Are all the Hitman games connected?

In short – yes, the whole Hitman series featuring everyone‘s favorite barcoded assassin essentially tells one contiguous story. While some rebooting and retconning has occurred, plus a shift to an episodic structure in recent times, the through line remains – Agent 47 relentlessly pursuing his targets per his ICA handler Diana Burnwood‘s orders across the globe, one precisely-executed kill at a time.

But to truly appreciate the interconnectedness of the dozen-or-so strong Hitman game catalogue requires a deeper dive into the lore and gameplay innovations that collectively keep fans returning for more, so let‘s analyze in detail!

The Hitman Story So Far…

Here is a complete chronology of the games and how their stories, characters and events relate:

GameRelease YearStory Summary & Connections
Hitman: Codename 472000The first title introduces the cloning program that birthed Agent 47 at the Ort-Meyer Asylum in Romania. We see his escape and first contracts with the Agency.
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin2002A direct sequel showing 47 recruited back unwillingly for the Agency and introduced to his long-time handler Diana Burnwood.
Hitman: Contracts2004Serves as a prequel looking back at some of 47‘s very earliest missions and Links Codename 47 with later games.
Hitman: Blood Money2006Follows 47‘s continued exploits including protecting a US Senator and eliminating targets monitored by rival franchise The Franchise.
Hitman: Absolution2012Sees 47 go rogue to protect a young woman Victoria while being pursued by his former Agency. Ends with Diana saving them.
Hitman (2016)2016Soft reboot but references past events like Ort-Meyer Asylum and 47‘s bar code. Episodic structure focusing on complex assassinations.
Hitman 22018Direct sequel to 2016 release with new targets for 47 and world locations. References past characters like Lucas Grey.
Hitman 32021Final part of the World of Assassination trilogy, but certainly not the end for everyone‘s favorite sharp-dressed killer.

As summarized above, while there has been some rebooting in recent years, the story absolutely continues 47‘s career punctuated by key characters like Diana while adding depth like revelations on his cloning origins.

And the narratives are complemented by the ever-evolving gameplay…

Gameplay and Mechanic Innovations Over Time

Core to the Hitman formula are the ability to don clever disguises to infiltrate secure locations, utilize an array of weapons and tools, and approach objectives based on preference for stealth or aggression. And the series has built upon these staples in innovative ways:

  • AI – Enemy awareness, reactions and pursuit has grown exponentially more realistic from basic scripts to adaptive responses to player actions.
  • Disguises – More detailed outfits now with visibility levels that impact how much you can get away with before suspicion rises.
  • Stealth – Shadowy corners and hiding spots combined with distraction items like coins for silent assassinations.
  • Creator Tools – Contracts mode in newer titles allows players to craft their own missions for others to try.

Other niceties like mini-maps, challenge levels and better graphics polish the experience, but central has remained eliminating targets in the most creative of ways.

Review scores aggregated by Open Critic
open critic site with review score aggregates for hitman games

demonstrate this upward trajectory in quality and fun, further evidenced by growing player numbers:

GameOpenCritic ScoreSteam Player Count
Hitman84%12,000 avg players
Hitman 287%15,000+ avg players
Hitman 388%27,000+ avg players

We can anticipate more polish as well as inventiveness in any future Hitman titles given the commitment to building upon past achievements in such a proven franchise.

Where could the story go next? Perhaps deeper dives into 47‘s origins at Ort-Meyer or connections to Victoria from Absolution. And upcoming games could further innovate with community-created scenarios or virtual reality given Hitman 3‘s PSVR mode proved hugely popular
Article on Hitman 3‘s acclaimed VR mode

. The possibilities are endless!

So in summary, while the Hitman games have seen different developers, shifts in structure, and soft reboots, the through line persists both narratively and mechanically. Agent 47‘s story is one continuous bloody thread filled with contracts, clones and creative kills that proves without doubt all the Hitman games are connected!

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