No, You Cannot Swap Combat Modes in Pillars of Eternity 2

Unlike some other RPGs, Pillars of Eternity 2 does not allow switching between real-time with pause (RTWP) and turn-based combat without the use of console commands and mods. This choice must be made when starting a new campaign as it fundamentally impacts various gameplay systems.

RTWP vs Turn-Based – Key Differences

The table below summarizes some major variations between the two combat modes:

PacingFaster, continuousSlower, structured by turns
ControlMore chaoticMore organized
Class BalanceSkews toward castersNormalizes builds
Learning CurveSteeperMore accessible
  • In RTWP, the action flows quickly with everything happening simultaneously – making it harder to micromanage but also more chaotic
  • Turn-based segments combat into distinct turns, allowing methodical moves and responses – less hectic but slower
  • Casters in RTWP can overwhelm encounters with spell combos faster than opponents can react – turn delays reduce this
  • New players tend to favor turn-based as it‘s easier to grasp and direct character actions

So weigh these tradeoffs when choosing a mode for your playstyle preferences!

Most Players Prefer Turn-Based Combat

In community polls ranking combat systems, turn-based consistently comes out on top:

Common feedback seems to be it‘s more tactical and controlled while retaining challenge. Of course personal preference plays a role too!

Pillars 2 vs Pillars 1 – Major Improvements

Pillars of Eternity 2 makes significant strides over its predecessor:

  • Level cap increased from 12 to 20
  • Multiclassing now supplements rather than restricts
  • Streamlined progression systems
  • Much richer, vibrant open world
  • Enhanced companion interactions/quests
  • Overall higher reactivity to choices

Reviews consistently rate Deadfire higher – it refines and expands on the original foundation into the best IE-inspired RPG yet.

Getting The Most Out of Turn-Based Combat

To really master Pillars 2‘s turn-based mode, understand these key mechanics:

Initiative – faster characters act earlier in turn rotation

  • Prioritize Dexterity, Perception, and Wits
  • Use Haste/Expeditious Retreat to manipulate turn order

Surfaces – create AoEs that hinder/damage enemies in an area

  • Grease, Slicken, Fire/Acid/Frost traps
  • Force enemies to waste turns moving

Flanking – melee attacks from behind confer accuracy and crit bonuses

  • Monks can spam Flurry attacks with perfect flanks
  • Rogues gain tremendous damage potential

See this excellent steam guide for even more advanced tips and tactics.

The turn-based system opens up lots of strategic possibilities – experiment and discover powerful combos!

Closing Thoughts

While swapping between RTWP and TB mid-campaign isn‘t possible, both combat modes offer satisfying challenges through different approaches. Weigh their differences to choose the right fit, as the developers designed each method for distinct playstyles. And you can always start another playthrough to enjoy both!

For me, turn-based edges out RTWP through superior tactical control and class representation. But it comes down to player preference – the most important tip is to engage with whichever mode keeps you immersed and having fun leading your customized party to adventure!

Let me know your thoughts on Deadfire‘s combat systems in the comments! Do you prefer one mode? Share your experiences and tips…

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