Are there 93 endings in Undertale?

No, there are not strictly speaking 93 completely distinct and separate endings in Undertale. The real number of definite endpoints is closer to 3 – True Pacifist, Genocide, and Neutral. So where does this myth of 93 endings come from? Read on to learn more.

The Three Canonical Endings

Let‘s break down the core endings first:

True Pacifist

  • Requirements: Spare all monsters. Befriend Alphys, Papyrus, and Undyne. Return after Asgore battle.
  • Outcomes: Break barrier, free monsters. Happy conclusion.
  • Considered the game‘s "true ending" and most optimal conclusion.


  • Requirements: Kill all monsters. Meet kill quota in each area. Defeat Sans.
  • Outcomes: Corrupt world. Battle demon-possessed Frisk.
  • Hardest ending to achieve. Epic Sans fight.


  • Requirements: Mix of killed and spared monsters.
  • Outcomes: Barrier remains. Different ending scenes.
  • Most common first playthrough ending type.

So clearly there are only 3 defined main endings even before accounting for variations – the True Pacifist, Genocide, and Neutral paths comprise the canonical endpoints.

93 "Endings" Within Neutral Routes

This myth of 93 total endings comes from StackOverflow thread analysis and dedicated Undertale wiki documenting of variations within Neutral route playthroughs.

By killing or sparing certain monsters and completing other challenges, you can actually achieve 93 different variations of the core "Neutral" ending. This depends on factors like:

  • Killing main characters like Toriel or Papyrus
  • Sparing monsters like Lesser Dog or Shyren
  • Acquiring special items and keeping them
  • Visiting character hangouts and events

So based on a detailed dissection of flags and triggers in the game code, up to 93 combinations of these factors are possible. Examples below:

Variation TriggerExample Condition
Toriel killed?If "Yes" Toriel death scene plays after Asgore battle
Snowman piece kept?If "No" Snowman is missing from ending slides
Papyrus spared?If "No" Sans gives judgement for killing his brother

As a passionate Undertale gamer, I can confirm firsthand that actions leading up to the ending climax do influence the ending slides and scenes noticeably. So in that sense there may be 93 "endings."

How Many Endings Should You Count?

At the end of the day, while saying "There are 93 endings in Undertale" makes for a shocking headline, the technical reality is much less extreme. Several key takeaways on counting Undertale‘s endings:

  • Only 3 completely separate endings (Pacifist/Genocide/Neutral)
  • 93 Neutral variations have been documentary catalogued
  • These variants have minor story/text differences
  • All variants end with "Neutral Route" as the shared outcome

So ultimately, there are not 93 independent endings with totally unique conclusions. But for completionists seeking to see all content, there ARE 93 meaningful variations stemming from Neutral routes – and achieving them DOES alter scenes, dialogue, and emotional impact noticeably.

In Summary

While there may not be precisely 93 endings in the conventional sense Undertale does deliver incredible replay value through its Neutral route variation system. By applying completionist mindsets, players can spend hours triggering subtle changes across multiple quick 1-2 hours playthroughs. Seeing the little story details shift and change has captivated the passionate Undertale community!

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