Will Veronica Leave if I Destroy the Brotherhood?

As a passionate gamer and content creator focused on the Fallout series, this is a question I get asked a lot by players looking to make big faction decisions in New Vegas. My simple answer is: Yes, in most cases, Veronica will leave your party or turn hostile if you destroy the Brotherhood of Steel.

Understanding Veronica‘s Ties to the Brotherhood

Veronica Santangelo is closely affiliated with the Brotherhood of Steel – after all, she‘s a member who you can first recruit at the 188 Trading Post. She has complex feelings about the group, hoping that one day they may reform their isolated ways and work together with groups like the NCR. But at the end of the day, they are still her family.

If you destroy the group, it directly impacts Veronica on a personal level. This applies whether you destroy the Hidden Valley bunker directly or work with other factions like Caesar‘s Legion to wipe them out. She will see it as a deep betrayal and leave your company.

Paths to Keeping Veronica While Opposing the Brotherhood

However, there are some narrow paths where you may be able to maintain Veronica‘s loyalty even if you directly act against the Brotherhood:

  • Completing Her Companion Quest First: Veronica‘s quest involves leaving the Brotherhood to search for a new future. If you support this and sever her ties before turning against them, she may still travel with you.

  • Careful Faction Reputation Management: If you delicately balance faction reputations, you may be able to minimize reputation loss with Veronica herself when fighting the Brotherhood. This involves complex planning.

  • Take Out Key Leaders, Not All Members: If you assassinate certain leaders like Elder McNamara without wiping out lower-ranked members, you may avoid pushing her over the edge.

However, these approaches involve intricate maneuvering of quest lines and faction scores. For most players looking to oppose the Brotherhood, Veronica will still end up leaving or attacking you in the end.

What Happens if You Destroy the Brotherhood Before Recruiting Veronica?

This scenario leads to the most direct consequences with Veronica:

If you destroy the Hidden Valley bunker and eliminate key Brotherhood members before recruiting Veronica, she will approach you at the 188 Trading Post and bluntly ask what happened.

If you reveal your actions, she will say "Well in that case: This is for them." She will then attack you directly for revenge. So in this case, being upfront leads to immediate hostility when you later cross paths.

Key Takeaways: Veronica and the Brotherhood

To summarize the key points around Veronica Santangelo‘s loyalty if you oppose the Brotherhood:

  • Veronica has strong personal ties to the Brotherhood that influence her affinity
  • Directly destroying the Brotherhood turns her hostile in nearly all situations
  • There are some intricate ways you may be able to minimize reputation loss, but they involve careful manipulation of quest lines and faction scores
  • Being honest about destroying the Brotherhood before recruiting Veronica leads to immediate violence

While complex strategies may work in some playthroughs, the straightforward answer remains: Yes, Veronica will almost always leave or turn against you if you destroy the Brotherhood of Steel faction she is a member of.

As you weigh faction decisions that pit major groups against each other, keep this context around Veronica in mind. She may not openly warn or threaten you herself, but acting against her people has unavoidable consequences.

Those are my insights on this complex companion dynamic – let me know in the comments if you have any other Fallout tips or questions! This is just one small slice of the game‘s intricate web of character relationships and faction politics.

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