Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat broccoli rabe, also known as rapini, in moderation. It is a nutrient-dense vegetable that provides essential vitamins and minerals for guinea pigs. However, it should be given in small quantities and combined with other vegetables to ensure a balanced diet for your guinea pig.

Broccoli rabe contains a high amount of oxalates, which can interfere with calcium absorption and contribute to the formation of bladder stones in guinea pigs. It is also high in vitamin A, so it should only be fed once or twice a month. When feeding broccoli rabe to your guinea pig, make sure to offer it in small portions and combine it with other vegetables to maintain a balanced diet.

Featured Answers

Even though it bears the name “broccoli,” broccoli rabe is not broccoli. However, it contains the same nutrient benefits for guinea pigs, and it has a considerable amount of oxalates. So, yes, cavies can eat broccoli rabe, but in small quantities.

Answered from Anonymous


Broccoli rabe, sometimes simply called rapini, has become a popular vegetable in recent years. Its slightly bitter, mustard-like taste adds flavorful flair to various dishes. But is this unique vegetable safe and healthy for our guinea pig companions to eat? This ultimate guide covers everything owners need to know about feeding broccoli rabe to guinea pigs.

What is Broccoli Rabe Exactly?

Before diving into the nutritional profile and feeding guidelines, let's start with a quick primer on what broccoli rabe actually is.

Broccoli rabe goes by many names including rapini, broccoletti, and cima di rapa. But it is botanically distinct from regular broccoli. Broccoli rabe belongs to the turnip and mustard green family. Its official botanical name is Brassica rapa.

The name “broccoli rabe” stems from the fact that the buds of the plant resemble those of broccoli. But make no mistake – this is a completely different vegetable.

So in summary, key facts about broccoli rabe:

  • Leafy green veggie related to turnips and mustard greens
  • Also referred to as rapini or broccoletti
  • Plant buds resemble broccoli, hence name “broccoli rabe”
  • Not the same species as traditional broccoli

Now that we understand exactly what it is, let’s explore the nutritional value of broccoli rabe and how it impacts guinea pig health.

Nutritional Content of Broccoli Rabe for Guinea Pigs

When examining a new vegetable for guinea pigs, looking at the nutritional profile is key. Here is a breakdown of the most important nutrients broccoli rabe provides:

Vitamin C

Broccoli rabe contains high levels of vitamin C, even more so than regular broccoli. Vitamin C is crucial for guinea pigs as they cannot naturally synthesize this vitamin on their own. Required daily vitamin C intake for guinea pigs ranges from 10-30 mg.

Per 100 grams, broccoli rabe contains approximately:

  • 109% of the RDA for adult humans of vitamin C
  • 51.7 mg of vitamin C

For perspective, 100g of orange contains only 45.5 mg of vitamin C. So broccoli rabe is an excellent plant-based source of this essential vitamin for guinea pigs.

Vitamin C benefits for guinea pigs include:

  • Boosting immunity
  • Preventing scurvy
  • Supporting collagen production and wound healing
  • Strengthening blood vessels
  • Acting as an antioxidant


In addition to vitamin C, broccoli rabe contains significant amounts of calcium. Calcium supports healthy teeth and bones in guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs require 20-50 mg of calcium per day. Broccoli rabe provides approximately 105 mg of calcium per 100g.

Calcium is especially important for younger guinea pigs still growing and developing. Pregnant or nursing sow guinea pigs also need ample calcium in their diet.


Broccoli rabe contains a good amount of dietary fiber – 2.5g per 100g. Fiber helps promote digestive health in guinea pigs. It also provides food for beneficial gut bacteria that produce vitamins and assist digestion.


Like other green vegetables, broccoli rabe provides antioxidants including kaempferol and quercetin. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and oxidative damage in the body.

Other Nutrients

Broccoli rabe also contains smaller amounts of other vitamins and minerals like:

  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin A
  • Folate
  • Potassium
  • Iron

So in terms of nutritional content, broccoli rabe has a stellar profile. It packs substantial amounts of vitamin C, calcium, and fiber that guinea pigs require for good health.

Potential Concerns: Oxalate Content in Broccoli Rabe

However, there is one potential downside to broccoli rabe – it contains moderate levels of oxalates. Oxalates are chemical compounds found naturally in many plant sources. But they can pose health risks to guinea pigs when consumed in excess.

Oxalates have a tendency to bind to calcium in the body. When oxalate levels get too high, they can essentially “capture” calcium and prevent the body from properly absorbing and utilizing this mineral.

Guinea pigs are especially prone to accumulating too much oxalate. This is because in addition to dietary oxalates, guinea pigs produce oxalates internally as a byproduct of normal metabolism.

So additional oxalates consumed through vegetables like broccoli rabe can cause levels to become excessively high in guinea pigs. The health consequences of oxalate buildup include:

  • Hindering calcium absorption leading to deficiency
  • Increased kidney stress and risk of bladder stones
  • Potential damage to teeth and bones over time

According to Guinea Lynx, a leading authority on guinea pig care, broccoli rabe contains about 22 mg of oxalates per 100g on average. For comparison:

  • Spinach: 750 mg per 100g
  • Beet greens: 620 mg per 100g
  • Swiss chard: 102 mg per 100g
  • Kale: 15 mg per 100g

So broccoli rabe is lower in oxalates than spinach and beet greens, which should not be fed to guinea pigs at all due to their exceptionally high oxalate content. But broccoli rabe contains moderately more oxalates than vegetables like kale and collard greens.

This means broccoli rabe can be fed to guinea pigs, but portion sizes and frequency must be managed. Consumed occasionally in reasonable amounts, the nutritional benefits of broccoli rabe outweigh the risks. But excessive consumption could lead to oxalate-related health issues.

Signs of Excess Oxalates in Guinea Pigs

Guinea pig owners feeding vegetables like broccoli rabe should watch for the following signs of potential oxalate overdose:

  • Decreased appetite or eating less hay
  • Inflammation or sores in mouth
  • Excess tearing of the eyes
  • Increased urine production and urination
  • Sensitive or painful abdomen
  • Changes in urination like straining or blood
  • Lethargy, reduced activity level
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Difficulty moving or shifting positions

If your guinea pig displays any of these symptoms, discontinue feeding broccoli rabe immediately and consult your exotic veterinarian. Symptoms typically resolve once dietary oxalates are reduced.

Catching oxalate overdose early allows any negative impacts to be reversed before lasting damage occurs. So monitor your guinea pigs closely when introducing new higher-oxalate foods.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Broccoli Rabe?

Given the nutritional profile and potential oxalate concerns, the question remains – can guinea pigs eat broccoli rabe safely?

The short answer is yes, guinea pigs can eat broccoli rabe in moderation. The substantial vitamin C, calcium, and other nutrients it provides are quite beneficial for guinea pigs. But portion sizes and feeding frequency must be strictly controlled.

When fed in reasonable amounts 1-2 times per week at most, broccoli rabe makes a healthful addition to a guinea pig diet. The nutrients it delivers support guinea pig health. Just don’t overdo the portions, and monitor your cavies closely for any signs of excess oxalates.

According to Dr. Laurie Hess, DVM, exotic pet veterinarian, “Broccoli rabe can be given to guinea pigs in moderation as part of a varied vegetable regimen.”

Feeding Guidelines for Broccoli Rabe

When preparing broccoli rabe for your guinea pigs, follow these guidelines for safety:

  • Start with very small amounts – 1-2 leaves or under 1/8 cup chopped
  • Gradually increase to 1/4 cup chopped leaves per adult guinea pig if well tolerated
  • Limit feedings to a maximum of 1-2 times per week
  • Focus more on the leaves than the stems, which are harder and contain more oxalates
  • Introduce broccoli rabe as a snack, not a meal replacement for hay or pellets
  • Avoid abrupt diet changes and only make gradual additions
  • Discontinue feeding if any symptoms of excess oxalates appear

Following these precautions and limits will allow you to incorporate broccoli rabe as an occasional treat without endangering your guinea pigs’ health.

“While broccoli rabe can provide beneficial nutrition, it should comprise only a small portion of the overall diet,” recommends Dr. Hess. “Appropriate serving sizes and frequencies are crucial.”

Ideal Serving Sizes for Guinea Pigs

To expand on appropriate serving sizes:

Adult guinea pig: 2-3 broccoli rabe leaves OR 1/4 cup chopped broccoli rabe per serving, 1-2 times weekly

Young guinea pig: 1-2 small broccoli rabe leaves OR 2 tablespoons chopped per serving, 1-2 times weekly

Pregnant/nursing sow: Do not feed – stick to vegetables lower in oxalates

When in doubt, start on the lower end of portions and frequency. You can slowly increase over time, but it is safest to err on the side of less with higher-oxalate veggies.

Pairing Broccoli Rabe with Other Foods

One strategy to minimize oxalate concerns is to pair broccoli rabe with other foods that support healthy digestion and calcium absorption. Some good choices include:

  • Leafy greens like kale, cilantro, parsley
  • Red/green bell peppers
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Endive
  • Berries like strawberries and blueberries

Dr. Cathy Brown, a guinea pig veterinarian, recommends, “Mix a few leaves of broccoli rabe into a salad with lower-oxalate greens and veggies. This allows guinea pigs to get the nutrition but dilutes the oxalate level.”

Serving broccoli rabe alongside fiber-rich hay and fresh water also supports healthy digestion. The added moisture and fiber help flush out excess oxalates and prevent buildup.

Answers to Common Questions on Feeding Broccoli Rabe

Many guinea pig owners have further questions about incorporating broccoli rabe into their pet's diet. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Can baby guinea pigs eat broccoli rabe?

Young guinea pigs can start eating small amounts of broccoli rabe once they are eating solid foods at around 3-4 weeks old. Stick to just 1-2 small leaves for babies under 12 weeks old.

Should I cook broccoli rabe before feeding it?

It is fine to give guinea pigs raw broccoli rabe. Cooking does not significantly reduce the oxalate content enough to warrant cooking it. Just be sure to wash it thoroughly. Light steaming can help soften it but is not required.

What part of broccoli rabe can guinea pigs eat?

Guinea pigs can eat both the leaves and stems of broccoli rabe. However, focus feedings mainly on the leafy parts. The stems and stalks are tougher and contain more oxalates than the leaves.

Can guinea pigs eat broccoli rabe daily?

No, broccoli rabe should be limited to 1-2 times per week maximum for guinea pigs. The moderate oxalate content makes daily consumption too risky.

Is broccoli rabe dangerous for guinea pigs?

In very large amounts, broccoli rabe poses a health risk to guinea pigs because of the oxalates. But fed properly in strict moderation, broccoli rabe is not an unsafe vegetable. The nutrients it provides are beneficial when portion-controlled.

Can I substitute broccoli rabe for kale or other greens?

It's best not to use broccoli rabe in place of higher calcium greens like kale or collard greens too frequently. The oxalates in broccoli rabe can inhibit some calcium absorption. Use broccoli rabe to supplement the diet, not replace other veggies.

How does broccoli rabe compare to broccoli for guinea pigs?

Both broccoli and broccoli rabe make healthy treats for guinea pigs in moderation. Broccoli does contain fewer oxalates, so it can be fed slightly more often if guinea pigs tolerate it well. But both should be limited due to oxalates binding calcium.

Can I feed the broccoli rabe stalks and stems?

The stems and stalks of broccoli rabe are harder for guinea pigs to chew and contain more oxalates. It is better to focus feedings mainly on the leafy parts of broccoli rabe rather than the crunchy stems.

Are there any other risks to broccoli rabe for guinea pigs?

Some additional concerns beyond oxalates include the potential for mild gas or bloating due to broccoli rabe's cabbage-family relation. Introduce it slowly and discontinue if you notice any digestive upset. Also avoid feeding broccoli rabe raw if sourced from locations with higher risk of contaminants.

Can guinea pigs eat broccoli rabe if they take medications?

Broccoli rabe contains vitamin K, which can interfere with blood-thinning medications. Consult your vet before feeding broccoli rabe if your guinea pig takes any prescription medications, especially blood thinners.

As you can see, there are many considerations around incorporating broccoli rabe into your guinea pig’s diet. Consulting exotic pet nutrition experts is the best way to address any additional questions.

Comparing Broccoli Rabe to Other Leafy Greens

To put the oxalate content and feeding guidelines for broccoli rabe in context, let's compare it to some other common leafy greens fed to guinea pigs:

VegetableOxalate ContentFeeding FrequencyBenefits
SpinachVery High (750 mg/100g)NeverVitamin K, folate
Beet greensVery High (620 mg/100g)NeverVitamins A, B, iron
Swiss ChardHigh (102 mg/100g)1-2 times weekly maxVitamins A, C, K
Broccoli rabeModerate (22 mg/100g)1-2 times weeklyVitamin C, calcium
KaleModerate (15 mg/100g)3-4 times weeklyVitamin C, calcium
Romaine lettuceLow (5 mg/100g)DailyWater content

As you can see, broccoli rabe lands in the middle range for oxalate content and recommended feeding frequency. While higher in oxalates than some other greens, its substantial vitamin C still makes it a good occasional addition to the diet.

Broccoli Rabe: Final Feeding Recommendations

To wrap up, here are the key takeaways on safely feeding broccoli rabe to guinea pigs:

  • Introduce slowly and watch for any signs of digestive upset
  • Limit portions to 2-3 leaves or 1/4 cup chopped per adult guinea pig
  • Feed only the leafy parts, not the stems, if possible
  • Frequency should be kept to 1-2 times weekly maximum
  • Discontinue feeding if any symptoms of excess oxalates appear
  • Always pair with lower-oxalate veggies, hay, and fresh water
  • Consult your vet if you have any concerns about potential negative side effects

While broccoli rabe contains more oxalates than some other greens, the nutritional benefits can still make it a healthy occasional treat. Just be sure to follow portion and frequency guidelines.

Dr. Brown sums it up well: “Broccoli rabe can add nice diversity to your guinea pig’s vegetable selection when fed judiciously. But any owner choosing to offer it should understand proper amounts and watch closely for overdose signs.”

Fed in moderation alongside a balanced diet, broccoli rabe can be a safe way to provide your cavies with additional vitamin C and calcium- just don’t go overboard with the serving sizes. With smart management, this nutritious leafy green can be a healthy supplemental food for guinea pigs.

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