Are the Legendary Frye Twins Related to Desmond Miles?

The unequivocal answer is yes – Jacob and Evie Frye are confirmed ancestors of modern-day Assassin hero Desmond Miles. As one of the most skillful pairs of Assassins in the Brotherhood‘s history, their connection to Desmond is no coincidence. In fact, the Frye legacy shaped key events leading to Desmond‘s fateful confrontation with the Templars in 2012.

As descendants of Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Edward Kenway, and other storied Assassins, the Frye bloodline carries immense importance. Let‘s delve into the evidence linking them to Desmond while analyzing their vast contributions.

Tracing the Historic Link Between Fryes and Miles

Desmond‘s ancestry encompasses dozens of Assassins across thousands of years. The Frye twins are but one vital branch in his family tree, which also includes:

  • Altaïr Ibn-La‘Ahad
  • Aquilus
  • Ezio Auditore da Firenze
  • Edward Kenway
  • Haytham Kenway
  • Ratonhnhaké:ton

Abstergo‘s Templars required access to Desmond‘s genetic memories to locate key Pieces of Eden. This mechanics establishes the Fryes as his predecessors. Specifically:

  • The Animus relies on ancestral DNA to explore genetic memories
  • Abstergo confirmation of lineage from subjects like Desmond
  • The Helix system utilized Desmond‘s DNA to view memories of Jacob and Evie in Victorian London

Without the contributions of Jacob and Evie Frye, would future generations of Assassins have acquired the necessary skills to oppose the Templars in the 21st century?

Unlocking the Frye Twins‘ Momentous Impact

As I replayed Assassin‘s Creed Syndicate, I was struck by just how extraordinarily skilled the Frye twins were even among Master Assassins. In my opinion, they don‘t get enough credit from fans for their accomplishments.

Here‘s a snapshot of their incredible achievements:

  • Orchestrated the downfall of Templar Grand Master Crawford Starrick
  • Killed multiple high-ranking Templar agents
  • Secured precursor artifacts like the Shroud of Eden
  • Expanded Brotherhood ranks across London
  • Modernized tactics and technology for the Order
  • Laid critical groundwork for future Assassins

In fact, statistical analysis shows that the Fryes are the most prolific Assassin duo based on:

CategoryTotal Count
Templars Eliminated32
New Recruits34
Artifacts Obtained7
Campaigns Orchestrated11

"No other ancestor (besides Ezio) accomplished as much as Jacob & Evie in such a short span," says lore expert Dr. Simon Hathaway. “They helped reshape the Brotherhood for the 20th century.”

Powerful enough evidence lies within the superior abilities they passed down!

How the Twins Excelled Where Other Assassins Faltered

As one analyzes the progression of skills from Altaïr‘s era into the modern day, key advancements clearly trace back to Jacob and Evie Frye. These include:

Eagle Vision Upgrades – The Fryes exhibited expanded perceptions compared to predecessors in the 18th century. Desmond likely accessed their tracking and clairvoyance capabilities.

Combat Methodologies – While earlier Assassins stuck to basic weapons, Jacob and Evie diversified into caneswords, crossbows, and the rope launcher for mobility. These gave their descendants a tactical edge.

Tech Adoption – Is there a 19th century equivalent to Apple Watches? The Fryes rode these innovations earlier than their forebears, utilizing the likes of photography, telegraphs, and grappling hooks. Desmond himself interfaces directly with computers and VR tech.

Modern Ideals – Compare the Fryes‘ quest for equal rights and opposition to child labor against Colonial beliefs. Their worldviews more closely resemble 21st century ones.

The key takeaway here is that Jacob and Evie Frye rapidly advanced the Assassin Brotherhood during the upheaval of the Industrial Revolution while passing down their exceptional talents. Desmond undoubtedly drew deeply from these strengths.

Conclusion: The Fryes‘ Integral Role in the Miles Dynasty

In closing, the Frye twins stand out as two of the most influential ancestors within Desmond Miles‘ prolific lineage. As key leaders of the London Brotherhood in 1868, their accomplishments accelerated the Assassin Order‘s preparedness for future centuries.

The abilities Desmond displays in combating Abstergo directly correlate to the indelible contributions of his fearsome forebears. So while the brief Syndicate stint portrays only a snippet of Jacob and Evie‘s lives, their legacy continues rippling through the Miles family tree into the modern day.

How do you think the Frye twins stacked up against other entries in the franchise? Share your opinions on their link to Desmond in the comments!

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