantom Liberty, who might step up as Cyberpunk‘s new main attraction? While pure speculation at this stage, clues rooted in the universe‘s extensive lore offer possibilities:

Morgan Blackhand

This legendary solo and Johnny Silverhand‘s one-time mentor remains shrouded in mystery despite his mythic status as one of Night City‘s deadliest mercenaries right up until his disappearance following the infamous Arasaka Tower assault.

Bringing Blackhand out of obscurity as a weathered veteran partial to cybereye shades who steps back into the fold after years away could make for a compelling gritty protagonist. His reputation also lends built-in credibility tackling the city‘s most dangerous merc jobs.


Introduced in Cyberpunk 2077 via text conversations and a brief voice cameo, this hot shot smuggler and street racer burst onto the criminal scene to dominate highway drug trafficking and infiltration jobs.

Already proven skilled wheeling and dealing amongst Night City‘s most notorious fixers and gangs, Falco‘s brash ambition to take on the Valentino cartel could drive a white-knuckle revenge tale of blood and chrome.

Mr. Blue Eyes

The identity of this mysterious elite fixer remains unknown, but insight gleaned during Cyberpunk 2077‘s "The Gift" ending shows he has immense wealth and resources while subtly pulling strings at the highest levels of corporations and government via evil AIs.

Unpeeling Blue Eyes‘ true motivations through the veneer of a ruthless underground kingpin forcing our new character to do his bidding has tons of nuanced potential given whispers of his dangerous "Secret People" cabal infiltrating every facet of society.

CharacterBackgroundWhy They‘d Work
Morgan BlackhandLegendary Solo, Johnny Silverhand‘s former mentorWeathered veteran persona lends instant merc credibility
FalcoBrash smuggler & street racer making power movesStreet smart ambition could fuel compelling new crime revenge tale
Mr. Blue EyesMystery elite fixer & alleged leader of vast conspiracyPeeling back truth behind shadowy string puller tons of potential

Table showing hypothetical candidates to carry the Cyberpunk torch if V doesn‘t return

While these remain speculative, each possibility checks necessary boxes housing motivations and backstories fitting for spearheading engrossing new Cyberpunk directions.

Silver Lining for Fans

Losing our soulful guide V after journeying together through the guts of Night City may sting initially if Phantom Liberty closes the book. But their absence allows fresh faces to steer the franchise down roads otherwise truncated by V‘s limitations as a protagonists. This inevitable shift promises to keep Cyberpunk‘s kinetic spirit alive in unexpected new capacities for years to come!

Stay tuned choombas… chances seem high The Afterlife‘s best merc won‘t be around to jack back into the next big score. Where Night City goes next is anyone‘s guess – but guaranteed to be one hell of a neon-drenched ride into the dark future.

I‘m crossing my augmented fingers. Think we‘ll see V ride again down these mean streets? Hit me up in the comments!

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