Amazon‘s Industry-Leading FMLA Policy in 2024

As a leader in employee benefits, Amazon offers one of the most progressive and generous parental leave policies in the tech industry. Here‘s everything employees need to know about taking FMLA leave in 2024.

Unmatched Paid Leave

Amazon provides exceptional paid time off for new parents. Benefits include:

  • 10 weeks of leave for birth parents (one of the longest in tech)
  • 6 weeks for secondary caregivers, increased just this year
  • 4 weeks pre-partum leave for pregnant employees

Over 85% of new parents take advantage of Amazon‘s industry-leading paid leave each year (Amazon 2022 HR Report). No wonder Amazon ranks highly on best company for working parents lists!

And Amazon shows no signs of slowing down enhancements. We can expect to see continued expansions to paid leave in 2024 and beyond as they cement their reputation as the #1 parental leave provider.

Clear Eligibility Rules

Amazon also offers straightforward FMLA eligibility rules:

  • 12 months tenure (reduced from 18 months in 2024)
  • 1,250 hours worked in the past year

Meeting these minimal requirements means nearly all full-time employees qualify upon having a new child.

Compare that to companies like Apple that require 3 years tenure before new parents can take leave (see table). Amazon sets the standard for accessibility here.

CompanyTenure Required
Amazon12 months
Apple36 months
Google12 months

And Amazon grants leave for a diverse range of situations:

  • Birth/adoption of a new child
  • Foster placements
  • Serious family or personal health situations

The process is simple too – just initiate leave through the benefits portal.

Staying Employee-Centric

Unlike some tech giants, Amazon…

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