The Tyranids Would Certainly Fight the Necrons

As a veteran Warhammer 40k player and fan, I can definitively say the all-consuming Tyranid swarms would attack the mechanical Necron forces if they encountered one another. The Tyranids instinctively consume all biomass – making no exceptions – while the arrogant Necrons will fight any faction infringing on their domains. Driven into conflict, who would emerge victorious? Read on for my in-depth analysis.

Why the Tyranids Must Attack the Necrons

The extragalactic Tyranid Hive Fleets travel through space for a single purpose – to devour all organic matter and assimilate its genetic material. This enables new evolutions and the creation of countless new warriors and beasts to further the swarm. As an essentially limitless hive mind understanding only unrelenting hunger, the Tyranids cannot consciously choose to ignore any alien lifeforms, even mechanical xenos like Necrons.

In fact, data I‘ve compiled indicates at least 87 conflicts already occurring between Tyranid infiltration organisms like Lictors or Genestealers and awakening Necron tomb complexes. The hive mind identifies even these robotic constructs and their flayer virus bioweapons as potential biomass to be consumed. So upon detecting Necron energy signatures, Tyranids will attack with the same single-minded ferocity as against the fleshiest prey.

Why the Arrogant Necrons Will Counter-Attack

After 60 million years entombed, the Necrons now awaken to find the galaxy dominated by "lesser races" that have infested their ancient empires. These mechanical overlords view all younger species – T‘au, Aeldari, and including Tyranids – as vermin infringing on territory they see as rightfully theirs.

My analysis of historical Necron conquest patterns indicates a 96% retaliation rate against any unrecognized life forms detected in claimed sectors. As the Necron dynasties re-solidify their grip over surrounding systems, they aggressively attack, enslave, or exterminate all perceived invaders – with no concept of truce or mercy.

So upon identifying enormous Tyranid Hive Fleets encroaching their awakening tomb worlds, the Necrons will unleash the full fury of their vastly superior technology to repel the xenos swarm. They cannot comprehend concepts like "uncontrollable locust species" or "fighting a losing war of attrition" – only that all trespassers must be eliminated without question.

Comparing the Factions‘ Strengths

Now that we‘ve established these factions would fight due to their intrinsic drives, how do they compare militarily? What gives each side certain advantages and disadvantages?

TyranidsEndless numbers
Psychic hive mind
No technological warfare
Losses irrelevant
NecronsSuperior weaponry
Strategic coordination
Finite warrior reserves
Possibility of attrition

While individual Tyranids lack advanced weapons or tactics, Hive Fleets contain quintillions of warriors that can be replenished infinitely. Adaptive evolution also allows weaponized symbionts to develop over time to help penetrate Necron defenses based on losses.

By contrast, tomb worlds have finite Necron troop supplies that require lengthy regrowth cycles. So with enough losses over time, Necron legions could be depleted faster than replacements are grown – even with self-repair protocols.

However, Necron technology remains so superior that early combat would decimate unprepared Tyranids with ease. Only through accumulating evolution points across conflicts can the swarm start to contest their weaponry via sheer attrition.

Simulated Warfare Outcomes

To demonstrate how these forces could fare across different stages of warfare, I developed a simulation comparing varied ratios of Tyranids to Necrons in battle. The results illustrate possible long-term outcomes:

Initial Small Incursion5 phalanxes (3k)10 swarms (30k)Necrons
Planetary Invasion23 phalanxes (50k)100 swarms (800k)Tyranids
Systemic Total War100 phalanxes (250k)1000+ swarms (100m+)Tyranids

In limited battles, Necron technology secures victory. But Tyranids can sustain losses infinitely where tomb worlds cannot. By the final stage, sheer attrition would allow enough evolutions to defeat Necron infantry completely. Only doomsday contingency weapons of last resort could prevent total consumption of all worlds by the swarm.

So in summary, I predict conflicts starting small favor Necrons but expand exponentially until Tyranids ultimately overwhelm them through endless numbers and adaptation. Let me know if you disagree!

Final Thoughts

I hope this analysis has provided some new, data-driven insights on why and how the Tyranids would battle the Necrons. As a Warhammer 40k superfan, I believe my simulations illustrate the inevitability of conflict between these invading xenos forces. Please subscribe for future deep dives analyzing other key faction faceoffs!

What are your thoughts? Which differences did I not consider fully? Let‘s discuss in the comments!

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