AI Content Performance: 6 Case Studies and Results

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed the world of content creation and search engine optimization (SEO). One of the most exciting applications is the use of AI-generated content to improve search rankings and drive organic traffic.

But does AI content actually perform well in search engines? In this post, we‘ll dive into 6 real-world case studies that showcase the results of using AI for SEO and content marketing. From ranking on competitive keywords to driving millions of visitors, these examples provide valuable insights into the power of AI.

Case Study 1: AI Pages Ranking on Technical SEO Term

Our first case study comes from Denmark, where two out of the top 10 pages ranking for the term "teknisk seo" were generated using AI. One page used ChatGPT, while the other used the platform.

Despite this being a competitive SEO term, both AI-generated pages are currently ranking on the first page of Google results. This is particularly impressive given that these pages are easy for AI detectors to identify as machine-written.

So how did these pages manage to rank so well? While Danish may be less competitive than English and Google‘s spam detection may be more relaxed for this language, the authority of the sites likely played a big role.

Both pages are on sites with a strong backlink profile and positive reputation. Google looks at factors like domain age, link quantity and quality, and brand searches to evaluate site authority. A high authority site publishing AI content may be given more trust than an unknown site doing the same.

It‘s also worth noting that well-optimized AI content on a relevant subtopic may face less competition than a broad keyword like "teknisk seo" as a whole. Focusing AI content on a specific long-tail keyword or search intent can help it rank.

Case Study 2: Driving Massive Traffic with AI Content

The next case study features, a popular finance website that has found great success with AI-generated content. By using AI to create informative pages on topics like "What is contribution margin?" and "What is financial liquidity?", Bankrate has reportedly driven hundreds of thousands of monthly visits.

One of the keys to Bankrate‘s success is its strong domain authority from decades online and a robust backlink profile. Google knows Bankrate is a trusted source, so it‘s more likely to rank the site‘s pages.

Bankrate also takes a smart approach to quality control. Subject matter experts review all AI-generated content before publication and perform fact-checking, editing and cleanup. Bankrate even adds author names to these pages and labels the content as AI-generated in line with Google‘s policies.

This human oversight ensures a high level of quality and accuracy so that the content truly provides value to readers. The AI content augments Bankrate‘s existing library with a high volume of useful, trustworthy information that searchers are looking for.

To replicate Bankrate‘s success with AI content, focus on topics where you have strong brand authority and put efficient quality control systems in place. Use AI to scale informative content creation while still maintaining accuracy and readability.

Case Study 3: An AI Page Ranking for "Automatic Writing Tools"

This case study hits closer to home – it‘s our own AI-generated page on automatic writing tools ranking at the bottom of page 1 on Google. This page isn‘t perfect, with a wall-of-text approach that could be improved to better meet search intent.

But the page is still providing some value to searchers and isn‘t being penalized by Google‘s algorithms. The on-page SEO has room for improvement, such as adding internal links and optimizing the title tag. But the core AI content is performing well enough to secure a page 1 spot.

This shows that even imperfect AI content can rank if it provides some value and relevance. The goal should always be to create the best possible page for the user. But "perfection" from an SEO standpoint isn‘t always necessary to see results, especially if the content matches search intent at a basic level.

Focus on creating useful content with AI rather than just stuffing keywords or trying to game the algorithms. A relevant AI article can outrank "SEO-optimized" content that fails to actually help the reader.

Case Study 4: Using AI to Boost Headline CTR by 59%

For our next case study, we‘ll look at how Denmark‘s TV 2 Fyn used AI-generated headlines to achieve a 59% increase in click-through rates (CTR). This study pitted ChatGPT-created headlines against human-written ones using A/B testing.

Over a 3-week period, TV 2 Fyn fed article text or summaries into ChatGPT and generated several headline options for each story. If the first try didn‘t succeed, they experimented with article tweaks or prompt adjustments until an engaging headline emerged. They then ran A/B tests using Chartbeat to measure CTR.

The results? In 46% of the tests, the AI headlines beat out the human ones, with a 59% average CTR increase. Surprisingly, the human headlines still performed slightly better overall, winning 51.2% of the head-to-head matchups. But the AI headlines were able to boost clicks significantly when they connected with readers.

This case study shows the potential of using AI to generate emotionally engaging, curiosity-inducing headlines that draw readers in. Journalists can save time coming up with headline options by using AI as a brainstorming partner.

However, using AI doesn‘t mean you have to completely hand over headline writing to the machines. TV 2 Fyn found success by keeping humans in the loop to guide the AI, make adjustments, and ultimately select the most impactful headline. This human-AI collaboration led to the strongest results.

Case Study 5: AI-Generated Content Driving Millions of Visitors on a New Domain

Up next, we have an intriguing case study that shows the potential of scaling AI content on a brand new domain. According to the creator Koray Gübür, his website went from 0 to millions of visits by publishing a high volume of content generated with AI tools.

Unfortunately, since the site is not public, we can‘t independently verify the details of this case study or go in-depth on the exact methods behind this rapid traffic growth. However, based on the information available, we can draw some insights.

The key here appears to be the use of AI to generate a large quantity of quality content in a short period of time. By identifying relevant topics and quickly creating content at scale, the site was able to build up authority and attract visitors in its niche.

Of course, scaling content with AI isn‘t a magic bullet. The content still needs to be high-quality, accurate, and valuable to readers. It also has to be optimized for search and promoted effectively. But this case study suggests that AI can be a powerful tool to give new sites a boost if used strategically.

Case Study 6: The Risks of Low-Quality AI Content

For our final case study, we‘ll look at a cautionary tale – The Verge‘s satirical article written entirely by ChatGPT. Titled "Best printer 2023: just buy this Brother laser printer everyone has, it‘s fine", the post pokes fun at generic product roundups by spouting vague statements written by AI.

The article currently ranks on the first page for the extremely competitive query "best printer 2023". But this high ranking is likely due to The Verge‘s exceptional site authority and backlink profile rather than the quality of the content itself.

In fact, The Verge intentionally published this as a joke to show how surface-level AI content can sometimes slip past Google‘s quality checks, at least initially. The article took mere seconds for ChatGPT to generate. It contains no real product insights – just a series of bland statements.

As Danny Sullivan from Google stated, AI content designed primarily for search engines with no attempt to provide helpful information or first-hand knowledge is against their guidelines. Google may not catch low-quality AI content immediately in every case, but it‘s a shortsighted strategy.

Metrics like dwell time, bounce rate and return visits will quickly show Google that the article fails to provide value to readers. The Verge‘s high authority may prop the page‘s rankings up for a bit. But long-term, low-quality AI content is unlikely to perform well in search even on authoritative domains.

The key takeaway? AI content still needs to be high-quality and written to provide genuine value to human readers, not just to game search algorithms. Shortcuts and low-effort AI content will likely be caught and devalued by Google over time.

Measuring the Success of Your AI-Generated Content

So how can you evaluate if your AI content is effective for SEO and your target audience? Here are a few key metrics to track:

  1. Search rankings and visibility for target keywords
  2. Organic traffic to AI-generated pages
  3. Engagement metrics like dwell time, bounce rate, and pages per session
  4. Conversion rates and goal completions by users arriving via AI content
  5. Natural backlinks and social shares of your AI content

By monitoring these metrics over time, you can assess whether your AI content is performing well in search while also providing value to users. Search rankings and traffic show how well your content is optimized and if it‘s reaching your audience. Engagement and conversion metrics show if users are actually finding your content helpful and relevant.

Best Practices for SEO-Friendly AI Content

Now that we‘ve seen the potential of AI content for SEO through these case studies, let‘s summarize some of the key best practices to follow:

  1. Use authoritative sites and authors to publish and promote AI content
  2. Implement human quality control to fact-check, edit and polish content
  3. Ensure AI content addresses specific searcher needs and intent
  4. Include on-page SEO optimization in AI-generated content
  5. Go beyond dry information by adding personality and emotional hooks
  6. Label AI-generated content to comply with Google‘s guidelines
  7. Regularly monitor AI content performance and adjust as needed

By following these guidelines, you can harness the power of AI to create high-performing SEO content at scale. The key is to find that sweet spot that combines the speed and efficiency of AI with human quality assurance and SEO know-how.

The Future Potential of AI-Generated Content

As the case studies in this article demonstrate, AI content is already moving the needle for SEO and content marketing. But the potential applications are just beginning.

We expect to see more brands using AI to generate social media posts that drive shares and engagement. AI could help marketers create highly personalized website and email copy that converts. As generative AI tools advance, we may see AI-generated images, videos and interactive content becoming a key part of SEO and digital marketing strategies.

The rise of AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants will also open up new opportunities. Imagine an AI tool that can analyze thousands of customer interactions to identify top content ideas and then automatically generate blog posts, FAQ pages, and support docs to address those needs.

Of course, AI is not a replacement for human creativity and expertise. The most successful content will likely come from a collaboration between skilled human marketers and powerful AI systems. By using AI to enhance and streamline content production, brands can create higher volumes of quality content and connect with audiences in new ways.


As these case studies show, AI-generated content has the potential to drive meaningful SEO results. When used strategically on authoritative sites and with proper quality control, AI can help content rank well for competitive terms and drive significant organic traffic.

But like any tool, AI content generation must be used responsibly. Focus on providing real value to human readers, not just trying to trick the search algorithms. By combining the power of AI with SEO and content marketing best practices, you can create content that performs well in search and resonates with your target audience.

Whether you‘re an established authority site or a brand new domain, AI can help you scale up quality content creation and compete in even the most challenging SEO niches. The key is using AI as an enhancement to your content strategy, not a cheap shortcut or replacement for real value.

Review the key takeaways from these case studies, implement AI in your content workflows thoughtfully, and measure the results. With the right approach, AI has the potential to take your organic marketing to new heights.

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