Will Warcraft 3: Reforged be Free in 2024?

No, Warcraft 3: Reforged requires purchase for full access in 2024 – the only exception is existing owners of the original Warcraft 3 (Reign of Chaos) and its expansion (The Frozen Throne), who can access Reforged at no additional cost. However, this free upgrade misses out on certain features.

What‘s Included in Free Reforged Upgrade for Original WC3 Owners?

I break down the exact differences in the visual comparison below:

FeatureFree Reforged UpgradePaid Reforged Access
Enhanced GraphicsYesYes
New Gameplay ChangesYesYes
Ranked LadderNoYes
Full Campaign OverhaulNoYes

So in summary, original WC3 owners get core graphics and gameplay improvements but miss out on ranked play, cosmetics and the all the new campaign content with the free upgrade path.

My Take as Passionate Gamer

Having played through the free Reforged content myself with my old WC3 CD keys, I definitely enjoyed the gameplay and visual polish despite missing some features. However, hardcore fans who want the full experience will need to purchase Reforged. Casual RTS enthusiasts on a budget can still have plenty of fun though!

What is Current Pricing for New Players in 2024?

If you want full access to Reforged, here are the current purchase options as of 2023 on Battle.net:

Spoils of War (Extras)$39.99

There are no seasonal sales being offered 3 years post-launch. I don‘t expect any dramatic price changes in 2024 unless player counts drop off.

Comparison with Steam/Other Platforms

Reforged remains exclusive to Battle.net in 2024. There is sadly no Steam or Xbox/Playstation support currently. No Steam Deck compatibility either due to reliance on DirectX 12.

State of the Game in 2024 – Still Worth Playing?

In my opinion as an engaged community member: Absolutely yes!

Reforged endured a rocky launch in 2020 but I believe it has found its footing 3 years later. The passionate fanbase and modding scene continues to thrive. Let‘s take a look at some positive indicators:

Player Statistics

  • Over 50k+ daily players – very healthy for a decades old RTS! Almost triple the peaks of competitor games like Age of Empires 2.
  • 5-10k+ active Discord communities
  • Recent custom campaigns getting 100k+ subscribers

Competitive Scene Update

  • Multiple big tournaments hosted in 2022 with 5-figure prize pools
  • Well-known former pro-players like Grubby actively producing content
  • Top players streaming ladder games regularly for solid viewership

Development Support

  • While not the most communicative, Blizzard has delivered on promiesd feature upgrades like clans and ladder revamp
  • Consistent balance changes to keep meta evolving
  • Map editor also sees updates and fixes

So with many signs of life across areas like player activity, esports and dev support – WC3:Reforged seems positioned to entertain RTS lovers through 2023 and beyond!

Quick Start Guide for New Players

If you do decide to pick Reforged in 2024, here are my top 5 tips as an experienced player to help you get off on the right foot:

  1. Complete campaign first – great way to learn mechanics against AI before intimidating ladder
  2. Try Human or Orc first – easiest beginner races to grasp in my opinion
  3. Watch helpful content creators like Grubby or Back2Warcraft
  4. Find a new player community like W3Champions Training Grounds for strategy help
  5. Have patience – RTS skill progression is slow but very rewarding!

While there is a learning curve, the game is very fun and fulfilling once you get the hang of it. The community is also friendly and welcoming to new players looking to improve.

Let me know if you pick up Reforged in 2024! Happy to provide any other guidance to new folks. Enjoy and see you on Battle.net!

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